Source code for mbuild.formats.hoomd_snapshot

"""HOOMD snapshot format."""
import operator
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import parmed as pmd

from import Box
from mbuild.compound import Compound, Particle
from mbuild.utils.geometry import coord_shift
from import import_
from mbuild.utils.sorting import natural_sort

hoomd = import_("hoomd") = import_("")

__all__ = ["to_hoomdsnapshot", "from_snapshot"]

[docs]def from_snapshot(snapshot, scale=1.0): """Convert a Snapshot to a Compound. Snapshot can be a or a gsd.hoomd.Snapshot. Parameters ---------- snapshot : hoomd._hoomd.SnapshotSystemData_float or gsd.hoomd.Snapshot Snapshot from which to build the mbuild Compound. scale : float, optional, default 1.0 Value by which to scale the length values Returns ------- comp : Compound Note ---- GSD and HOOMD snapshots center their boxes on the origin (0,0,0), so the compound is shifted by half the box lengths """ comp = Compound() bond_array = n_atoms = snapshot.particles.N if "SnapshotSystemData_float" in dir(hoomd._hoomd) and isinstance( snapshot, hoomd._hoomd.SnapshotSystemData_float ): # hoomd v2 box = = Box.from_lengths_tilt_factors( lengths=np.array([box.Lx, box.Ly, box.Lz]) * scale, tilt_factors=np.array([box.xy, box.xz, box.yz]), ) else: # gsd / hoomd v3 box = = Box.from_lengths_tilt_factors( lengths=box[:3] * scale, tilt_factors=box[3:] ) # GSD and HOOMD snapshots center their boxes on the origin (0,0,0) shift = np.array( / 2 # Add particles for i in range(n_atoms): name = snapshot.particles.types[snapshot.particles.typeid[i]] xyz = snapshot.particles.position[i] * scale + shift charge = snapshot.particles.charge[i] atom = Particle(name=name, pos=xyz, charge=charge) comp.add(atom, label=str(i)) # Add bonds particle_dict = {idx: p for idx, p in enumerate(comp.particles())} for i in range(bond_array.shape[0]): atom1 = int(bond_array[i][0]) atom2 = int(bond_array[i][1]) comp.add_bond([particle_dict[atom1], particle_dict[atom2]]) return comp
[docs]def to_hoomdsnapshot( structure, ref_distance=1.0, ref_mass=1.0, ref_energy=1.0, rigid_bodies=None, shift_coords=True, write_special_pairs=True, auto_scale=False, parmed_kwargs={}, hoomd_snapshot=None, ): """Convert a Compound or parmed.Structure to Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure ParmEd Structure object ref_distance : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference distance for conversion to reduced units ref_mass : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference mass for conversion to reduced units ref_energy : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference energy for conversion to reduced units rigid_bodies : list of int, optional, default=None List of rigid body information. An integer value is required for each atom corresponding to the index of the rigid body the particle is to be associated with. A value of None indicates the atom is not part of a rigid body. shift_coords : bool, optional, default=True Shift coordinates from (0, L) to (-L/2, L/2) if necessary. auto_scale : bool, optional, default=False Automatically use largest sigma value as ref_distance, largest mass value as ref_mass and largest epsilon value as ref_energy write_special_pairs : bool, optional, default=True Writes out special pair information necessary to correctly use the OPLS fudged 1,4 interactions in HOOMD. hoomd_snapshot :, optional, default=None Initial snapshot to which to add the ParmEd structure object. The box information of the initial snapshot will be overwritten. (useful for rigid bodies) Returns ------- hoomd_snapshot : ReferenceValues : namedtuple Values used in scaling Notes ----- Force field parameters are not written to the hoomd_snapshot """ if not isinstance(structure, (Compound, pmd.Structure)): raise ValueError( "You are trying to create a hoomd.Snapshot from a " f"{type(structure)} please pass a Compound or pmd.Structure" ) elif isinstance(structure, Compound): structure = structure.to_parmed(**parmed_kwargs) if not hoomd.context.current: hoomd.context.initialize("") if auto_scale: ref_mass = max([atom.mass for atom in structure.atoms]) pair_coeffs = list( set( (atom.type, atom.epsilon, atom.sigma) for atom in structure.atoms ) ) ref_energy = max(pair_coeffs, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] ref_distance = max(pair_coeffs, key=operator.itemgetter(2))[2] ReferenceValues = namedtuple("ref_values", ["distance", "mass", "energy"]) ref_values = ReferenceValues(ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy) xyz = np.array([[atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz] for atom in structure.atoms]) if shift_coords: xyz = coord_shift(xyz,[:3]) # Get box information if np.allclose([3:6], np.array([90, 90, 90])): lx, ly, lz =[:3] / ref_distance xy, xz, yz = 0, 0, 0 else: a, b, c =[0:3] / ref_distance alpha, beta, gamma = np.radians([3:6]) lx = a xy = b * np.cos(gamma) xz = c * np.cos(beta) ly = np.sqrt(b ** 2 - xy ** 2) yz = (b * c * np.cos(alpha) - xy * xz) / ly lz = np.sqrt(c ** 2 - xz ** 2 - yz ** 2) ( n_particles, scaled_positions, unique_types, typeids, scaled_mass, scaled_charges, rigid_bodies, ) = _parse_particle_information( structure, xyz, ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy, rigid_bodies ) ( n_bonds, unique_bond_types, bond_typeids, bond_groups, ) = _parse_bond_information(structure) ( n_angles, unique_angle_types, angle_typeids, angle_groups, ) = _parse_angle_information(structure) ( n_dihedrals, unique_dihedral_types, dihedral_typeids, dihedral_groups, ) = _parse_dihedral_information(structure) ( n_impropers, unique_improper_types, improper_typeids, improper_groups, ) = _parse_improper_information(structure) pair_types, pair_typeid, pairs, n_pairs = _parse_pair_information(structure) if hoomd_snapshot is not None: n_init = hoomd_snapshot.particles.N if n_init > 0: n_particles += n_init # shift the typeids typeids += len(set(hoomd_snapshot.particles.types)) hoomd_snapshot.particles.types += unique_types # shift bond/angle/dihedral indices if n_bonds > 0: bond_groups = [ tuple(row) for row in np.array(bond_groups) + n_init ] init_bondtypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.bonds.types) hoomd_snapshot.bonds.types += unique_bond_types if n_angles > 0: angle_groups = [ tuple(row) for row in np.array(angle_groups) + n_init ] init_angletypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.angles.types) hoomd_snapshot.angles.types += unique_angle_types if n_dihedrals > 0: dihedral_groups = [ tuple(row) for row in np.array(dihedral_groups) + n_init ] init_dihedraltypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.types) hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.types += unique_dihedral_types if n_impropers > 0: improper_groups = [ tuple(row) for row in np.array(improper_groups) + n_init ] init_impropertypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.impropers.types) hoomd_snapshot.impropers.types += unique_improper_types if n_pairs > 0: pairs = [tuple(row) for row in np.array(pairs) + n_init] init_pairtypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.pairs.types) hoomd_snapshot.pairs.types += pair_types else: raise RuntimeError( "Initial snapshot provided, but it contains no particles" ) = Lx=lx, Ly=ly, Lz=lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz ) init_bonds = hoomd_snapshot.bonds.N if init_bonds > 0: n_bonds += init_bonds bond_typeids = list(np.array(bond_typeids) + init_bondtypes) init_angles = hoomd_snapshot.angles.N if init_angles > 0: n_angles += init_angles angle_typeids = list(np.array(angle_typeids) + init_angletypes) init_dihedrals = hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.N if init_dihedrals > 0: n_dihedrals += init_dihedrals dihedral_typeids = list( np.array(dihedral_typeids) + init_dihedraltypes ) init_impropers = hoomd_snapshot.impropers.N if init_impropers > 0: n_impropers += init_impropers improper_typeids = list( np.array(improper_typeids) + init_impropertypes ) init_pairs = hoomd_snapshot.pairs.N if init_pairs > 0: n_pairs += init_pairs pair_typeid = list(np.array(pair_typeid) + init_pairtypes) else: n_init = 0 init_bonds = 0 init_angles = 0 init_dihedrals = 0 init_impropers = 0 init_pairs = 0 hoomd_snapshot = N=n_particles,, Ly=ly, Lz=lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz), particle_types=unique_types, bond_types=unique_bond_types, angle_types=unique_angle_types, dihedral_types=unique_dihedral_types, improper_types=unique_improper_types, pair_types=pair_types, ) # wrap particles into the box box =, Ly=ly, Lz=lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz) scaled_positions = np.stack([box.wrap(xyz)[0] for xyz in scaled_positions]) hoomd_snapshot.particles.resize(n_particles) hoomd_snapshot.particles.position[n_init:] = scaled_positions hoomd_snapshot.particles.types[n_init:] = unique_types hoomd_snapshot.particles.typeid[n_init:] = typeids hoomd_snapshot.particles.mass[n_init:] = scaled_mass hoomd_snapshot.particles.charge[n_init:] = scaled_charges hoomd_snapshot.particles.body[n_init:] = rigid_bodies if n_bonds > 0: hoomd_snapshot.bonds.resize(n_bonds) hoomd_snapshot.bonds.types[init_bonds:] = unique_bond_types hoomd_snapshot.bonds.typeid[init_bonds:] = bond_typeids[init_bonds:] = bond_groups if n_angles > 0: hoomd_snapshot.angles.resize(n_angles) hoomd_snapshot.angles.types[init_angles:] = unique_angle_types hoomd_snapshot.angles.typeid[init_angles:] = angle_typeids[init_angles:] = np.reshape( angle_groups, (-1, 3) ) if n_dihedrals > 0: hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.resize(n_dihedrals) hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.types[init_dihedrals:] = unique_dihedral_types hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.typeid[init_dihedrals:] = dihedral_typeids[init_dihedrals:] = np.reshape( dihedral_groups, (-1, 4) ) if n_impropers > 0: hoomd_snapshot.impropers.resize(n_impropers) hoomd_snapshot.impropers.types[init_impropers:] = unique_improper_types hoomd_snapshot.impropers.typeid[init_impropers:] = improper_typeids[init_impropers:] = np.reshape( improper_groups, (-1, 4) ) if n_pairs > 0: hoomd_snapshot.pairs.resize(n_pairs) hoomd_snapshot.pairs.types[init_pairs:] = pair_types hoomd_snapshot.pairs.typeid[init_pairs:] = pair_typeid[init_pairs:] = np.reshape(pairs, (-1, 2)) return hoomd_snapshot, ref_values
def _parse_particle_information( structure, xyz, ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy, rigid_bodies ): """Write out the particle information.""" n_particles = len(structure.atoms) scaled_positions = xyz / ref_distance types = [ if atom.type == "" else atom.type for atom in structure.atoms ] unique_types = list(set(types)) unique_types.sort(key=natural_sort) typeids = np.array([unique_types.index(t) for t in types]) masses = np.array([atom.mass for atom in structure.atoms]) masses[masses == 0] = 1.0 scaled_mass = masses / ref_mass charges = np.array([atom.charge for atom in structure.atoms]) e0 = 2.39725e-4 """ Permittivity of free space = 2.39725e-4 e^2/((kcal/mol)(angstrom)), where e is the elementary charge """ charge_factor = (4.0 * np.pi * e0 * ref_distance * ref_energy) ** 0.5 scaled_charges = charges / charge_factor if rigid_bodies: rigid_bodies = [-1 if body is None else body for body in rigid_bodies] else: rigid_bodies = [-1 for _ in structure.atoms] return ( n_particles, scaled_positions, unique_types, typeids, scaled_mass, scaled_charges, rigid_bodies, ) def _parse_pair_information(structure): pair_types = [] pair_typeid = [] pairs = [] for ai in structure.atoms: for aj in ai.dihedral_partners: # make sure we don't double add if ai.idx > aj.idx: ps = "-".join(sorted([ai.type, aj.type])) if ps not in pair_types: pair_types.append(ps) pair_typeid.append(pair_types.index(ps)) pairs.append((ai.idx, aj.idx)) n_pairs = len(pairs) return pair_types, pair_typeid, pairs, n_pairs def _parse_bond_information(structure): n_bonds = len(structure.bonds) unique_bond_types = set() for bond in structure.bonds: t1, t2 = bond.atom1.type, bond.atom2.type if t1 == "" or t2 == "": t1, t2 =, t1, t2 = sorted([t1, t2], key=natural_sort) try: bond_type = "-".join((t1, t2)) except AttributeError: # no forcefield applied, bond.type is None bond_type = ("-".join((t1, t2)), 0.0, 0.0) unique_bond_types.add(bond_type) unique_bond_types = sorted(list(unique_bond_types), key=natural_sort) bond_typeids = [] bond_groups = [] for bond in structure.bonds: t1, t2 = bond.atom1.type, bond.atom2.type if t1 == "" or t2 == "": t1, t2 =, t1, t2 = sorted([t1, t2], key=natural_sort) try: bond_type = "-".join((t1, t2)) except AttributeError: # no forcefield applied, bond.type is None bond_type = ("-".join((t1, t2)), 0.0, 0.0) bond_typeids.append(unique_bond_types.index(bond_type)) bond_groups.append((bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx)) return n_bonds, unique_bond_types, bond_typeids, bond_groups def _parse_angle_information(structure): n_angles = len(structure.angles) unique_angle_types = set() for angle in structure.angles: t1, t2, t3 = angle.atom1.type, angle.atom2.type, angle.atom3.type t1, t3 = sorted([t1, t3], key=natural_sort) angle_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3)) unique_angle_types.add(angle_type) unique_angle_types = sorted(list(unique_angle_types), key=natural_sort) angle_typeids = [] angle_groups = [] for angle in structure.angles: t1, t2, t3 = angle.atom1.type, angle.atom2.type, angle.atom3.type t1, t3 = sorted([t1, t3], key=natural_sort) angle_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3)) angle_typeids.append(unique_angle_types.index(angle_type)) angle_groups.append((angle.atom1.idx, angle.atom2.idx, angle.atom3.idx)) return n_angles, unique_angle_types, angle_typeids, angle_groups def _parse_dihedral_information(structure): n_dihedrals = len(structure.rb_torsions + structure.dihedrals) unique_dihedral_types = set() for dihedral in structure.rb_torsions + structure.dihedrals: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) unique_dihedral_types.add(dihedral_type) unique_dihedral_types = sorted( list(unique_dihedral_types), key=natural_sort ) dihedral_typeids = [] dihedral_groups = [] for dihedral in structure.rb_torsions + structure.dihedrals: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) dihedral_typeids.append(unique_dihedral_types.index(dihedral_type)) dihedral_groups.append( ( dihedral.atom1.idx, dihedral.atom2.idx, dihedral.atom3.idx, dihedral.atom4.idx, ) ) return n_dihedrals, unique_dihedral_types, dihedral_typeids, dihedral_groups def _parse_improper_information(structure): n_dihedrals = len(structure.impropers) unique_dihedral_types = set() for dihedral in structure.impropers: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) unique_dihedral_types.add(dihedral_type) unique_dihedral_types = sorted( list(unique_dihedral_types), key=natural_sort ) dihedral_typeids = [] dihedral_groups = [] for dihedral in structure.impropers: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) dihedral_typeids.append(unique_dihedral_types.index(dihedral_type)) dihedral_groups.append( ( dihedral.atom1.idx, dihedral.atom2.idx, dihedral.atom3.idx, dihedral.atom4.idx, ) ) return n_dihedrals, unique_dihedral_types, dihedral_typeids, dihedral_groups