Source code for

"""mBuild recipe for a silica interface."""
import math
import random

import numpy as np

from mbuild import Compound, Port
from import TiledCompound

[docs]class SilicaInterface(Compound): """A recipe for creating an interface from bulk silica. Carves silica interface from bulk, adjusts to a reactive surface site density of 5.0 sites/nm^2 (agreeing with experimental results, see Zhuravlev 2000) by creating Si-O-Si bridges, and yields a 2:1 Si:O ratio (excluding the reactive surface sites). Parameters ---------- bulk_silica : Compound Bulk silica from which to cleave an interface tile_x : int, optional, default=1 Number of times to replicate bulk silica in x-direction tile_y : int, optional, default=1 Number of times to replicate bulk silica in y-direction thickness : float, optional, default=1.0 Thickness of the slab to carve from the silica bulk. (in nm; not including oxygen layers on the top and bottom of the surface) References ---------- .. [1] Hartkamp, R., Siboulet, B., Dufreche, J.-F., Boasne, B. "Ion-specific adsorption and electroosmosis in charged amorphous porous silica." (2015) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 24683-24695 .. [2] L.T. Zhuravlev, "The surface chemistry of amorphous silica. Zhuravlev model." (2000) Colloids Surf., A. 10, 1-38 """ def __init__( self, bulk_silica, tile_x=1, tile_y=1, thickness=1.0, seed=12345 ): super(SilicaInterface, self).__init__() random.seed(seed) self._oh_density = 5.0 self._O_buffer = 0.275 self._cleave_interface(bulk_silica, tile_x, tile_y, thickness) self.generate_bonds(name_a="Si", name_b="O", dmin=0.0, dmax=0.20419) self._strip_stray_atoms() self._bridge_dangling_Os(self._oh_density, thickness) self._identify_surface_sites(thickness) self._adjust_stoichiometry() def _cleave_interface(self, bulk_silica, tile_x, tile_y, thickness): """Carve interface from bulk silica. Also includes a buffer of O's above and below the surface to ensure the interface is coated. """ O_buffer = self._O_buffer z_height =[2] tile_z = int(math.ceil((thickness + 2 * O_buffer) / z_height)) bulk = TiledCompound(bulk_silica, n_tiles=(tile_x, tile_y, tile_z)) interface = Compound( periodicity=(bulk.periodicity[0], bulk.periodicity[1], False) ) for i, particle in enumerate(bulk.particles()): if ( == "Si" and O_buffer < particle.pos[2] < (thickness + O_buffer) ) or ( == "O" and particle.pos[2] < (thickness + 2 * O_buffer) ): interface_particle = Compound(, pos=particle.pos ) interface.add( interface_particle, + "_{}".format(i) ) self.add(interface, inherit_box=True, inherit_periodicity=True) def _strip_stray_atoms(self): """Remove stray atoms and surface pieces.""" components = self.bond_graph.connected_components() major_component = max(components, key=len) for atom in list(self.particles()): if atom not in major_component: self.remove(atom) def _bridge_dangling_Os(self, oh_density, thickness): """Form Si-O-Si bridges to yield desired density of surface sites. References ---------- .. [1] Hartkamp, R., Siboulet, B., Dufreche, J.-F., Boasne, B. "Ion-specific adsorption and electroosmosis in charged amorphous porous silica." (2015) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 24683-24695 """ area =[0] *[1] target = int(oh_density * area) dangling_Os = [ atom for atom in self.particles() if == "O" and atom.pos[2] > thickness and len(self.bond_graph.neighbors(atom)) == 1 ] n_bridges = int((len(dangling_Os) - target) / 2) for _ in range(n_bridges): bridged = False while not bridged: O1 = random.choice(dangling_Os) Si1 = self.bond_graph.neighbors(O1)[0] for O2 in dangling_Os: if O2 == O1: continue Si2 = self.bond_graph.neighbors(O2)[0] if Si1 == Si2: continue if any( neigh in self.bond_graph.neighbors(Si2) for neigh in self.bond_graph.neighbors(Si1) ): continue r = self.min_periodic_distance(Si1.pos, Si2.pos) if r < 0.45: bridged = True self.add_bond((O1, Si2)) dangling_Os.remove(O1) dangling_Os.remove(O2) self.remove(O2) break def _identify_surface_sites(self, thickness): """Label surface sites and add ports above them.""" for atom in list(self.particles()): if len(self.bond_graph.neighbors(atom)) == 1: if == "O" and atom.pos[2] > thickness: = "O_surface" port = Port(anchor=atom) port.spin(np.pi / 2, [1, 0, 0]) port.translate(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.1])) self.add(port, f"port_{len(self.referenced_ports())}") def _adjust_stoichiometry(self): """Remove O's from underside of surface to yield a 2:1 Si:O ratio.""" num_O = len(list(self.particles_by_name("O"))) num_Si = len(list(self.particles_by_name("Si"))) n_deletions = num_O - 2 * num_Si bottom_Os = [ atom for atom in self.particles() if == "O" and atom.pos[2] < self._O_buffer and len(self.bond_graph.neighbors(atom)) == 1 ] for _ in range(n_deletions): O1 = random.choice(bottom_Os) bottom_Os.remove(O1) self.remove(O1)
if __name__ == "__main__": from mbuild.lib.bulk_materials import AmorphousSilicaBulk silica_interface = SilicaInterface( bulk_silica=AmorphousSilicaBulk(), thickness=1.2 )"silica_interface.mol2", show_ports=True)