Source code for mbuild.coordinate_transform

"""Coordinate transformation functions."""
from warnings import simplefilter, warn

simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning)

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv, norm, svd

from mbuild.utils.exceptions import RemovedFuncError

__all__ = [
    # Deprecated

[docs]def force_overlap(move_this, from_positions, to_positions, add_bond=True): """Move a Compound such that a position overlaps with another. Computes an affine transformation that maps the from_positions to the respective to_positions, and applies this transformation to the compound. Parameters ---------- move_this : mb.Compound The Compound to be moved. from_positions : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 3), dtype=float Original positions. to_positions : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 3), dtype=float New positions. add_bond : bool, optional, default=True If `from_positions` and `to_positions` are `Ports`, create a bond between the two anchor atoms. """ from mbuild.port import Port T = None if isinstance(from_positions, (list, tuple)) and isinstance( to_positions, (list, tuple) ): equivalence_pairs = zip(from_positions, to_positions) elif isinstance(from_positions, Port) and isinstance(to_positions, Port): equivalence_pairs, T = _choose_correct_port( from_positions, to_positions ) from_positions.used = True to_positions.used = True else: equivalence_pairs = [(from_positions, to_positions)] if not T: T = _create_equivalence_transform(equivalence_pairs) atom_positions = move_this.xyz_with_ports atom_positions = T.apply_to(atom_positions) move_this.xyz_with_ports = atom_positions if add_bond: if isinstance(from_positions, Port) and isinstance(to_positions, Port): if not from_positions.anchor or not to_positions.anchor: warn("Attempting to form bond from port that has no anchor") else: from_positions.anchor.parent.add_bond( (from_positions.anchor, to_positions.anchor) ) to_positions.anchor.parent.add_bond( (from_positions.anchor, to_positions.anchor) ) from_positions.anchor.parent.remove(from_positions) to_positions.anchor.parent.remove(to_positions)
class CoordinateTransform(object): """Coordinate transforms.""" def __init__(self, T=None): if T is None: T = np.eye(4) self.T = T self.Tinv = inv(T) def apply_to(self, A): """Apply the coordinate transformation to points in A.""" if A.ndim == 1: A = np.expand_dims(A, axis=0) rows, cols = A.shape A_new = np.hstack([A, np.ones((rows, 1))]) A_new = np.transpose( return A_new[:, 0:cols] class Translation(CoordinateTransform): """Cartesian translation.""" def __init__(self, P): T = np.eye(4) T[0, 3] = P[0] T[1, 3] = P[1] T[2, 3] = P[2] super(Translation, self).__init__(T) class RotationAroundZ(CoordinateTransform): """Rotation around the z-axis.""" def __init__(self, theta): T = np.eye(4) T[0, 0] = np.cos(theta) T[0, 1] = -np.sin(theta) T[1, 0] = np.sin(theta) T[1, 1] = np.cos(theta) super(RotationAroundZ, self).__init__(T) class RotationAroundY(CoordinateTransform): """Rotation around the y-axis.""" def __init__(self, theta): T = np.eye(4) T[0, 0] = np.cos(theta) T[0, 2] = np.sin(theta) T[2, 0] = -np.sin(theta) T[2, 2] = np.cos(theta) super(RotationAroundY, self).__init__(T) class RotationAroundX(CoordinateTransform): """Rotation around the x-axis.""" def __init__(self, theta): T = np.eye(4) T[1, 1] = np.cos(theta) T[1, 2] = -np.sin(theta) T[2, 1] = np.sin(theta) T[2, 2] = np.cos(theta) super(RotationAroundX, self).__init__(T) class Rotation(CoordinateTransform): """Rotation around vector by angle theta.""" def __init__(self, theta, around): assert around.size == 3 T = np.eye(4) s = np.sin(theta) c = np.cos(theta) t = 1 - c n = around / norm(around) x = n[0] y = n[1] z = n[2] m = np.array( [ [t * x * x + c, t * x * y - s * z, t * x * z + s * y], [t * x * y + s * z, t * y * y + c, t * y * z - s * x], [t * x * z - s * y, t * y * z + s * x, t * z * z + c], ] ) T[0:3, 0:3] = m super(Rotation, self).__init__(T) class ChangeOfBasis(CoordinateTransform): """Convert the basis of coordinates to another basis.""" def __init__(self, basis, origin=None): assert np.shape(basis) == (3, 3) if origin is None: origin = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) T = np.eye(4) T[0:3, 0:3] = basis T = inv(T) T[0:3, 3:4] = -np.array([origin]).transpose() super(ChangeOfBasis, self).__init__(T) class AxisTransform(CoordinateTransform): """Axis transform.""" def __init__( self, new_origin=None, point_on_x_axis=None, point_on_xy_plane=None ): if new_origin is None: new_origin = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if point_on_x_axis is None: point_on_x_axis = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if point_on_xy_plane is None: point_on_xy_plane = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) # Change the basis such that p1 is the origin, p2 is on the x axis and # p3 is in the xy plane. p1 = new_origin p2 = point_on_x_axis # positive x axis p3 = point_on_xy_plane # positive y part of the x axis # The direction vector of our new x axis. newx = unit_vector(p2 - p1) p3_u = unit_vector(p3 - p1) newz = unit_vector(np.cross(newx, p3_u)) newy = np.cross(newz, newx) # Translation that moves new_origin to the origin. T_tr = np.eye(4) T_tr[0:3, 3:4] = -np.array([p1]).transpose() # Rotation that moves newx to the x axis, newy to the y axis, newz to # the z axis. B = np.eye(4) B[0:3, 0:3] = np.vstack((newx, newy, newz)) # The concatentaion of translation and rotation. B_tr =, T_tr) super(AxisTransform, self).__init__(B_tr) class RigidTransform(CoordinateTransform): """Computes the rigid transformation that maps points A to points B. See rep1&type=pdf Parameters ---------- A : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 3), dtype=float Points in source coordinate system. B : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 3), dtype=float Points in destination coordinate system. """ def __init__(self, A, B): rows, _ = np.shape(A) centroid_A = np.mean(A, axis=0) centroid_B = np.mean(B, axis=0) centroid_A.shape = (1, 3) centroid_B.shape = (1, 3) H = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float) for i in range(rows): H = H + np.transpose(A[i, :] - centroid_A).dot( (B[i, :] - centroid_B) ) U, _, V = svd(H) V = np.transpose(V) R = C_A = np.eye(3) C_A = np.vstack( [ np.hstack([C_A, np.transpose(centroid_A) * -1.0]), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]), ] ) R_new = np.vstack( [np.hstack([R, np.array([[0], [0], [0]])]), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])] ) C_B = np.eye(3) C_B = np.vstack( [np.hstack([C_B, np.transpose(centroid_B)]), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])] ) T = super(RigidTransform, self).__init__(T) def unit_vector(v): """Return the unit vector of the vector.""" return v / norm(v) def angle(u, v, w=None): """Return the angle in radians between two vectors.""" if w is not None: u = u - v v = w - v c =, v) / norm(u) / norm(v) return np.arccos(np.clip(c, -1, 1)) def _create_equivalence_transform(equiv): """Compute an equivalence transformation. Transforms this compound to another compound's coordinate system. Parameters ---------- equiv : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 3), dtype=float Array of equivalent points. Returns ------- T : CoordinateTransform Transform that maps this point cloud to the other point cloud's coordinates system. """ from mbuild.compound import Compound self_points = np.array([]) self_points.shape = (0, 3) other_points = np.array([]) other_points.shape = (0, 3) for pair in equiv: if not isinstance(pair, tuple) or len(pair) != 2: raise ValueError("Equivalence pair not a 2-tuple") if not ( isinstance(pair[0], Compound) and isinstance(pair[1], Compound) ): raise ValueError( "Equivalence pair type mismatch: pair[0] is a {0} " "and pair[1] is a {1}".format(type(pair[0]), type(pair[1])) ) if not pair[0].children: self_points = np.vstack([self_points, pair[0].pos]) other_points = np.vstack([other_points, pair[1].pos]) else: for atom0 in pair[0]._particles(include_ports=True): self_points = np.vstack([self_points, atom0.pos]) for atom1 in pair[1]._particles(include_ports=True): other_points = np.vstack([other_points, atom1.pos]) T = RigidTransform(self_points, other_points) return T def equivalence_transform( compound, from_positions, to_positions, add_bond=True ): """Compute an affine transformation. Maps the from_positions to the respective to_positions, and applies this transformation to the compound. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The Compound to be transformed. from_positions : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 3), dtype=float Original positions. to_positions : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 3), dtype=float New positions. """ warn( "The `equivalence_transform` function is being phased out in favor of" " `force_overlap`.", DeprecationWarning, ) from mbuild.port import Port T = None if isinstance(from_positions, (list, tuple)) and isinstance( to_positions, (list, tuple) ): equivalence_pairs = zip(from_positions, to_positions) elif isinstance(from_positions, Port) and isinstance(to_positions, Port): equivalence_pairs, T = _choose_correct_port( from_positions, to_positions ) from_positions.used = True to_positions.used = True else: equivalence_pairs = [(from_positions, to_positions)] if not T: T = _create_equivalence_transform(equivalence_pairs) atom_positions = compound.xyz_with_ports atom_positions = T.apply_to(atom_positions) compound.xyz_with_ports = atom_positions if add_bond: if isinstance(from_positions, Port) and isinstance(to_positions, Port): if not from_positions.anchor or not to_positions.anchor: warn("Attempting to form bond from port that has no anchor") else: from_positions.anchor.parent.add_bond( (from_positions.anchor, to_positions.anchor) ) to_positions.anchor.parent.add_bond( (from_positions.anchor, to_positions.anchor) ) def _choose_correct_port(from_port, to_port): """Chooses the direction when using an equivalence transform on two Ports. Each Port object actually contains 2 sets of 4 atoms, either of which can be used to make a connection with an equivalence transform. This function chooses the set of 4 atoms that makes the anchor atoms not overlap which is the intended behavior for most use-cases. Parameters ---------- from_port : mb.Port to_port : mb.Port Returns ------- equivalence_pairs : tuple of Ports, shape=(2,) Technically, a tuple of the Ports' sub-Compounds ('up' or 'down') that are used to make the correct connection between components. """ # First we try matching the two 'up' ports. T1 = _create_equivalence_transform([(from_port["up"], to_port["up"])]) new_position = T1.apply_to(np.array(from_port.anchor.pos, ndmin=2)) dist_between_anchors_up_up = norm(new_position[0] - to_port.anchor.pos) # Then matching a 'down' with an 'up' port. T2 = _create_equivalence_transform([(from_port["down"], to_port["up"])]) new_position = T2.apply_to(np.array(from_port.anchor.pos, ndmin=2)) # Determine which transform places the anchors further away from each other. dist_between_anchors_down_up = norm(new_position[0] - to_port.anchor.pos) difference_between_distances = ( dist_between_anchors_down_up - dist_between_anchors_up_up ) if difference_between_distances > 0: correct_port = from_port["down"] T = T2 else: correct_port = from_port["up"] T = T1 return [(correct_port, to_port["up"])], T
[docs]def translate(compound, pos): """Translate a compound by a vector. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being translated. pos : np.ndarray, shape=(3,), dtype=float The vector to translate the compound by. """ raise RemovedFuncError( "translate()", "Compound.translate()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0" )
[docs]def translate_to(compound, pos): """Translate a compound to a coordinate. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being translated. pos : np.ndarray, shape=(3,), dtype=float The coordinate to translate the compound to. """ raise RemovedFuncError( "translate_to()", "Compound.translate_to()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0" )
def _translate(coordinates, by): """Translate a set of coordinates by a vector. Parameters ---------- coordinates : np.ndarray, shape=(n,3), dtype=float The coordinates being translated. by : np.ndarray, shape=(3,), dtype=float The vector to translate the coordinates by. """ return Translation(by).apply_to(coordinates) def _translate_to(coordinates, to): """Translate a set of coordinates to a location. Parameters ---------- coordinates : np.ndarray, shape=(n,3), dtype=float The coordinates being translated. to : np.ndarray, shape=(3,), dtype=float The new average position of the coordinates. """ coordinates -= np.mean(coordinates, axis=0) return Translation(to).apply_to(coordinates) def _rotate(coordinates, theta, around): """Rotate a set of coordinates around an arbitrary vector. Parameters ---------- coordinates : np.ndarray, shape=(n,3), dtype=float The coordinates being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the coordinates, in radians. around : np.ndarray, shape=(3,), dtype=float The vector about which to rotate the coordinates. """ around = np.asarray(around).reshape(3) if np.array_equal(around, np.zeros(3)): raise ValueError("Cannot rotate around a zero vector") return Rotation(theta, around).apply_to(coordinates)
[docs]def rotate(compound, theta, around): """Rotate a compound around an arbitrary vector. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the compound, in radians. around : np.ndarray, shape=(3,), dtype=float The vector about which to rotate the compound. """ raise RemovedFuncError("rotate()", "Compound.rotate()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0")
def rotate_around_x(compound, theta): """Rotate a compound around the x axis. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the compound. """ raise RemovedFuncError( "rotate_around_x()", "Compound.rotate_around_x()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0" ) def rotate_around_y(compound, theta): """Rotate a compound around the y axis. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the compound. """ raise RemovedFuncError( "rotate_around_y()", "Compound.rotate_around_y()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0" ) def rotate_around_z(compound, theta): """Rotate a compound around the z axis. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the compound. """ raise RemovedFuncError( "rotate_around_z()", "Compound.rotate_around_z()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0" )
[docs]def spin(compound, theta, around): """Rotate a compound in place around an arbitrary vector. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the compound, in radians. around : np.ndarray, shape=(3,), dtype=float The axis about which to spin the compound. """ raise RemovedFuncError("spin()", "Compound.spin()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0")
def _spin(coordinates, theta, around): """Rotate a set of coordinates in place around an arbitrary vector. Parameters ---------- coordinates : np.ndarray, shape=(n,3), dtype=float The coordinates being spun. theta : float The angle by which to spin the coordinates, in radians. around : np.ndarray, shape=(3,), dtype=float The axis about which to spin the coordinates. """ around = np.asarray(around).reshape(3) if np.array_equal(around, np.zeros(3)): raise ValueError("Cannot spin around a zero vector") center_pos = np.mean(coordinates, axis=0) coordinates -= center_pos coordinates = _rotate(coordinates, theta, around) coordinates += center_pos return coordinates def spin_x(compound, theta): """Rotate a compound in place around the x axis. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the compound. """ raise RemovedFuncError("spin_x()", "Compound.spin_x()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0") def spin_y(compound, theta): """Rotate a compound in place around the y axis. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the compound. """ raise RemovedFuncError("spin_y()", "Compound.spin_y()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0") def spin_z(compound, theta): """Rotate a compound in place around the z axis. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound being rotated. theta : float The angle by which to rotate the compound. """ raise RemovedFuncError("spin_z()", "Compound.spin_z()", "0.7.0", "0.11.0")
[docs]def x_axis_transform( compound, new_origin=None, point_on_x_axis=None, point_on_xy_plane=None ): """Move a compound such that the x-axis lies on specified points. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound to move. new_origin : mb.Compound or list-like of size 3, default=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Where to place the new origin of the coordinate system. point_on_x_axis : mb.Compound or list-like of size 3, default=[1, 0, 0] A point on the new x-axis. point_on_xy_plane : mb.Compound or list-like of size 3, default=[1, 0, 0] A point on the new xy-plane. """ import mbuild as mb if new_origin is None: new_origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) elif isinstance(new_origin, mb.Compound): new_origin = new_origin.pos elif isinstance(new_origin, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): new_origin = np.asarray(new_origin) else: raise TypeError( "x_axis_transform, y_axis_transform, and z_axis_transform only " "accept mb.Compounds, list-like of length 3 or None for the " f"new_origin parameter. User passed type: {type(new_origin)}." ) if point_on_x_axis is None: point_on_x_axis = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) elif isinstance(point_on_x_axis, mb.Compound): point_on_x_axis = point_on_x_axis.pos elif isinstance(point_on_x_axis, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): point_on_x_axis = np.asarray(point_on_x_axis) else: raise TypeError( "x_axis_transform, y_axis_transform, and z_axis_transform only " "accept mb.Compounds, list-like of size 3, or None for the " "point_on_x_axis parameter. User passed type: " "{}.".format(type(point_on_x_axis)) ) if point_on_xy_plane is None: point_on_xy_plane = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) elif isinstance(point_on_xy_plane, mb.Compound): point_on_xy_plane = point_on_xy_plane.pos elif isinstance(point_on_xy_plane, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): point_on_xy_plane = np.asarray(point_on_xy_plane) else: raise TypeError( "x_axis_transform, y_axis_transform, and z_axis_transform only " "accept mb.Compounds, list-like of size 3, or None for the " "point_on_xy_plane parameter. User passed type: " "{}.".format(type(point_on_xy_plane)) ) atom_positions = compound.xyz_with_ports transform = AxisTransform( new_origin=new_origin, point_on_x_axis=point_on_x_axis, point_on_xy_plane=point_on_xy_plane, ) atom_positions = transform.apply_to(atom_positions) compound.xyz_with_ports = atom_positions
[docs]def y_axis_transform( compound, new_origin=None, point_on_y_axis=None, point_on_xy_plane=None ): """Move a compound such that the y-axis lies on specified points. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound to move. new_origin : mb.Compound or like-like of size 3, default=[0, 0, 0] Where to place the new origin of the coordinate system. point_on_y_axis : mb.Compound or list-like of size 3, default=[0, 1, 0] A point on the new y-axis. point_on_xy_plane : mb.Compound or list-like of size 3, default=[0, 1, 0] A point on the new xy-plane. """ x_axis_transform( compound, new_origin=new_origin, point_on_x_axis=point_on_y_axis, point_on_xy_plane=point_on_xy_plane, ) rotate_around_z(compound, np.pi / 2)
[docs]def z_axis_transform( compound, new_origin=None, point_on_z_axis=None, point_on_zx_plane=None ): """Move a compound such that the z-axis lies on specified points. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound The compound to move. new_origin : mb.Compound or list-like of size 3, default=[0, 0, 0] Where to place the new origin of the coordinate system. point_on_z_axis : mb.Compound or list-like of size 3, default=[0, 0, 1] A point on the new z-axis. point_on_zx_plane : mb.Compound or list-like of size 3, default=[0, 0, 1] A point on the new xz-plane. """ x_axis_transform( compound, new_origin=new_origin, point_on_x_axis=point_on_z_axis, point_on_xy_plane=point_on_zx_plane, ) rotate_around_y(compound, np.pi * 3 / 2)