Source code for mbuild.formats.gomc_conf_writer

import datetime
import os
from warnings import warn

import mbuild.formats.charmm_writer as mf_charmm

def dict_keys_to_list(dict):
    Converts the dictionary keys into a list

    dict : dict
        A provided dictionary

    list : list
        list of keys from the provided dictionary
    return [key for key in dict.keys()]

def print_valid_required_input_variables(description=False):
    Prints the valid required input, which is necessary to write the GOMC control file.

    description : bool, default = False
        If True, it prints the descriptions of the input_variables (i.e. dict),
        If False, it only prints the input_variables without the descriptions (i.e. list)

    Prints out the valid input variables (user optional) on the screen,
        which can be entered in the GOMC writer. These are the valid input
        variables for all ensembles.

    valid_args = _get_all_possible_input_variables(description=description)
    for arg, description in valid_args.items():
        print("{:10s}:    {}".format(arg, description))

def _get_required_data(description=False):
    Provides a list of the required inputs for all possible ensembles.

    description :  bool, default = False.
        If True, it prints the descriptions of the input_variables (i.e. dict),
        If False, it only prints the input_variables without the descriptions (i.e. list)

    required_data : dict or list, default = list.
        If the description = True then a dict is provided with the key and value.
        if the description = False then a list of the dict keys is provided.

    Variables and text extracted with permission from the GOMC manual version 2.60.
    Some of the text was modified from its original version.
    Cite: Potoff, Jeffrey; Schwiebert, Loren; et al. GOMC Documentation., 2021.

    required_data = {
        "charmm_object": "Charmm object, "
        "A Charmm object, which by definition has been parameterized "
        "from the selected force field.",
        "ensemble_type": "Required files or System Info (all ensembles): str, "
        "(valid strings are 'NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC-NVT', or 'GCMC'), "
        "the ensemble type for the simulation.",
        "RunSteps": "Required files or System Info (all ensembles): int (> 0), "
        "The number or run steps for the simulation.",
        "Temperature": "Required files or System Info (all ensembles): float or integer (> 0), "
        "Temperature of system in Kelvin (K)",
        "ff_psf_pdb_file_directory": "str (optional), default=None (i.e., the current directory). "
        "The full or relative directory added to the force field, psf, and pdb "
        "file names, created via the Charmm object.",
        "check_input_files_exist": "Required to check if files exist (all ensembles): bool (default=True), "
        "Check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist. "
        "If the files are checked and do not exist, the writer will throw "
        "a ValueError. "
        "True, check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist. "
        "False, do not check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.",
        "Restart": "Required for restarting (all ensembles): boolean (default=False), "
        "Determines whether to restart the simulation "
        "from restart file (*_restart.pdb and *_restart.psf) or not.",
        "RestartCheckpoint": "Required for optimal restarting (all ensembles): boolean (default=False),"
        "Determines whether to restart the simulation with the "
        "checkpoint file (checkpoint.dat) or not. Restarting the "
        "simulation with checkpoint.dat would result in an identical outcome, "
        "as if previous simulation was continued.",
        "Parameters": "Required for alternate force field file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "Override all other force field directory and filename input with the correct extension (.inp or .par). "
        "Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.",
        "Coordinates_box_0": "Required for alternate box 0 .pdb file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "Override all other box 0 pdb directory and filename inputs. "
        "Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.",
        "Structure_box_0": "Required for alternate box 0 .psf file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "Override all other box 0 psf directory and filename inputs. "
        "Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.",
        "Coordinates_box_1": "Required for alternate box 1 .pdb file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "Override all other box 1 pdb directory and filename inputs. "
        "Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.",
        "Structure_box_1": "Required for alternate box 1 .psf file  (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "Override all other box 1 psf directory and filename inputs. "
        "Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.",
        "binCoordinates_box_0": "Required for alternate box 0 .coor file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "The box 0 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting "
        "a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy.",
        "extendedSystem_box_0": "Required for alternate box 0 .xsc file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "The box 0 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a "
        "GOMC simulation. ",
        "binVelocities_box_0": "Required for alternate box 0 .vel file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "The box 0 binary velocity file is used only for "
        "restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased "
        "numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru "
        "GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any "
        "velocity information. ",
        "binCoordinates_box_1": "Required for alternate box 1 .coor file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "The box 1 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a "
        "GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. ",
        "extendedSystem_box_1": "Required for alternate box 1 .coor file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "The box 1 vectors and origin file is used "
        "only for restarting a GOMC simulation. ",
        "binVelocities_box_1": "Required for alternate box 1 .vel file (all ensembles): "
        "str, (default=None), "
        "The box 1 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a "
        "GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. "
        "These velocities are only passed thru GOMC since Monte Carlo "
        "simulations do not utilize any velocity information.",

    if description:
        return required_data
        return list(required_data.keys())

def _get_all_possible_input_variables(description=False):
    Provides a list of the variables inputs (user optional) for all possible ensembles.

    description :  bool, default = False.
        If True, it prints the descriptions of the input_variables (i.e. dict),
        If False, it only prints the input_variables without the descriptions (i.e. list)

    valid_input_variables : dict or list, default = list.
        If the description = True then a dict is provided with the key and value.
        if the description = False then a list of the dict keys is provided.

    Variables and text extracted with permission from the GOMC manual version 2.60.
    Some of the text was modified from its original version.
    Cite: Potoff, Jeffrey; Schwiebert, Loren; et. al. GOMC Documentation., 2021.

    valid_input_variables = {
        # ******************************************************************************************************
        # Definitions in this function are copied to a large extent from the GOMC manual release version 2.60 (start)
        # insert citation here:
        # ******************************************************************************************************
        "PRNG": 'Simulation info (all ensembles): string or int (>= 0) ("RANDOM" or integer), default = {}. '
        "PRNG = Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG). "
        'There are two (2) options, entering the string, "RANDOM", or a integer.  \n'
        '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- "RANDOM", which selects a random seed number. '
        'This will enter the line "PRNG RANDOM" in the gomc configuration file. \n'
        "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- integer, which defines the integer seed number "
        "for the simulation. "
        "This is equivalent to entering the following two lines in the configuration file: "
        "line 1 = PRNG INTSEED, "
        "line 2 = Random_Seed user_selected_integer. "
        'Example 1: for a random seed enter the string "RANDOM. '
        "Example 2: for a specific seed number enter a integer of your choosing. "
        "ParaTypeCHARMM": "Simulation info (all ensembles): boolean, default = {}. "
        "True if a CHARMM forcefield, False otherwise."
        "ParaTypeMie": "Simulation info (all ensembles): boolean, default = {}. "
        "True if a Mie forcefield type, False otherwise."
        "ParaTypeMARTINI": "Simulation info (all ensembles): boolean, default = {}. "
        "True if a MARTINI forcefield, False otherwise."
        "RcutCoulomb_box_0": "Simulation info (all ensembles): int or float (>= 0), default = {}."
        "Sets a specific radius in box 0 where the short-range "
        "electrostatic energy will be calculated (i.e., The distance to truncate the "
        "Note: if None, GOMC will default to the Rcut value"
        "RcutCoulomb_box_1": "Simulation info (all ensembles): int or float (>= 0), default = {}."
        "Sets a specific radius in box 1 where the short-range  "
        "electrostatic energy will be calculated. (i.e., The distance to truncate the "
        "short-range electrostatic energy in box 1.)"
        "Note: if None, GOMC will default to the Rcut value"
        "Pressure": "Simulation info (only GEMC_NPT and NPT): int or float (>= 0), default = {}. "
        "The pressure in bar utilized for the NPT "
        "and GEMC_NPT simulations."
        "Rcut": "Simulation info (all ensembles): int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = {}. "
        "Sets a specific radius in Angstroms that non-bonded interaction "
        "energy and force will be considered and calculated using defined potential function. "
        "The distance in Angstoms to truncate the LJ, Mie, or other VDW type potential at. "
        'Note: Rswitch is only used when the "Potential" = SWITCH. '
        "RcutLow": "Simulation info (all ensembles): int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = {}. "
        "Sets a specific minimum possible distance in Angstroms that reject "
        "any move that places any atom closer than specified distance. The minimum possible "
        "distance between any atoms. "
        "Sets a specific radius in Angstroms that non-bonded interaction "
        'Note: Rswitch is only used when the "Potential" = SWITCH. '
        "LRC": "Simulation info (all ensembles): boolean, default = {}. "
        "If True, the simulation considers the long range tail corrections for the non-bonded VDW or "
        "dispersion interactions. "
        "Note: In case of using SHIFT or SWITCH potential functions, LRC will be ignored."
        "Exclude": "Simulation info (all ensembles): str "
        '(The string inputs are "1-2", "1-3", or "1-4"), default = {}. '
        "Note: In CHARMM force field, the 1-4 interaction needs to be considered. "
        'Choosing "Excude 1-3", will modify 1-4 interaction based on 1-4 parameters '
        "in parameter file. If a kind force field is used, where "
        '1-4 interaction needs to be ignored, such as TraPPE, either Exlcude "1-4" needs to be '
        "chosen or 1-4 parameter needs to be assigned to zero in the parameter file. \n"
        '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- "1-2": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, '
        "except the ones that separated with one bond, "
        "will be considered and modified using 1-4 parameters defined in parameter file. \n"
        '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- "1-3": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, '
        "except the ones that separated with one or two "
        "bonds, will be considered and modified using 1-4 parameters defined in parameter file. \n"
        '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- "1-4": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, '
        "except the ones that separated with one, "
        "two or three bonds, will be considered using non-bonded parameters defined in parameter file."
        "Potential": 'Simulation info (all ensembles): str, ["VDW", "EXP6", "SHIFT" or "SWITCH"], default = {}. '
        "Defines the potential function type to calculate non-bonded dispersion interaction "
        "energy and force between atoms. \n"
        '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- "VDW":    Non-bonded dispersion interaction energy and force '
        "calculated based on n-6 (Lennard - Jones) equation. This function will be discussed "
        "further in the Intermolecular energy and "
        "Virial calculation section. \n"
        '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- "EXP6":   Non-bonded dispersion interaction energy and force '
        "calculated based on exp-6 (Buckingham potential) equation. \n"
        '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- "SHIFT":  This option forces the potential energy to be '
        "zero at Rcut distance.  \n"
        '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- "SWITCH": This option smoothly forces the potential '
        "energy to be zero at Rcut distance and starts modifying the potential at Rswitch "
        "distance. Depending on force field type, specific potential function will be applied. "
        "Rswitch": "Simulation info (all ensembles): int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = {}. "
        'Note: Rswitch is only used when the SWITCH function is used (i.e., "Potential" = SWITCH). '
        "The Rswitch distance is in Angstrom. If the “SWITCH” function is chosen, "
        "Rswitch needs to be defined, otherwise, the program will be terminated. When using "
        'choosing "SWITCH" as potential function, the Rswitch distance defines where the'
        "non-bonded interaction energy modification is started, which is eventually truncated "
        "smoothly at Rcut distance."
        "ElectroStatic": "Simulation info (all ensembles): boolean, default = {}. "
        "Considers the coulomb interactions or not. "
        "If True, coulomb interactions are considered and false if not. "
        "Note: To simulate the polar molecule in MARTINI force field, ElectroStatic needs to be "
        "turn on. The MARTINI force field uses short-range coulomb interaction with constant "
        "Dielectric of 15.0."
        "Ewald": "Simulation info (all ensembles): boolean, default = {}. "
        "Considers the standard Ewald summation method for electrostatic calculations. "
        "If True, Ewald summation calculation needs to be considered and false if not. "
        "Note: By default, GOMC will set ElectroStatic to True if Ewald summation  "
        "method was used to calculate coulomb interaction."
        "CachedFourier": "Simulation info (all ensembles): boolean, default = {}. "
        "Considers storing the reciprocal terms for Ewald summation "
        "calculation in order to improve the code performance. This option would increase the code "
        "performance with the cost of memory usage. If True, to store reciprocal terms of Ewald "
        "summation calculation and False if not. "
        "Warning: Monte Carlo moves, such as MEMC-1, MEMC-2, MEMC-3, "
        "IntraMEMC-1, IntraMEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-3 are not support with CachedFourier."
        "Tolerance": "Simulation info (all ensembles): float (0.0 < float < 1.0), default = {}. "
        "Sets the accuracy in Ewald summation calculation. Ewald separation parameter and number "
        "of reciprocal vectors for the Ewald summation are determined based on the accuracy parameter."
        "Dielectric": "Simulation info (all ensembles): int or float (>= 0.0), default = {}. "
        "Sets dielectric value used in coulomb interaction when the Martini "
        "force field is used. Note: In MARTINI force field, Dielectric needs to be set to 15.0."
        "PressureCalc": "Simulation info (all ensembles): list [bool , int (> 0)] or [bool , step_frequency], "
        "default = {} or [{} , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max]. "
        "Calculate the system pressure or not. bool = True, enables the pressure calculation "
        "during the simulation, false disables the calculation. The int/step frequency sets the "
        "frequency of calculating the pressure."
        "EqSteps": "Simulation info (all ensembles): int (> 0), "
        "default = set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max. "
        "Sets the number of steps necessary to equilibrate the system. "
        "Averaging will begin at this step. "
        "Note: In GCMC simulations, the Histogram files will be outputed at EqSteps."
        "AdjSteps": "Simulation info (all ensembles): int (> 0), "
        "default = set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max. "
        "Sets the number of steps per adjustment of the parameter associated with each move "
        "(e.g. maximum translate distance, maximum rotation, maximum volume exchange, etc.)."
        "VDWGeometricSigma": "Simulation info (all ensembles): boolean, default = {}. "
        "Use geometric mean, as required by OPLS force field, "
        "to combining Lennard-Jones sigma parameters for different atom types. "
        "If set to True, GOMC uses geometric mean to combine Lennard-Jones or VDW sigmas. "
        "Note: The default setting of VDWGeometricSigma is false, which uses the arithmetic "
        "mean when combining Lennard-Jones or VDW sigma parameters for different atom types."
        "useConstantArea": "Simulation info (only GEMC_NPT and NPT): boolean: default = {}. "
        "Changes the volume of the simulation box by fixing the cross-sectional "
        "area (x-y plane). If true, the volume will change only in z axis, If False, "
        "the volume of the box will change in a way to maintain the constant axis ratio. "
        "FixVolBox0": "Simulation info (only GEMC_NPT): boolean, default = {}. "
        "Changing the volume of fluid phase (Box 1) to maintain the constant imposed pressure and "
        "Temperature, while keeping the volume of adsorbed phase (Box 0) fixed. Note: By default, "
        "GOMC will set useConstantArea to False if no value was set. It means, the volume of the "
        "box will change in a way to maintain the constant axis ratio."
        # GCMC only properties
        "ChemPot": "Simulation info (only GCMC): dict {str (4 dig limit) , int or float}, "
        + "default = {} ".format(_get_default_variables_dict()["ChemPot"])
        + "(i.e., the user must set this variable as there is no working default)."
        "The chemical potentials in GOMC units of energy, K. "
        "There is a 4 character limit for the string/residue name since the PDB/PSF "
        "files have a 4 character limitation and require and exact match in the conf file. "
        "Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail. "
        "The name of the residues and their corresponding chemical potential must specified "
        'for every residue in the system (i.e., {"residue_name" : chemical_potential}). '
        'Example 1 (system with only water):  {"H2O" : -4000} . '
        'Example 2 (system with water and ethanol):  {"H2O" : -4000, "ETH" : -8000} ',
        "Fugacity": "Simulation info (only GCMC): dict {str , int or float (>= 0)}, "
        + "default = {} ".format(_get_default_variables_dict()["Fugacity"])
        + "(i.e., the user must set this variable as there is no working default). "
        "The fugacity in GOMC units of pressure, bar. "
        "There is a 4 character limit for the string/residue name since the PDB/PSF "
        "files have a 4 character limitation and require and exact match in the conf file. "
        "Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail. "
        "The name of the residues and their corresponding fugacity must specified "
        'for every residue in the system (i.e., {"residue_name" : fugacity}). '
        'Example 1 (system with only water):  {"H2O" : 1} . '
        'Example 2 (system with water and ethanol):  {"H2O" : 0.5, "ETH" : 10} ',
        # CBMC inputs
        "CBMC_First": "CBMC inputs (all ensembles): int (>= 0), default = {}, "
        "The number of CD-CBMC trials to choose the first atom position"
        "(Lennard-Jones trials for first seed growth)."
        "CBMC_Nth": "CBMC inputs (all ensembles): int (>= 0), default = {},  "
        "The number of CD-CBMC trials to choose the later atom positions "
        "(Lennard-Jones trials for first seed growth)."
        "CBMC_Ang": "CBMC inputs (all ensembles): int (>= 0), default = {}, "
        "The number of CD-CBMC bending angle trials to perform for geometry "
        "(per the coupled-decoupled CBMC scheme)."
        "CBMC_Dih": "CBMC inputs (all ensembles): int (>= 0), default = {}, "
        "The number of CD-CBMC dihedral angle trials to perform for geometry "
        "(per the coupled-decoupled CBMC scheme)."
        # Control file (.conf file ) output controls/parameters
        "OutputName": "Output Frequency (all ensembles): str (NO SPACES), default = {}. "
        "The UNIQUE STRING NAME, WITH NO SPACES, which is used for the "
        "output block average, PDB, and PSF file names."
        "CoordinatesFreq": "PDB Output Frequency (all ensembles): list [bool , int (> 0)] or "
        "[Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], "
        "default = {} or [{} , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max]. "
        "Controls output of PDB file (coordinates). "
        "If bool is True, this enables outputting the coordinate files at the "
        "integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), "
        'while "False" disables outputting the coordinates.'
        "DCDFreq": "DCD Output Frequency (all ensembles): list [bool , int (> 0)] or "
        "[Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], "
        "default = {} or [{} , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max]. "
        "Controls output of DCD file (coordinates). "
        "If bool is True, this enables outputting the coordinate files at the "
        "integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), "
        'while "False" disables outputting the coordinates.'
        "RestartFreq": "Output Frequency (all ensembles): list [bool , int (> 0)] or "
        "[Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], "
        "default = {} or [{} , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max]. "
        "This creates the PDB and PSF (coordinate and topology) files for restarting the system "
        "at the set steps_per_data_output_int (frequency) "
        "If bool is True, this enables outputting the PDB/PSF restart files at the "
        "integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), "
        "while “false” disables outputting the PDB/PSF restart files. "
        "CheckpointFreq": "Output Frequency (all ensembles): list [bool , int (> 0)] or "
        "[Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], "
        "default = {} or [{} , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max]. "
        "Controls the output of the last state of simulation at a specified step, in a "
        "binary file format (checkpoint.dat). Checkpoint file contains the following "
        "information in full precision: "
        "(1) Last simulation step that saved into checkpoint file "
        "(2) Simulation cell dimensions and angles "
        "(3) Maximum amount of displacement (Å), rotation (δ), and volume (Å^3) that is used in "
        "the Displacement, Rotation, MultiParticle, and Volume moves "
        "(4) Number of Monte Carlo move trial and acceptance "
        "(5) All molecule’s coordinates "
        "(6) Random number sequence "
        "If bool is True, this enables outputting the checkpoint file at the "
        "integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), "
        'while "False" disables outputting the checkpoint file.'
        "ConsoleFreq": "Output Frequency (all ensembles): list [bool , int (> 0)] or "
        "[Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], "
        "default = {} or [{} , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max]. "
        'Controls the output to the "console” or log file, which prints the '
        "acceptance statistics, and run timing info. In addition, instantaneously-selected"
        "thermodynamic properties will be output to this file.  If bool is True, "
        "this enables outputting the console data at the integer frequency "
        '(set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting the console '
        "data file. "
        "BlockAverageFreq": "Output Frequency (all ensembles): list [bool , int (> 0)] or "
        "[Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], "
        "default = {} or [{} , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max]. "
        "Controls the block averages output of selected thermodynamic properties. "
        "Block averages are averages of thermodynamic values of interest for chunks of the "
        "simulation (for post-processing of averages or std. dev. in those values)."
        "If bool is True, this enables outputting the block averaging data/file at the "
        "integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), "
        'while "False" disables outputting the block averaging data/file.'
        "HistogramFreq": "Output Frequency (all ensembles): list [bool , int (> 0)] or "
        "[Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], "
        "default = {} or [{} , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or {} max]. "
        "Controls the histograms. Histograms are a binned listing of observation frequency "
        "for a specific thermodynamic variable. In the GOMC code, they also control the output "
        "of a file containing energy/molecule samples, "
        'which is only used for the "GCMC" ensemble simulations for histogram reweighting purposes.'
        "If bool is True, this enables outputting the data to the histogram data at the "
        "integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), "
        'while "False" disables outputting the histogram data.'
        # Histogram data
        "DistName": "Histogram Output (all ensembles): str (NO SPACES), default = {}. "
        "Short phrase which will be combined with RunNumber and RunLetter "
        "to use in the name of the binned histogram for molecule distribution."
        "HistName": "Histogram Output (all ensembles): str (NO SPACES), default = {}. "
        "Short phrase, which will be combined with RunNumber and RunLetter, "
        "to use in the name of the energy/molecule count sample file."
        "RunNumber": "Histogram Output (all ensembles): int  ( > 0 ), default = {}. "
        "Sets a number, which is a part of DistName and HistName file name."
        "RunLetter": "Histogram Output (all ensembles): str (1 alphabetic character only), default = {}. "
        "Sets a letter, which is a part of DistName and HistName file name."
        "SampleFreq": "Histogram Output (all ensembles): int ( > 0 ), default = {}. "
        "The number of steps per histogram sample or frequency."
        # Data output for the console and bulk properties calculations
        "OutEnergy": "Output Data (all ensembles): [bool, bool], default = {}.   "
        "The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. "
        "This outputs the energy data into the block averages and console output/log files."
        "OutPressure": "Output Data (all ensembles): [bool, bool], default = {}.   "
        "The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. "
        "This outputs the pressure data into the block averages and console output/log files."
        "OutMolNum": "Output Data (all ensembles): [bool, bool], default = {}.   "
        "The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. "
        "This outputs the number of molecules data into the block averages and console "
        "output/log files."
        "OutDensity": "Output Data (all ensembles): [bool, bool], default = {}.   "
        "The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. "
        "This outputs the density data into the block averages and console output/log files."
        "OutVolume": "Output Data (all ensembles): [bool, bool], default = {}.   "
        "The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. "
        "This outputs the volume data into the block averages and console output/log files."
        "OutSurfaceTension": "Output Data (all ensembles): [bool, bool], default = {}. "
        "The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. "
        "This outputs the surface tension data into the block averages and console "
        "output/log files."
        # free energy calculation in NVT and NPT ensembles.
        "FreeEnergyCalc": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only): list [bool , int (> 0)] or "
        "[Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = {}. "
        "bool = True enabling free energy calculation during the simulation, false disables "
        "the calculation. The int/step frequency sets the frequency of calculating the free energy."
        "MoleculeType": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only): list [str , int (> 0)] or "
        '["residue_name" , residue_ID], '
        "The user must set this variable as there is no working default (default = {}). "
        'Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the string (i.e., "residue_name"). '
        "Sets the solute molecule kind (residue name) and molecule number (residue ID), "
        "which absolute solvation free will be calculated for."
        "InitialState": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only): int (>= 0), "
        "The user must set this variable as there is no working default (default = {}). "
        "The index of LambdaCoulomb and LambdaVDW vectors. Sets the index of the"
        "LambdaCoulomb and LambdaVDW vectors, to determine the simulation lambda value for"
        "VDW and Coulomb interactions. "
        "WARNING : This must an integer within the vector count of the LambdaVDW and LambdaCoulomb, "
        "in which the counting starts at 0.  "
        "LambdaVDW": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only): list of floats (0 <= floats <= 1), "
        "The user must set this variable as there is no working default (default = {}). "
        "Lambda values for VDW interaction in ascending order. Sets the intermediate "
        "lambda states to which solute-solvent VDW interactions are scaled. "
        'WARNING : This list must be the same length as the "LambdaCoulomb" list length. '
        "WARNING : All lambda values must be stated in the ascending order, otherwise "
        "Example of ascending order 1: [0.1, 1.0,]  "
        "Example of ascending order 2: [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9] "
        "LambdaCoulomb": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only):  list of floats (0 <= floats <= 1), "
        "The user must set this variable as there is no working default (default = {}). "
        "Lambda values for Coulombic interaction in ascending order. Sets the intermediate "
        "lambda states to which solute-solvent Coulombic interactions are scaled. "
        'GOMC defauts to the "LambdaVDW" values for the Coulombic interaction '
        'if no "LambdaCoulomb" variable is set. '
        'WARNING : This list must be the same length as the "LambdaVDW" list length. '
        "WARNING : All lambda values must be stated in the ascending order, otherwise "
        "the program will terminate.  "
        "Example of ascending order 1: [0.1, 1.0,]  "
        "Example of ascending order 2: [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9] "
        "ScaleCoulomb": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only): bool, default = {}, "
        "Determines to scale the Coulombic interaction non-linearly (soft-core scheme) or not. "
        "True if the Coulombic interaction needs to be scaled non-linearly. "
        "False if the Coulombic interaction needs to be scaled linearly. "
        "ScalePower": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only): int (>= 0), default = {}, "
        "The p value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the distance between "
        "solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly."
        "ScaleAlpha": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only): int or float (>= 0), default = {}, "
        "The alpha value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the distance "
        "between solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly."
        "MinSigma": "Free Energy Calcs (NVT and NPT only): int or float (>= 0), default = {}, "
        "The minimum sigma value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the "
        "distance between solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly."
        # moves without MEMC
        "DisFreq": "Std. MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which the displacement move will occur "
        "(i.e., fraction of displacement moves). Note: all of the move types"
        "are not available in for every ensemble. Note: all of the move fractions"
        "must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail.  "
        "RotFreq": "Std. MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which the rotation move will occur "
        "(i.e., fraction of rotation moves). Note: all of the move types"
        "are not available in for every ensemble. Note: all of the move fractions"
        "must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail.  "
        "IntraSwapFreq": "Std. MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which the molecule will be removed from a "
        "box and inserted into the same box using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias"
        "algorithm. (i.e., fraction of intra-molecule swap moves). Note: all of the move types"
        "are not available in for every ensemble. Note: all of the move fractions"
        "must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail.  "
        "SwapFreq": "Std. MC moves (only GEMC_NPT, GEMC_NVT, and GCMC) : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "For Gibbs and Grand Canonical (GC) ensemble runs only: Fractional "
        "percentage at which molecule swap move will occur using coupled-decoupled "
        "configurational-bias. (i.e., fraction of molecule swaps moves). Note: all of the move types"
        "are not available in for every ensemble. Note: all of the move fractions"
        "must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail.  "
        "RegrowthFreq": "Std. MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which part of the molecule will be "
        "deleted and then regrown using coupled- decoupled configurational-bias algorithm "
        "(i.e., fraction of molecular growth moves). Note: all of the move types"
        "are not available in for every ensemble. Note: all of the move fractions"
        "must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail.  "
        "CrankShaftFreq": "Std. MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which crankshaft move will occur. "
        "In this move, two atoms that are forming angle or dihedral are selected randomly and "
        "form a shaft. Then any atoms or group that are within these two selected atoms, will "
        "rotate around the shaft to sample intra-molecular degree of freedom "
        "(i.e., fraction of crankshaft moves). Note: all of the move types"
        "are not available in for every ensemble. Note: all of the move fractions"
        "must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. "
        "VolFreq": "Std. MC moves (only  GEMC_NPT  and  NPT )         : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at  which a volume move will occur "
        "(i.e., fraction of Volume moves). "
        "Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble. "
        "Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. "
        "MultiParticleFreq": "Std. MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which multi-particle move will "
        "occur. In this move, all molecules in the selected simulation box will be rigidly "
        "rotated or displaced simultaneously, along the calculated torque or force "
        "respectively (i.e., fraction of multi-particle moves). Note: all of the move types"
        "are not available in for every ensemble. Note: all of the move fractions"
        "must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail.  "
        # MEMC moves
        "IntraMEMC-1Freq": "MEMC MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be "
        "exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume within "
        "same simulation box.  This move need additional information such as "
        "ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, and ExchangeLargeKind."
        "Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble."
        "Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. "
        "MEMC-1Freq": "MEMC MC moves (only GEMC_NPT, GEMC_NVT, and GCMC) : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be exchanged "
        "with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume, between simulation boxes. "
        "This move needs additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, "
        "ExchangeSmallKind, and ExchangeLargeKind."
        "Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble."
        "Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. "
        "IntraMEMC-2Freq": "MEMC MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind "
        "will be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume "
        "within same simulation box. Backbone of small and large molecule kind will be "
        "used to insert the large molecule more efficiently. This move need additional "
        "information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, "
        "ExchangeLargeKind, SmallKindBackBone, and LargeKindBackBone. "
        "Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble."
        "Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. "
        "MEMC-2Freq": "MEMC MC moves (only GEMC_NPT, GEMC_NVT, and GCMC) : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be "
        "exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume, between"
        "simulation boxes. Backbone of small and large molecule kind will be used to insert "
        "the large molecule more efficiently. "
        "This move needs additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, "
        "ExchangeSmallKind, ExchangeLargeKind, SmallKindBackBone, and LargeKindBackBone. "
        "Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble."
        "Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. "
        "IntraMEMC-3Freq": "MEMC MC moves (all ensembles)                     : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be "
        "exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume within same "
        "simulation box. Specified atom of the large molecule kind will be used to insert "
        "the large molecule using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. This move needs "
        "additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, "
        "ExchangeLargeKind, and LargeKindBackBone. "
        "Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble."
        "Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. "
        "MEMC-3Freq": "MEMC MC moves (only GEMC_NPT, GEMC_NVT, and GCMC) : "
        "int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {}. "
        "Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be exchanged "
        "with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume, between simulation boxes. "
        "Specified atom of the large molecule kind will be used to insert the large molecule "
        "using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. This move need additional information "
        "such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, ExchangeLargeKind, "
        "and LargeKindBackBone. "
        "Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble."
        "Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. "
        # MEMC move parameters
        "ExchangeVolumeDim": "MEMC parameters (all ensembles)                   : "
        "list of 3 floats or integers "
        "[int or float (> 0), int or float (> 0), int or float (> 0)]"
        " or [X-dimension, Y-dimension, Z-dimension)], default = {}. "
        "To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, the exchange "
        "subvolume must be defined. The exchange sub-volume is defined as an orthogonal box "
        "with x, y, and z-dimensions, where small molecule/molecules kind will be selected "
        "from to be exchanged with a large molecule kind. "
        "Note: Currently, the X and Y dimension cannot be set independently (X = Y = max(X, Y)). "
        "Note: A heuristic for setting good values of the x, y, and z-dimensions is to use "
        "the geometric size of the large molecule plus 1-2 Å in each dimension. "
        "Note: In case of exchanging 1 small molecule kind with 1 large molecule kind in "
        "IntraMEMC-2, IntraMEMC-3, MEMC-2, MEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, the sub-volume "
        "dimension has no effect on acceptance rate. "
        "MEMC_DataInput": "MEMC parameters (availablity based on selelection): nested lists, "
        + "default = {}.  ".format(
        + "Enter data as a list with some sub-lists as follows: "
        "[[ExchangeRatio_int (> 0), ExchangeLargeKind_str, "
        "[LargeKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, LargeKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ], "
        "ExchangeSmallKind_str, "
        "[SmallKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, SmallKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ]], ..., "
        "[ExchangeRatio_int (> 0), ExchangeLargeKind_str, "
        "[LargeKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, LargeKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ], "
        "ExchangeSmallKind_str, "
        "[SmallKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, SmallKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ]. "
        "SELECTION. IF THE SmallKindBackBone or LargeKindBackBone IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THE "
        "Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail. "
        "It is recommended that the user print the Charmm object psf and pdb files "
        "and review the residue names that match the atom name before using the in "
        "the  MEMC_DataInput variable input."
        "Note: see the below data explanations for the ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, "
        "ExchangeLargeKind, LargeKindBackBone, SmallKindBackBone. "
        "Example 1 (MEMC-1) : [ [1, 'WAT', [None, None], 'wat', [None, None]] , "
        "[1, 'WAT', [None, None], 'wat', [None, None]] . "
        "Example 2 (MEMC-2): [ [1, 'WAT', ['O1', 'H1'], 'wat', ['O1', 'H1' ]] , "
        "[1, 'WAT', ['H1', 'H2'], 'wat', ['H1', 'H2' ]] . "
        "Example 3 (MEMC-3) : [ [2, 'WAT', 'O1', 'H1'], 'wat', [None, None]] , "
        "[2, 'WAT', ['H1', 'H2'], 'wat', [None, None]] .\n"
        "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- ExchangeRatio     = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): "
        "int (> 0), default = None. The Ratio of exchanging "
        "small molecule/molecules with 1 large molecule. "
        "To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, "
        "the exchange ratio must be defined. "
        "The exchange ratio defines how many small molecule will be "
        "exchanged with 1 large molecule. For each large-small molecule pairs, "
        "one exchange ratio must be defined. \n"
        "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- ExchangeSmallKind = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): "
        "str, default = None. The small molecule "
        "kind (resname) to be exchanged. "
        "Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings. "
        "To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, "
        "the small molecule kind to be exchanged with a large molecule "
        "kind must be defined. Multiple small molecule kind can be specified.  \n"
        "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- ExchangeLargeKind = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): "
        "str, default = None. The large molecule "
        "kind (resname) to be exchanged. "
        "Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings. "
        "To use all variations of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, "
        "the large molecule kind to be exchanged with small molecule "
        "kind must be defined. Multiple large molecule kind can be specified. \n"
        "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- LargeKindBackBone = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): "
        "list [str, str] or [None, None], default = None "
        "Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings. "
        "The [None, None] values can only be used if that MEMC type does not require them. "
        "The strings for the the atom name 1 and atom name 2 that belong to the large "
        "molecule’s backbone (i.e., [str_for_atom_name_1, str_for_atom_name_2]) "
        "To use MEMC-2, MEMC-3, IntraMEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, the "
        "large molecule backbone must be defined. The backbone of the molecule is defined "
        "as a vector that connects two atoms belong to the large molecule. The large "
        "molecule backbone will be used to align the sub-volume in MEMC-2 and IntraMEMC-2 "
        "moves, while in MEMC-3 and IntraMEMC-3 moves, it uses the atom name to start "
        "growing the large molecule using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. For "
        "each large-small molecule pairs, two atom names must be defined. "
        "Note: all atom names in the molecule must be unique. "
        "Note: In MEMC-3 and IntraMEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, both atom names must be same, "
        "otherwise program will be terminated. "
        "Note: If the large molecule has only one atom (mono atomic molecules), "
        "same atom name must be used for str_for_atom_name_1 and str_for_atom_name_2 "
        "of the LargeKindBackBone.  \n"
        "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t --- SmallKindBackBone = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): "
        " list [str, str] or [None, None], default = None "
        "Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings. "
        "The [None, None] values can only be used if that MEMC type does not require them."
        "The strings for the the atom name 1 and atom name 2 that belong to the small "
        "molecule’s backbone (i.e., [str_for_atom_name_1, str_for_atom_name_2]) "
        "To use MEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-2 Monte Carlo moves, the small molecule backbone "
        "must be defined. The backbone of the molecule is defined as a vector that "
        "connects two atoms belong to the small molecule and will be used to align the "
        "sub-volume. For each large-small molecule pairs, two atom names must be defined. "
        "Note: all atom names in the molecule must be unique. "
        "Note: If the small molecule has only one atom (mono atomic molecules), same atom "
        "name must be used str_for_atom_name_1 and str_for_atom_name_2 "
        "of the SmallKindBackBone. ",
        # ******************************************************************************************************
        # Definitions in this function are copied to a large extent from the GOMC manual release version 2.60 (end)
        # insert citation here:
        # ******************************************************************************************************
    if description:
        return valid_input_variables
        return list(valid_input_variables.keys())

def _get_default_variables_dict():
    Provides a dictionary of the default variables inputs and their default settings (user optional).

    default_input_variables_dict : dict
        Provides a dict of the default variables inputs (user optional)


    default_input_variables_dict = {
        "PRNG": "RANDOM",
        "ParaTypeCHARMM": True,
        "ParaTypeMie": False,
        "ParaTypeMARTINI": False,
        "RcutCoulomb_box_0": None,
        "RcutCoulomb_box_1": None,
        "Pressure": 1.01325,
        "Rcut": 10,
        "RcutLow": 1,
        "LRC": True,
        "Exclude": "1-3",
        "coul_1_4_scaling": None,
        "Potential": "VDW",
        "Rswitch": 9,
        "ElectroStatic": True,
        "Ewald": True,
        "CachedFourier": False,
        "Tolerance": 0.00001,
        "Dielectric": 15,
        "PressureCalc": [True, 10000],
        "EqSteps": 1000000,
        "AdjSteps": 1000,
        "VDWGeometricSigma": False,
        "useConstantArea": False,
        "FixVolBox0": False,
        # GCMC only properties
        "ChemPot": None,
        "Fugacity": None,
        # CBMC inputs
        "CBMC_First": 12,
        "CBMC_Nth": 10,
        "CBMC_Ang": 50,
        "CBMC_Dih": 50,
        # Control file (.conf file ) output controls/parameters
        "OutputName": "Output_data",
        "CoordinatesFreq": [True, 1000000],
        "DCDFreq": [
        ],  # set to False until this is in the new official GOMC software release
        "RestartFreq": [True, 1000000],
        "CheckpointFreq": [True, 1000000],
        "ConsoleFreq": [True, 10000],
        "BlockAverageFreq": [True, 10000],
        "HistogramFreq": [True, 10000],
        # Histogram data
        "DistName": "dis",
        "HistName": "his",
        "RunNumber": 1,
        "RunLetter": "a",
        "SampleFreq": 500,
        # Data output for the console and bulk properties calculations
        "OutEnergy": [True, True],
        "OutPressure": [True, True],
        "OutMolNum": [True, True],
        "OutDensity": [True, True],
        "OutVolume": [True, True],
        "OutSurfaceTension": [False, False],
        # free energy calculation in NVT and NPT ensembles.
        "FreeEnergyCalc": None,
        "MoleculeType": None,
        "InitialState": None,
        "LambdaVDW": None,
        "LambdaCoulomb": None,
        "ScaleCoulomb": False,
        "ScalePower": 2,
        "ScaleAlpha": 0.5,
        "MinSigma": 3,
        # MEMC move info
        "ExchangeVolumeDim": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
        "MEMC_DataInput": None,
        # moves without MEMC
        "DisFreq": {
            "NVT": 0.15,
            "NPT": 0.15,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.20,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.19,
            "GCMC": 0.15,
        "RotFreq": {
            "NVT": 0.15,
            "NPT": 0.15,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.20,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.20,
            "GCMC": 0.15,
        "IntraSwapFreq": {
            "NVT": 0.30,
            "NPT": 0.29,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.10,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.10,
            "GCMC": 0.10,
        "SwapFreq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.20,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.20,
            "GCMC": 0.35,
        "RegrowthFreq": {
            "NVT": 0.30,
            "NPT": 0.30,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.20,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.20,
            "GCMC": 0.15,
        "CrankShaftFreq": {
            "NVT": 0.10,
            "NPT": 0.10,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.10,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.10,
            "GCMC": 0.10,
        "VolFreq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.01,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.01,
            "GCMC": 0.00,
        "MultiParticleFreq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.00,
            "GCMC": 0.00,
        # MEMC moves
        "IntraMEMC-1Freq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.00,
            "GCMC": 0.00,
        "MEMC-1Freq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.00,
            "GCMC": 0.00,
        "IntraMEMC-2Freq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.00,
            "GCMC": 0.00,
        "MEMC-2Freq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.00,
            "GCMC": 0.00,
        "IntraMEMC-3Freq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.00,
            "GCMC": 0.00,
        "MEMC-3Freq": {
            "NVT": 0.00,
            "NPT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NVT": 0.00,
            "GEMC_NPT": 0.00,
            "GCMC": 0.00,

    return default_input_variables_dict

def print_required_input(description=False):
    Prints the required ensemble arguments with an optional description based on the ensemble type

    description :  bool, default = False.
        If True, it prints the descriptions of the required ensemble inputs (i.e. dict),
        If False, it only prints the required ensemble inputs without the descriptions (i.e. list)

    Prints the required ensemble arguments with an optional description based on the ensemble type

    required_data_dict = _get_required_data(description=True)
    required_data_list = _get_required_data(description=False)
    ensemble_has_all_valid_required_data = True
    required_data = _get_required_data()

    for iter in range(0, len(required_data_list)):
        if required_data_list[iter] not in required_data:
            ensemble_has_all_valid_required_data = False

    if ensemble_has_all_valid_required_data:
        for iter_2 in range(0, len(required_data_list)):
            required_data_iter = required_data_list[iter_2]
            if description is False:
                    "{:10s}:    {}".format(str(iter_2), str(required_data_iter))
            elif description is True:
                    "{:10s}:    {:30s}    {}".format(
            "ERROR: Some files in this ensemble are not in the required file list"

def check_valid_ensemble_input_variables(
    ensemble_type, testing_input_variables_list
    Checks if all the input variables (user optional) inputs are valid for the given
    ensemble, and provides a list of the bad variables in the printed output.

    ensemble_type : str, valid options are 'NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NVT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC'
        The ensemble type of the simulation.
    testing_input_variables_list : list
        List containing the optional ensemble input variables which will be
        tested for to see if they are valid.

        Returns a bool (True or False) depending on if all variables
        are valid or not.

    bad_key_inputs_list = []

    valid_input_variables_list = _get_possible_ensemble_input_variables(
    ensemble_has_valid_input_variables_list = True
    for iter in range(0, len(testing_input_variables_list)):
        if testing_input_variables_list[iter] not in valid_input_variables_list:
            ensemble_has_valid_input_variables_list = False

    if ensemble_has_valid_input_variables_list:
        return [True, bad_key_inputs_list]

        return [False, bad_key_inputs_list]

def print_valid_ensemble_input_variables(ensemble_type, description=False):
    Prints the arguments for optional variables brief description based on the ensemble type

    ensemble_type = str, valid options are 'NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NVT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC'
        The ensemble type of the simulation.
    description =  bool, default = False.
        If True, it prints the descriptions of the optional variable ensemble inputs (i.e. dict),
        If False, it only prints the  optional variable ensemble inputs without the
        descriptions (i.e. list)

    Prints the arguments for optional variables brief description based on the ensemble type

    valid_input_variables_dict = _get_all_possible_input_variables(
    ensemble_has_all_valid_input_variables = True
    all_valid_input_variables = _get_all_possible_input_variables()

    valid_input_variables_list = _get_possible_ensemble_input_variables(

    for iter in range(0, len(valid_input_variables_list)):
        if valid_input_variables_list[iter] not in all_valid_input_variables:
            ensemble_has_all_valid_input_variables = False

    if ensemble_has_all_valid_input_variables:
        for iter_2 in range(0, len(valid_input_variables_list)):
            ensemble_kwarg_iter = valid_input_variables_list[iter_2]
            if description is False:
                    "{:10s}:    {}".format(
                        str(iter_2), str(ensemble_kwarg_iter)
            elif description is True:
                    "{:10s}:    {:30s}    {}".format(
            "ERROR: Some input_variables in the ensemble are not in the main input_variables list"

def _get_possible_ensemble_input_variables(ensemble_type):
    Provides list of the possible optional input variables based on the ensemble type

    ensemble_type : str, valid options are 'NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NVT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC'
        The ensemble type of the simulation.

    valid_input_variables_list : list
        A list possible optional input variables for the provided ensemble type.
    histogram_output_variables_list = [

    cbmc_variables_list = ["CBMC_First", "CBMC_Nth", "CBMC_Ang", "CBMC_Dih"]

    output_freq_variables_list = [

    output_data_variables_list = [

    std_mc_moves_variables_list = [

    memc_mc_moves_variables_list = [

    basic_sim_info_variables_list = [

    if ensemble_type in ["NPT", "NVT"]:
        extra_sim_info_variables_list = []

        free_energy_variables_list = [

    elif ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT"]:
        extra_sim_info_variables_list = ["RcutCoulomb_box_1", "FixVolBox0"]

        free_energy_variables_list = []  # always empty for GEMC

    elif ensemble_type == "GCMC":
        extra_sim_info_variables_list = ["ChemPot", "Fugacity"]

        free_energy_variables_list = []  # always empty for GCMC

    if ensemble_type in ["NPT", "NVT", "GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC"]:
        valid_input_variables_list = (
            + extra_sim_info_variables_list
            + cbmc_variables_list
            + output_freq_variables_list
            + histogram_output_variables_list
            + output_data_variables_list
            + free_energy_variables_list
            + std_mc_moves_variables_list
            + memc_mc_moves_variables_list
            "WARNING: The ensemble_type selected for the _get_possible_ensemble_input_variables "
            "function is not valid."
        valid_input_variables_list = None

    return valid_input_variables_list

class GOMCControl:
    Constructs the GOMC control file with user selected variables.
    The selected variables and Class attributes are mostly or nearly identical to the
    GOMC command names. For many ensembles, the user may use the default input_variables_dict
    variables, unless they are required for the specific ensemble (Example:
    the GCMC ensemble requires the user to input the Chempot or Fugacity variables,
    or the build will fail.)

    Default settings for the GOMC configuration files are based upon
    an educated guess, which should result in appropriate sampling for a
    given ensemble/simulation type. However, there is no guarantee that
    the default setting will provide the best or adequate sampling for
    the selected system. The user can modify the configuration/control files
    based on the simulation specifics or optimize the system beyond the standard
    settings.  These override options are available via the keyword arguments
    in input_variable_dict.

    charmm_object :  Charmm object
        Charmm object is has been parameterized from the selected force field.,
    ensemble_typ : str, ['NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC-NVT', 'GCMC']
        The ensemble type of the simulation.
    RunSteps : int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero.
        Sets the total number of simulation steps.
    Temperature : float or int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero.
        Temperature of system in Kelvin (K)
    ff_psf_pdb_file_directory : str (optional), default=None (i.e., the current directory).
        The full or relative directory added to the force field, psf, and pdb
        file names, created via the Charmm object.
    check_input_files_exist : bool, (default=True)
        Check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.
        If the files are checked and do not exist, the writer will throw a ValueError.
        True, check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.
        False, do not check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.
    Restart : boolean, default = False
        Determines whether to restart the simulation from restart file
        (``*_restart.pdb`` and ``*_restart.psf``) or not.
    RestartCheckpoint : boolean, default = False
        Determines whether to restart the simulation with the checkpoint
        file (checkpoint.dat) or not. Restarting the simulation with checkpoint.dat
        would result in an identical outcome, as if previous simulation was continued.
    Parameters : str, (default=None)
        Override all other force field directory and filename input with the correct extension (.inp or .par).
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    Coordinates_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        Override all other box 0 pdb directory and filename inputs with the correct extension.
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    Structure_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        Override all other box 0 psf directory and filename inputs with the correct extension.
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    Coordinates_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        Override all other box 1 pdb directory and filename inputs with the correct extension.
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    Structure_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        Override all other box 1  psf directory and filename inputs with the correct extension.
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    binCoordinates_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        The box 0 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation,
        which provides increased numerical accuracy.
    extendedSystem_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        The box 0 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation.
    binVelocities_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        The box 0 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation,
        which provides increased numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru
        GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any velocity information.
    binCoordinates_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        The box 1 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation,
        which provides increased numerical accuracy.
    extendedSystem_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        The box 1 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation.
    binVelocities_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        The box 1 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation,
        which provides increased numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru
        GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any velocity information.
    input_variables_dict: dict, default = None
        These input variables are optional and override the default settings.
        Changing these variables likely required for more advanced systems.
        The details of the acceptable input variables for the selected
        ensembles can be found by running the code below in python,
        >>> print_valid_ensemble_input_variables('GCMC', description = True)
        which prints the input_variables with their subsection description
        for the selected 'GCMC' ensemble (other ensembles can be set as well).

        Example : input_variables_dict = {'PRNG' : 123,
                                          'ParaTypeCHARMM' : True }

    # *******************************************************************
    # input_variables_dict options (keys and values) - (start)
    # Note: the input_variables_dict keys are also attributes
    # *******************************************************************
    PRNG : string or int (>= 0) ("RANDOM" or int), default = "RANDOM"
        PRNG = Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG). There are two (2) options, entering
        the string, "RANDOM", or a integer.

        --- "RANDOM": selects a random seed number.  This will enter the line
        "PRNG RANDOM" in the gomc configuration file.

        --- integer: which defines the integer seed number for the simulation. This is
        equivalent to entering the following two lines in the configuration file

        line 1 = PRNG INTSEED

        line 2 = Random_Seed user_selected_integer.

        Example 1: for a random seed enter the string "RANDOM".

        Example 2: for a specific seed number enter a integer of your choosing.

    ParaTypeCHARMM : boolean, default = True
        True if a CHARMM forcefield, False otherwise.
    ParaTypeMie : boolean, default = False
        True if a Mie forcefield type, False otherwise.
    ParaTypeMARTINI : boolean, default = False
        True if a MARTINI forcefield, False otherwise.
    RcutCoulomb_box_0 : int or float (>= 0), default = None
        Sets a specific radius in box 0 where the short-range electrostatic
        energy will be calculated (i.e., The distance to truncate the
        short-range electrostatic energy in box 0.)
        Note: if None, GOMC will default to the Rcut value
    RcutCoulomb_box_1 : int or float (>= 0), default = None
        Sets a specific radius in box 1 where the short-range electrostatic
        energy will be calculated (i.e., The distance to truncate the
        short-range electrostatic energy in box 0.)
        Note: if None, GOMC will default to the Rcut value
    Pressure : int or float (>= 0), default = 1.01325
        The pressure in bar utilized for the NPT and GEMC_NPT simulations.
    Rcut : int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = 10
        Sets a specific radius in Angstroms that non-bonded interaction
        energy and force will be considered and calculated using defined potential function.
        The distance in Angstoms to truncate the LJ, Mie, or other VDW type potential at.
        Note: Rswitch is only used when the "Potential" = SWITCH.
    RcutLow : int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = 1
        Sets a specific minimum possible distance in Angstroms that reject
        any move that places any atom closer than specified distance.
        The minimum possible distance between any atoms.
        Sets a specific radius in Angstroms that non-bonded interaction
        Note: Rswitch is only used when the "Potential" = SWITCH.
    LRC : boolean, default = True
        If True, the simulation considers the long range tail corrections for the
        non-bonded VDW or dispersion interactions.
        Note: In case of using SHIFT or SWITCH potential functions, LRC will be ignored.
    Exclude : str ["1-2", "1-3", or "1-4"], default = "1-3"
        Note: In CHARMM force field, the 1-4 interaction needs to be considered.
        Choosing "Excude 1-3", will modify 1-4 interaction based on 1-4 parameters
        in parameter file. If a kind force field is used, where 1-4 interaction
        needs to be ignored, such as TraPPE, either Exclude "1-4" needs to be
        chosen or 1-4 parameter needs to be assigned to zero in the parameter file.

        --- "1-2": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, except the ones that
        separated with one bond, will be considered and modified using 1-4
        parameters defined in parameter file.

        --- "1-3": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, except the ones that
        separated with one or two bonds, will be considered and modified using
        1-4 parameters defined in parameter file.

        --- "1-4": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, except the ones that
        separated with one, two or three bonds, will be considered using
        non-bonded parameters defined in parameter file.

    Potential : str, ["VDW", "EXP6", "SHIFT" or "SWITCH"], default = "VDW"
        Defines the potential function type to calculate non-bonded dispersion
        interaction energy and force between atoms.

        ---    "VDW":   Non-bonded dispersion interaction energy and force
        calculated based on n-6 (Lennard - Jones) equation. This
        function will be discussed further in the Intermolecular energy
        and Virial calculation section.

        ---   "EXP6":   Non-bonded dispersion interaction energy and force calculated
        based on exp-6 (Buckingham potential) equation.

        ---  "SHIFT":   This option forces the potential energy to be zero at Rcut distance.

        --- "SWITCH":   This option smoothly forces the potential energy to be zero at
        Rcut distance and starts modifying the potential at Rswitch
        distance. Depending on force field type, specific potential
        function will be applied.

    Rswitch : int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = 9
        Note: Rswitch is only used when the SWITCH function is used
        (i.e., "Potential" = SWITCH). The Rswitch distance is in Angstrom. If the
        “SWITCH” function is chosen, Rswitch needs to be defined, otherwise, the
        program will be terminated. When using choosing "SWITCH" as potential function,
        the Rswitch distance defines where the non-bonded interaction energy
        modification is started, which is eventually truncated smoothly at Rcut
    ElectroStatic : boolean, default = True
        Considers the coulomb interactions or not. If True, coulomb interactions are
        considered and false if not. Note: To simulate the polar molecule in MARTINI
        force field, ElectroStatic needs to be turn on (i.e., True). The MARTINI force
        field uses short-range coulomb interaction with constant Dielectric of 15.0.
    Ewald : boolean, default = True
        Considers the standard Ewald summation method for electrostatic calculations.
        If True, Ewald summation calculation needs to be considered and false if not.
        Note: By default, GOMC will set ElectroStatic to True if Ewald summation
        method was used to calculate coulomb interaction.
    CachedFourier : boolean, default = False
        Considers storing the reciprocal terms for Ewald summation calculation in
        order to improve the code performance. This option would increase the code
        performance with the cost of memory usage. If True, to store reciprocal
        terms of Ewald summation calculation and False if not.
        Warning: Monte Carlo moves, such as MEMC-1, MEMC-2, MEMC-3,
        IntraMEMC-1, IntraMEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-3 are not support with CachedFourier.
    Tolerance : float (0.0 < float < 1.0), default = 1e-05
        Sets the accuracy in Ewald summation calculation. Ewald separation parameter
        and number of reciprocal vectors for the Ewald summation are determined
        based on the accuracy parameter.
    Dielectric : int or float (>= 0.0), default = 15
        Sets dielectric value used in coulomb interaction when the Martini
        force field is used. Note: In MARTINI force field, Dielectric needs to
        be set to 15.0.
    PressureCalc : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [bool , step_frequency],
        default = [True, 10k] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 10k max]
        Calculate the system pressure or not. bool = True, enables the pressure calculation
        during the simulation, false disables the calculation. The int/step frequency sets the
        frequency of calculating the pressure.
    EqSteps : int (> 0), default = set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1M max
        Sets the number of steps necessary to equilibrate the system.
        Averaging will begin at this step.
        Note: In GCMC simulations, the Histogram files will be outputed at EqSteps.
    AdjSteps : int (> 0), default = set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1k max
        Sets the number of steps per adjustment of the parameter associated with each move
        (e.g. maximum translate distance, maximum rotation, maximum volume exchange, etc.).
    VDWGeometricSigma: boolean, default = False
        Use geometric mean, as required by OPLS force field, to combining
        Lennard-Jones sigma parameters for different atom types.
        If set to True, GOMC uses geometric mean to combine Lennard-Jones or VDW sigmas.
        Note: The default setting of VDWGeometricSigma is false, which uses the arithmetic
        mean when combining Lennard-Jones or VDW sigma parameters for different atom types.
    useConstantArea : boolean,  default = False
        Changes the volume of the simulation box by fixing the cross-sectional
        area (x-y plane). If True, the volume will change only in z axis,
        If False, the volume of the box will change in a way to maintain the constant
        axis ratio.
    FixVolBox0 : boolean, default = False
        Changing the volume of fluid phase (Box 1) to maintain the constant imposed
        pressure and Temperature, while keeping the volume of adsorbed phase (Box 0) fixed.
        Note: By default, GOMC will set useConstantArea to False if no value was set.
        It means, the volume of the box will change in a way to maintain the constant
        axis ratio.
    ChemPot : dict {str (4 dig limit) , int or float}, default = None
        The chemical potentials in GOMC units of energy, K.
        There is a 4 character limit for the string/residue name since the PDB/PSF
        files have a 4 character limitation and require and exact match in the conf file.
        Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail.
        The name of the residues and their corresponding chemical potential must specified
        for every residue in the system (i.e., {"residue_name" : chemical_potential}).

        Example 1 (system with only water):  {"H2O" : -4000}

        Example 2 (system with water and ethanol):  {"H2O" : -4000, "ETH" : -8000}

    Fugacity : dict {str , int or float (>= 0)}, default = None
        The fugacity in GOMC units of pressure, bar.
        There is a 4 character limit for the string/residue name since the PDB/PSF
        files have a 4 character limitation and require and exact match in the conf file.
        Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail.
        The name of the residues and their corresponding fugacity must specified
        for every residue in the system (i.e., {"residue_name" : fugacity}).

        Example 1 (system with only water):  {"H2O" : 1}

        Example 2 (system with water and ethanol):  {"H2O" : 0.5, "ETH" : 10}

    CBMC_First : int (>= 0), default = 12
        The number of CD-CBMC trials to choose the first atom position
        (Lennard-Jones trials for first seed growth).
    CBMC_Nth : int (>= 0), default = 10
        The Number of CD-CBMC trials to choose the later atom positions
        (Lennard-Jones trials for first seed growth).
    CBMC_Ang : int (>= 0), default = 50
        The Number of CD-CBMC bending angle trials to perform for geometry
        (per the coupled-decoupled CBMC scheme).
    CBMC_Dih : int (>= 0), default = 50
        The Number of CD-CBMC dihedral angle trials to perform for geometry
        (per the coupled-decoupled CBMC scheme).
    OutputName : str (NO SPACES), , default = "Output_data", default = [True, 1M] or
        [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1M max]
        The UNIQUE STRING NAME, WITH NO SPACES, which is used for the
        output block average, PDB, and PSF file names.
    CoordinatesFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int],
        default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or M max]
        Controls output of PDB file (coordinates). If bool is True, this
        enables outputting the coordinate files at the integer frequency
        (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting
        the coordinates.
    DCDFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int],
        default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or M max]
        Controls output of DCD file (coordinates). If bool is True, this
        enables outputting the coordinate files at the integer frequency
        (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting
        the coordinates.
    RestartFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int],
        default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1M max]
        This creates the PDB and PSF (coordinate and topology) files for
        restarting the system at the set steps_per_data_output_int (frequency)
        If bool is True, this enables outputting the PDB/PSF restart files at the
        integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), while “false”
        disables outputting the PDB/PSF restart files.
    CheckpointFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int],
        default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1M max]
        Controls the output of the last state of simulation at a specified step,
        in a binary file format (checkpoint.dat). Checkpoint file contains the
        following information in full precision:

            (1) Last simulation step that saved into checkpoint file

            (2) Simulation cell dimensions and angles

            (3) Maximum amount of displacement (Å), rotation (δ), and volume (Å^3)
            that is used in the Displacement, Rotation, MultiParticle, and Volume moves

            (4) Number of Monte Carlo move trial and acceptance

            (5) All molecule’s coordinates

            (6) Random number sequence

        If bool is True, this enables outputing the checkpoint file at the
        integer frequency (set steps_per_data_ouput_int),
        while "False" disables outputting the checkpoint file.
    ConsoleFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int],
        default = [True, 10k] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 10k max]
        Controls the output to the "console" or log file, which prints the
        acceptance statistics, and run timing info. In addition, instantaneously-selected
        thermodynamic properties will be output to this file.  If bool is True,
        this enables outputting the console data at the integer frequency
        (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting the console
        data file.
    BlockAverageFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int],
        default = [True, 10k] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 10k max]
        Controls the block averages output of selected thermodynamic properties.
        Block averages are averages of thermodynamic values of interest for chunks of the
        simulation (for post-processing of averages or std. dev. in those values).
        If bool is True, this enables outputting the block averaging data/file at the
        integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int),  while "False"
        disables outputting the block averaging data/file.
    HistogramFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int],
        default = [True, 10k] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 10k max]
        Controls the histograms. Histograms are a binned listing of observation frequency
        for a specific thermodynamic variable. In the GOMC code, they also control the output
        of a file containing energy/molecule samples, which is only used for the "GCMC"
        ensemble simulations for histogram reweighting purposes. If bool is True, this
        enables outputting the data to the histogram data at the integer frequency
        (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting the histogram
    DistName : str (NO SPACES), default = "dis"
        Short phrase which will be combined with RunNumber and RunLetter
        to use in the name of the binned histogram for molecule distribution.
    HistName : str (NO SPACES), default = "his"
        Short phrase, which will be combined with RunNumber and RunLetter,
        to use in the name of the energy/molecule count sample file.
    RunNumber : int  ( > 0 ), default = 1
        Sets a number, which is a part of DistName and HistName file name.
    RunLetter : str (1 alphabetic character only), default = "a"
        Sets a letter, which is a part of DistName and HistName file name.
    SampleFreq : int ( > 0 ), default = 500
        The number of steps per histogram sample or frequency.
    OutEnergy : [bool, bool], default = [True, True]
        The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool].
        This outputs the energy data into the block averages and console output/log
    OutPressure : [bool, bool], default = [True, True]
        The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool].
        This outputs the pressure data into the block averages and console output/log files.
    OutMolNum : [bool, bool], default = [True, True]
        The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool].
        This outputs the number of molecules data into the block averages and console
        output/log files.
    OutDensity : [bool, bool], default = [True, True]
        The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool].
        This outputs the density data into the block averages and console output/log files.
    OutVolume : [bool, bool], default = [True, True]
        The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool].
        This outputs the volume data into the block averages and console output/log files.
    OutSurfaceTension : [bool, bool], default = [False, False]
        The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool].
        This outputs the surface tension data into the block averages and console
        output/log files.
    FreeEnergyCalc : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int],
        default = None
        bool = True enabling free energy calculation during the simulation, false disables
        the calculation. The int/step frequency sets the frequency of calculating the free energy.
    MoleculeType : list [str , int (> 0)] or ["residue_name" , residue_ID], default = None
        The user must set this variable as there is no working default.
        Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the string (i.e., "residue_name").
        Sets the solute molecule kind (residue name) and molecule number (residue ID),
        which absolute solvation free will be calculated for.
    InitialState : int (>= 0), default = None
        The user must set this variable as there is no working default.
        The index of LambdaCoulomb and LambdaVDW vectors. Sets the index of the
        LambdaCoulomb and LambdaVDW vectors, to determine the simulation lambda value for
        VDW and Coulomb interactions.
        WARNING : This must an integer within the vector count of the LambdaVDW and LambdaCoulomb,
        in which the counting starts at 0.
    LambdaVDW : list of floats (0 <= floats <= 1), default = None
        The user must set this variable as there is no working default (default = {}).
        Lambda values for VDW interaction in ascending order. Sets the intermediate
        lambda states to which solute-solvent VDW interactions are scaled.

        WARNING : This list must be the same length as the "LambdaCoulomb" list length.

        WARNING : All lambda values must be stated in the ascending order, otherwise the
        program will terminate.

        Example of ascending order 1: [0.1, 1.0,]

        Example of ascending orde 2: [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9]

    LambdaCoulomb : list of floats (0 <= floats <= 1), default = None
        Lambda values for Coulombic interaction in ascending order. Sets the intermediate
        lambda states to which solute-solvent Coulombic interactions are scaled.
        GOMC defauts to the "LambdaVDW" values for the Coulombic interaction
        if no "LambdaCoulomb" variable is set.

        WARNING : This list must be the same length as the "LambdaVDW" list length.

        WARNING : All lambda values must be stated in the ascending order, otherwise
        the program will terminate.

        Example of ascending order 1: [0.1, 1.0,]

        Example of ascending order 2: [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9]

    ScaleCoulomb : bool, default = False
        Determines to scale the Coulombic interaction non-linearly
        (soft-core scheme) or not.
        True if the Coulombic interaction needs to be scaled non-linearly.
        False if the Coulombic interaction needs to be scaled linearly.
    ScalePower : int (>= 0), default = 2
        The p value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the distance
        between solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly.
    ScaleAlpha : int or float (>= 0), default = 0.5
        The alpha value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the distance
        between solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly.
    MinSigma : int or float (>= 0), default = 3
        The minimum sigma value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the
        distance between solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly.
    DisFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.15, 'NPT': 0.15, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.2, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.19, 'GCMC': 0.15}
        Fractional percentage at which the displacement move will occur
        (i.e., fraction of displacement moves).
    RotFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.15, 'NPT': 0.15, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.2, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.2, 'GCMC': 0.15}
        Fractional percentage at which the rotation move will occur.
        (i.e., fraction of rotation moves).
    IntraSwapFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.3, 'NPT': 0.29, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.1, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.1, 'GCMC': 0.1}
        Fractional percentage at which the molecule will be removed from a
        box and inserted into the same box using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias
        algorithm. (i.e., fraction of intra-molecule swap moves).
    SwapFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.2, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.2, 'GCMC': 0.35}
        For Gibbs and Grand Canonical (GC) ensemble runs only: Fractional
        percentage at which molecule swap move will occur using coupled-decoupled
        configurational-bias. (i.e., fraction of molecule swaps moves).
    RegrowthFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.3, 'NPT': 0.3, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.2, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.2, 'GCMC': 0.15}
        Fractional percentage at which part of the molecule will be deleted and
        then regrown using coupled- decoupled configurational-bias algorithm
        (i.e., fraction of molecular growth moves).
    CrankShaftFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.1, 'NPT': 0.1, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.1, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.1, 'GCMC': 0.1}
        Fractional percentage at which crankshaft move will occur.
        In this move, two atoms that are forming angle or dihedral are selected
        randomly and form a shaft. Then any atoms or group that are within these
        two selected atoms, will rotate around the shaft to sample intra-molecular
        degree of freedom (i.e., fraction of crankshaft moves).
    VolFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.01, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.01, 'GCMC': 0.0}
        For isobaric-isothermal (NPT) ensemble and Gibbs ensemble
        (GEMC_NPT and GEMC_NVT) runs only: Fractional percentage at
        which a volume move will occur (i.e., fraction of Volume moves).
    MultiParticleFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0}
        Fractional percentage at which multi-particle move will occur.
        In this move, all molecules in the selected simulation box will be rigidly
        rotated or displaced simultaneously, along the calculated torque or force
        respectively (i.e., fraction of multi-particle moves).
    IntraMEMC_1Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0}
        Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be
        exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume within
        same simulation box.  This move need additional information such as
        ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, and ExchangeLargeKind.
    MEMC_1Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0}
        Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will
        be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume,
        between simulation boxes.  This move need additional information such as
        ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, and ExchangeLargeKind.
    IntraMEMC_2Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0}
        Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind
        will be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume
        within same simulation box. Backbone of small and large molecule kind will be
        used to insert the large molecule more efficiently. This move need additional
        information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind,
        ExchangeLargeKind, SmallKindBackBone, and LargeKindBackBone.
    MEMC_2Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0}
        Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be
        exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume,
        between simulation boxes. Backbone of small and large molecule kind will be
        used to insert the large molecule more efficiently. This move need additional
        information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind,
        ExchangeLargeKind, SmallKindBackBone, and LargeKindBackBone.
    IntraMEMC_3Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0}
        Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be
        exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume within same
        simulation box. Specified atom of the large molecule kind will be used to insert
        the large molecule using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. This move need
        additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind,
        ExchangeLargeKind, and LargeKindBackBone.
    MEMC_3Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble
        {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0}
        Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be
        exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume,
        between simulation boxes.  Specified atom of the large molecule kind will be
        used to insert the large molecule using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias.
        This move need additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim,
        ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, ExchangeLargeKind, and LargeKindBackBone.
    ExchangeVolumeDim : list of 3 floats or integers or [X-dimension, Y-dimension, Z-dimension)],
        default = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
        To use all variations of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, the exchange
        subvolume must be defined. The exchange sub-volume is defined as an orthogonal box
        with x, y, and z-dimensions, where small molecule/molecules kind will be selected
        from to be exchanged with a large molecule kind.
        Note: Currently, the X and Y dimension cannot be set independently (X = Y = max(X, Y)).
        Note: A heuristic for setting good values of the x, y, and z-dimensions is to use
        the geometric size of the large molecule plus 1-2 Å in each dimension.
        Note: In case of exchanging 1 small molecule kind with 1 large molecule kind in
        IntraMEMC-2, IntraMEMC-3, MEMC-2, MEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, the sub-volume
        dimension has no effect on acceptance rate.
    MEMC_DataInput : nested lists, default = None
        Enter data as a list with some sub-lists as follows:
        [[ExchangeRatio_int (> 0), ExchangeLargeKind_str,
        [LargeKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, LargeKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ],
        ExchangeSmallKind_str, [SmallKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, SmallKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ]],
        [ExchangeRatio_int (> 0), ExchangeLargeKind_str,
        [LargeKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, LargeKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ],
        ExchangeSmallKind_str, [SmallKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, SmallKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ].
        SELECTION. IF THE SmallKindBackBone or LargeKindBackBone IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THE

        Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail.
        It is recommended that the user print the Charmm object psf and pdb files
        and review the residue names that match the atom name before using the in
        the MEMC_DataInput variable input.

        Note: see the below data explanations for the ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind,
        ExchangeLargeKind, LargeKindBackBone, SmallKindBackBone.

        Example 1 (MEMC-1) : [ [1, 'WAT', [None, None], 'wat', [None, None]] ,
        [1, 'WAT', [None, None], 'wat', [None, None]]

        Example 2 (MEMC-2): [ [1, 'WAT', ['O1', 'H1'], 'wat', ['O1', 'H1' ]] ,
        [1, 'WAT', ['H1', 'H2'], 'wat', ['H1', 'H2' ]]

        Example 3 (MEMC-3) : [ [2, 'WAT', 'O1', 'H1'], 'wat', [None, None]] ,
        [2, 'WAT', ['H1', 'H2'], 'wat', [None, None]]

        --- ExchangeRatio     = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): int (> 0), default = None
        The Ratio of exchanging small molecule/molecules with 1 large molecule.
        To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves,
        the exchange ratio must be defined. The exchange ratio defines how
        many small molecule will be exchanged with 1 large molecule. For each
        large-small molecule pairs, one exchange ratio must be defined.

        --- ExchangeSmallKind = MEMC parameters (all ensembles):  str, default = None
        The small molecule kind (resname) to be exchanged.
        Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings.
        To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves,
        the small molecule kind to be exchanged with a large molecule
        kind must be defined. Multiple small molecule kind can be specified.

        --- ExchangeLargeKind = MEMC parameters (all ensembles):  str, default = None
        The large molecule kind (resname) to be exchanged.
        Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings.
        To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves,
        the large molecule kind to be exchanged with small molecule
        kind must be defined. Multiple large molecule kind can be specified.

        --- LargeKindBackBone = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): list [str, str] or [None, None], default = None
        Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings.
        The [None, None] values can only be used if that MEMC type does
        not require them.  The strings for the the atom name 1 and atom name 2
        that belong to the large molecule’s backbone
        (i.e., [str_for_atom_name_1, str_for_atom_name_2])
        To use MEMC-2, MEMC-3, IntraMEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, the
        large molecule backbone must be defined. The backbone of the molecule is defined
        as a vector that connects two atoms belong to the large molecule. The large
        molecule backbone will be used to align the sub-volume in MEMC-2 and IntraMEMC-2
        moves, while in MEMC-3 and IntraMEMC-3 moves, it uses the atom name to start
        growing the large molecule using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. For
        each large-small molecule pairs, two atom names must be defined.
        Note: all atom names in the molecule must be unique.
        Note: In MEMC-3 and IntraMEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, both atom names must be same,
        otherwise program will be terminated.
        Note: If the large molecule has only one atom (mono atomic molecules),
        same atom name must be used for str_for_atom_name_1 and str_for_atom_name_2
        of the LargeKindBackBone.

        --- SmallKindBackBone = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): list [str, str] or [None, None], default = None
        Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings.
        The [None, None] values can only be used if that MEMC type does not
        require them. The strings for the the atom name 1 and atom name 2 that
        belong to the small molecule’s backbone
        (i.e., [str_for_atom_name_1, str_for_atom_name_2])
        To use MEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-2 Monte Carlo moves, the small molecule backbone
        must be defined. The backbone of the molecule is defined as a vector that
        connects two atoms belong to the small molecule and will be used to align the
        sub-volume. For each large-small molecule pairs, two atom names must be defined.
        Note: all atom names in the molecule must be unique.
        Note: If the small molecule has only one atom (mono atomic molecules), same atom
        name must be used str_for_atom_name_1 and str_for_atom_name_2
        of the SmallKindBackBone.

    # *******************************************************************
    # input_variables_dict options (keys and values) - (end)
    # Note: the input_variables_dict keys are also attributes
    # *******************************************************************

    input_error : bool
        This error is typically incurred from an error in the user input values.
        However, it could also be due to a bug, provided the user is inputting
        the data as this Class intends.
    all_failed_input_List : list
        A list of all the inputs that failed, but there may be some inputs that
        are not possible to put on this list.
    ensemble_typ : str, ['NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC-NVT', 'GCMC']
        The ensemble type of the simulation.
    RunSteps : int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero.
        Sets the total number of simulation steps.
    Temperature : float or int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero.
        Temperature of system in Kelvin (K)
    ff_psf_pdb_file_directory : str (optional), default=None (i.e., the current directory).
        The full or relative directory added to the force field, psf, and pdb
        file names, created via the Charmm object.
    check_input_files_exist : bool, (default=True)
        Check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.
        If the files are checked and do not exist, the writer will throw a ValueError.
        True, check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.
        False, do not check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.
    Restart : boolean, default = False
        Determines whether to restart the simulation from restart file
        (``*_restart.pdb`` and ``*_restart.psf``) or not.
    RestartCheckpoint : boolean, default = False
        Determines whether to restart the simulation with the checkpoint
        file (checkpoint.dat) or not. Restarting the simulation with checkpoint.dat
        would result in an identical outcome, as if previous simulation was continued.
    Parameters : str, (default=None)
        Override all other force field directory and filename input with the correct extension (.inp or .par).
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    Coordinates_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        Override all other box 0 pdb directory and filename inputs with the correct extension.
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    Structure_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        Override all other box 0 psf directory and filename inputs with the correct extension.
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    Coordinates_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        Override all other box 1 pdb directory and filename inputs with the correct extension.
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    Structure_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        Override all other box 1  psf directory and filename inputs with the correct extension.
        Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name.
    binCoordinates_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        The box 0 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation,
        which provides increased numerical accuracy.
    extendedSystem_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        The box 0 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation.
    binVelocities_box_0 : str, (default=None)
        The box 0 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation,
        which provides increased numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru
        GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any velocity information.
    binCoordinates_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        The box 1 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation,
        which provides increased numerical accuracy.
    extendedSystem_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        The box 1 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation.
    binVelocities_box_1 : str, (default=None)
        The box 1 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation,
        which provides increased numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru
        GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any velocity information.
    input_variables_dict: dict, default = None
        These input variables are optional and override the default settings.
        Changing these variables likely required for more advanced systems.
        The details of the acceptable input variables for the selected
        ensembles can be found by running the code below in python,
        >>> print_valid_ensemble_input_variables('GCMC', description = True)
        which prints the input_variables with their subsection description
        for the selected 'GCMC' ensemble (other ensembles can be set as well).
        Example : input_variables_dict = {'PRNG' : 123,
                                          'ParaTypeCHARMM' : True }
    conf_filename : str
        The name of the GOMC contol file, which will be created.  The extension
        of the GOMC control file can be .conf, or no extension can be provided.
        If no extension is provided, this writer will automatically add the
        .conf extension to the provided string.
    box_0_vectors : numpy.ndarray, [[float float float], [float float float], [float float float]]
        Three (3) sets vectors for box 0 each with 3 float values, which represent
        the vectors for the Charmm-style systems (units in Angstroms (Ang))
    box_1_vectors : numpy.ndarray, [[float float float], [float float float], [float float float]]
        Three (3) sets vectors for box 1 each with 3 float values, which represent
        the vectors for the Charmm-style systems (units in Angstroms (Ang))
    coul_1_4 : float or int
        The non-bonded 1-4 coulombic scaling factor, which is the
        same for all the residues/molecules, regardless if
        differenct force fields are utilized.
    residues : list, [str, ..., str]
        Labels of unique residues in the Compound. Residues are assigned by
        checking against  Only supply residue names as 4 character
        strings, as the residue names are truncated to 4 characters to fit in the
        psf and pdb file.
    all_res_unique_atom_name_dict : dict, {str : [str, ..., str]}
        A dictionary that provides the residue names (keys) and a list
        of the unique atom names in the residue (value), for the
        combined structures (box 0 and box 1 (if supplied)).
    any input_variables_dict key : varies (see each input_variables_dict key and value)
        Any of the input variables keys is also an Attribute and can be called
        the same way.  Please see the input_variables_dict keys in the
        Parameters section above for all the available attributes.

    The user input variables (input_variables_dict) and the specific

    The details of the required inputs for the selected
    ensembles can be found by running this python workbook,

    >>> print_valid_required_input_variables('NVT', description = True)

    which prints the required inputs with their subsection description
    for the selected 'NVT' ensemble (other ensembles can be set as well).

    The details of the input variables for the selected
    ensembles can be found by running this python workbook,

    >>> print_valid_ensemble_input_variables('NPT', description = True)

    which prints the input variables with their subsection description
    for the selected 'NPT' ensemble (other ensembles can be set as well).

    Note: The box units imported are in nm (standard MoSDeF units).
    The units for this writer are auto-scaled to Angstroms, so they
    can be directly used in the GOMC or NAMD engines.

    Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble.

    Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file
    writer will fail.

    The input variables (input_variables_dict) and text extracted with permission from
    the GOMC manual version 2.60. Some of the text was modified from its original version.
    Cite: Potoff, Jeffrey; Schwiebert, Loren; et. al. GOMC Documentation., 2021.

    def __init__(

        # set this to check and see if all the input pass
        self.input_error = False

        # set this to check and see if all the input pass
        self.all_failed_input_List = []

        # Check if charmm_object is really a Charmm() object
        if not isinstance(charmm_object, mf_charmm.Charmm):
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The variable supplied is a ({}), not a charmm_object ({})"
                "".format(type(charmm_object), type(mf_charmm.Charmm))
            raise TypeError(print_error_message)

        # check ensemble is a correct type
        print("INFO: ensemble_type = " + str(ensemble_type))
        if ensemble_type in ["NPT", "NVT", "GCMC", "GEMC_NVT", "GEMC_NPT"]:
            self.ensemble_type = ensemble_type
                "INFO: All the ensemble (ensemble_type) input passed the initial error checking"
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The ensemble type selection of '{}' is not a valid ensemble option. "
                "Please choose the 'NPT', 'NVT', 'GEMC_NVT', 'GEMC_NPT', or 'GCMC' "
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check if check_input_files_exist is a boolean
        _check_if_bool("check_input_files_exist", check_input_files_exist)

        # set and check valid inputs for the Restart attribute
        _check_if_bool("Restart", Restart)
        self.Restart = Restart

        # set and check valid inputs for the RestartCheckpoint attribute
        _check_if_bool("RestartCheckpoint", RestartCheckpoint)
        self.RestartCheckpoint = RestartCheckpoint

        self.binCoordinates_box_0 = binCoordinates_box_0
        self.extendedSystem_box_0 = extendedSystem_box_0
        self.binVelocities_box_0 = binVelocities_box_0
        self.binCoordinates_box_1 = binCoordinates_box_1
        self.extendedSystem_box_1 = extendedSystem_box_1
        self.binVelocities_box_1 = binVelocities_box_1

        # check if the binary restart files are provided correctly
        if self.Restart and self.ensemble_type in ["NVT", "NPT"]:
            if (
                self.binCoordinates_box_0 is not None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_0 is not None
            ) and (
                self.binCoordinates_box_0 is None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_0 is None
                print_error_message = (
                    "ERROR: To restart a simulation with the binary files both the coor and "
                    "xsc files for box 0 must be provided."
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

            elif self.binVelocities_box_0 is not None and (
                self.binCoordinates_box_0 is None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_0 is None
                print_error_message = (
                    'ERROR: To restart a "NVT", "NPT" simulation with the '
                    "velocity binary files, the velocity files for box 0 "
                    "must be provided."
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if self.Restart is True and self.ensemble_type in [
            if (
                self.binCoordinates_box_0 is not None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_0 is not None
                or self.binCoordinates_box_1 is not None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_1 is not None
            ) and (
                self.binCoordinates_box_0 is None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_0 is None
                or self.binCoordinates_box_1 is None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_1 is None
                print_error_message = (
                    "ERROR: To restart a simulation with the binary files both the coor and "
                    "xsc files for box 0 and box 1 must be provided."
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

            elif (
                self.binVelocities_box_0 is not None
                or self.binVelocities_box_1 is not None
            ) and (
                self.binVelocities_box_0 is None
                or self.binVelocities_box_1 is None
                print_error_message = (
                    'ERROR: To restart a "GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC" simulation with the '
                    "velocity binary files, both the velocity files for box 0 and box 1 "
                    "must be provided."
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

            elif (
                self.binVelocities_box_0 is not None
                or self.binVelocities_box_1 is not None
            ) and (
                self.binCoordinates_box_0 is None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_0 is None
                or self.binCoordinates_box_1 is None
                or self.extendedSystem_box_1 is None
                print_error_message = (
                    'ERROR: To restart a "GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC" simulation with the '
                    "velocity binary files, both the coor and xsc files files for box 0 "
                    "and box 1 must be provided."
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        self.RunSteps = RunSteps
        self.Temperature = Temperature
        self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory = ff_psf_pdb_file_directory
        if (
            not isinstance(self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory, str)
            and self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory is not None
                "force field, pdb, and psf",

        if (
            charmm_object.ff_filename is not None
            and isinstance(charmm_object.ff_filename, str) is True
            if Parameters is not None:
                    "force field",
                    expected_file_extension=[".inp", ".par"],
                self.ff_filename = Parameters
            elif self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory is None:
                self.ff_filename = charmm_object.ff_filename
                self.ff_filename = "{}/{}".format(
            # check if the FF file exist:
                "force field file or parameter file",
        elif (
            charmm_object.ff_filename is None
            or isinstance(charmm_object.ff_filename, str) is False
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "The force field file name was not specified and in the Charmm object ({})."
                "Therefore, the force field file (.inp) can not be written, and thus, the "
                "GOMC control file (.conf) can not be created. Please use the force field file "
                "name when building the Charmm object".format(
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if (
            charmm_object.filename_box_0 is not None
            and isinstance(charmm_object.filename_box_0, str) is True
            if Coordinates_box_0 is not None:
                self.Coordinates_box_0 = Coordinates_box_0
            elif self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory is None:
                self.Coordinates_box_0 = "{}.pdb".format(
                self.Coordinates_box_0 = "{}/{}.pdb".format(
                    self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory, charmm_object.filename_box_0

            if Structure_box_0 is not None:
                self.Structure_box_0 = Structure_box_0
            elif self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory is None:
                self.Structure_box_0 = "{}.psf".format(
                self.Structure_box_0 = "{}/{}.psf".format(
                    self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory, charmm_object.filename_box_0

                "box 0 pdb file",
                "box 0 psf file",

            # Box 0 restarting files with increased accuracy (coor, xsc) and a velocity passing input
            if (
                self.binCoordinates_box_0 is not None
                and self.extendedSystem_box_0 is not None
                    "box 0 coor file",
                    "box 0 xsc file",

            if self.binVelocities_box_0 is not None:
                    "box 0 velocity file",

        if (
            charmm_object.filename_box_1 is not None
            and isinstance(charmm_object.filename_box_1, str) is True
            if Coordinates_box_1 is not None:
                self.Coordinates_box_1 = Coordinates_box_1

            elif self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory is None:
                self.Coordinates_box_1 = "{}.pdb".format(

                self.Coordinates_box_1 = "{}/{}.pdb".format(
                    self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory, charmm_object.filename_box_1

            if Structure_box_1 is not None:
                self.Structure_box_1 = Structure_box_1
            elif self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory is None:
                self.Structure_box_1 = "{}.psf".format(
                self.Structure_box_1 = "{}/{}.psf".format(
                    self.ff_psf_pdb_file_directory, charmm_object.filename_box_1

                "box 1 pdb file",
                "box 1 psf file",

            # Box 1 restarting files with increased accuracy (coor, xsc) and a velocity passing input
            if (
                self.binCoordinates_box_1 is not None
                and self.extendedSystem_box_1 is not None
                    "box 1 coor file",
                    "box 1 xsc file",

            if self.binVelocities_box_1 is not None:
                    "box 0 velocity file",

            self.Coordinates_box_1 = None
            self.Structure_box_1 = None

        self.coul_1_4 = charmm_object.coul_1_4
        self.input_variables_dict = input_variables_dict
        self.residues = charmm_object.residues
        self.all_residues_unique_atom_name_dict = (

        # Get and test and make sure vectors are not too large for the 16 spaces allotted
        box_vectors_char_limit = 16
        self.box_0_vectors = charmm_object.box_0_vectors

        box_0_vectors_char_ok = _check_box_vectors_char_limit(
            self.box_0_vectors, box_vectors_char_limit

        if box_0_vectors_char_ok == False:
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: At lease one of the individual box {} vectors are too large "
                "or greater than {} characters."
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)
        if self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NVT", "GEMC_NPT", "GCMC"]:
            if (
                charmm_object.filename_box_1 is not None
                and isinstance(charmm_object.filename_box_1, str) is True
                self.box_1_vectors = charmm_object.box_1_vectors

                box_1_vectors_char_ok = _check_box_vectors_char_limit(
                    self.box_1_vectors, box_vectors_char_limit

                if box_1_vectors_char_ok == False:
                    self.input_error = True
                    print_error_message = (
                        "ERROR: At lease one of the individual box {} vectors are too large "
                        "or greater than {} characters."
                    raise ValueError(print_error_message)
                self.box_1_vectors = None

        # check if the ensembles have the correct number of boxes in the charmm object
        if (
            self.ensemble_type in ["NVT", "NPT"]
            and self.Coordinates_box_1 is not None
            and self.Structure_box_1 is not None
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The ensemble type selection of {} is using a Charmm "
                "object with two simulation boxes, and the {} ensemble only accepts "
                "one box (box 0)."
                "".format(ensemble_type, ensemble_type)
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if (
            self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NVT", "GEMC_NPT", "GCMC"]
            and self.Coordinates_box_1 is None
            and self.Structure_box_1 is None
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The ensemble type selection of {} is using a Charmm "
                "object with one simulation boxes, and the {} ensemble only accepts "
                "two boxes (box 0 and box 1)."
                "".format(ensemble_type, ensemble_type)
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # the future control file name is entered now as None
        self.conf_filename = None

        # list of bad variable inputs
        bad_input_variables_values_list = []

        # set all the other variable initally to None (they are corrected to their set or default values later)
        default_input_variables_dict = _get_default_variables_dict()

        self.PRNG = default_input_variables_dict["PRNG"]
        self.ParaTypeCHARMM = default_input_variables_dict["ParaTypeCHARMM"]
        self.ParaTypeMie = default_input_variables_dict["ParaTypeMie"]
        self.ParaTypeMARTINI = default_input_variables_dict["ParaTypeMARTINI"]
        self.RcutCoulomb_box_0 = default_input_variables_dict[
        self.RcutCoulomb_box_1 = default_input_variables_dict[
        self.Pressure = default_input_variables_dict["Pressure"]
        self.Rcut = default_input_variables_dict["Rcut"]
        self.RcutLow = default_input_variables_dict["RcutLow"]
        self.LRC = default_input_variables_dict["LRC"]
        self.Exclude = default_input_variables_dict["Exclude"]
        self.Potential = default_input_variables_dict["Potential"]
        self.Rswitch = default_input_variables_dict["Rswitch"]
        self.ElectroStatic = default_input_variables_dict["ElectroStatic"]
        self.Ewald = default_input_variables_dict["Ewald"]
        self.CachedFourier = default_input_variables_dict["CachedFourier"]
        self.Tolerance = default_input_variables_dict["Tolerance"]
        self.Dielectric = default_input_variables_dict["Dielectric"]
        self.VDWGeometricSigma = default_input_variables_dict[
        self.useConstantArea = default_input_variables_dict["useConstantArea"]
        self.FixVolBox0 = default_input_variables_dict["FixVolBox0"]
        self.ChemPot = default_input_variables_dict["ChemPot"]
        self.Fugacity = default_input_variables_dict["Fugacity"]
        self.CBMC_First = default_input_variables_dict["CBMC_First"]
        self.CBMC_Nth = default_input_variables_dict["CBMC_Nth"]
        self.CBMC_Ang = default_input_variables_dict["CBMC_Ang"]
        self.CBMC_Dih = default_input_variables_dict["CBMC_Dih"]
        self.OutputName = default_input_variables_dict["OutputName"]
        self.DistName = default_input_variables_dict["DistName"]
        self.HistName = default_input_variables_dict["HistName"]
        self.RunNumber = default_input_variables_dict["RunNumber"]
        self.RunLetter = default_input_variables_dict["RunLetter"]
        self.OutEnergy = default_input_variables_dict["OutEnergy"]
        self.OutPressure = default_input_variables_dict["OutPressure"]
        self.OutMolNum = default_input_variables_dict["OutMolNum"]
        self.OutDensity = default_input_variables_dict["OutDensity"]
        self.OutVolume = default_input_variables_dict["OutVolume"]
        self.OutSurfaceTension = default_input_variables_dict[
        self.FreeEnergyCalc = default_input_variables_dict["FreeEnergyCalc"]
        self.MoleculeType = default_input_variables_dict["MoleculeType"]
        self.InitialState = default_input_variables_dict["InitialState"]
        self.LambdaVDW = default_input_variables_dict["LambdaVDW"]
        self.LambdaCoulomb = default_input_variables_dict["LambdaCoulomb"]
        self.ScaleCoulomb = default_input_variables_dict["ScaleCoulomb"]
        self.ScalePower = default_input_variables_dict["ScalePower"]
        self.ScaleAlpha = default_input_variables_dict["ScaleAlpha"]
        self.MinSigma = default_input_variables_dict["MinSigma"]
        self.DisFreq = default_input_variables_dict["DisFreq"]
        self.RotFreq = default_input_variables_dict["RotFreq"]
        self.IntraSwapFreq = default_input_variables_dict["IntraSwapFreq"]
        self.SwapFreq = default_input_variables_dict["SwapFreq"]
        self.RegrowthFreq = default_input_variables_dict["RegrowthFreq"]
        self.CrankShaftFreq = default_input_variables_dict["CrankShaftFreq"]
        self.VolFreq = default_input_variables_dict["VolFreq"]
        self.MultiParticleFreq = default_input_variables_dict[
        # standard moves
        self.DisFreq = default_input_variables_dict["DisFreq"][
        self.RotFreq = default_input_variables_dict["RotFreq"][
        self.IntraSwapFreq = default_input_variables_dict["IntraSwapFreq"][
        self.SwapFreq = default_input_variables_dict["SwapFreq"][
        self.RegrowthFreq = default_input_variables_dict["RegrowthFreq"][
        self.CrankShaftFreq = default_input_variables_dict["CrankShaftFreq"][
        self.VolFreq = default_input_variables_dict["VolFreq"][
        self.MultiParticleFreq = default_input_variables_dict[

        self.IntraMEMC_1Freq = default_input_variables_dict["IntraMEMC-1Freq"][
        self.MEMC_1Freq = default_input_variables_dict["MEMC-1Freq"][
        self.IntraMEMC_2Freq = default_input_variables_dict["IntraMEMC-2Freq"][
        self.MEMC_2Freq = default_input_variables_dict["MEMC-2Freq"][
        self.IntraMEMC_3Freq = default_input_variables_dict["IntraMEMC-3Freq"][
        self.MEMC_3Freq = default_input_variables_dict["MEMC-3Freq"][

        self.ExchangeVolumeDim = default_input_variables_dict[
        self.MEMC_DataInput = default_input_variables_dict["MEMC_DataInput"]

        # auto calculate the best EqSteps (number of Equilbrium Steps) and Adj_Steps (number of AdjSteps Steps)
        self.EqSteps = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_int(
            "EqSteps", default_input_variables_dict["EqSteps"], self.RunSteps

        self.AdjSteps = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_int(
            "AdjSteps", default_input_variables_dict["AdjSteps"], self.RunSteps

        # auto calculate the best RestartFreq  for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.RestartFreq = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(

        # auto calculate the best CheckpointFreq  for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.CheckpointFreq = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(

        # auto calculate the best CoordinatesFreq  for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.CoordinatesFreq = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(

        # auto calculate the best DCDFreq for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.DCDFreq = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(
            "DCDFreq", default_input_variables_dict["DCDFreq"], self.RunSteps

        # auto calculate the best ConsoleFreq  for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.ConsoleFreq = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(

        # auto calculate the best PressureCalc  for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.PressureCalc = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(

        # auto calculate the best BlockAverageFreq  for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.BlockAverageFreq = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(

        # auto calculate the best HistogramFreq  for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.HistogramFreq = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(

        # auto calculate the best SampleFreq  for the number of self.RunSteps
        self.SampleFreq = _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_int(

        if input_variables_dict is None:
            self.input_variables_dict = {}
        elif isinstance(input_variables_dict, dict) is True:
            self.input_variables_dict = input_variables_dict
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = "ERROR: The input_variables_dict variable is not None or a dictionary."
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # Create all lower case spelled keywords, and return case specific keywords
        # Also, creates a dict to convert the lower case keys to case sensitive keys
        all_input_var_case_spec_list = _get_all_possible_input_variables(
        all_input_var_case_unspec_list = []
        all_input_var_case_unspec_to_spec_dict = {}
        for var_i in all_input_var_case_spec_list:
                {var_i.lower(): var_i}

        # create/fix user case insensitive input variables (input_variables_dict) keys to case sensitive keys
        input_var_dict_orig_keys_list = dict_keys_to_list(
        for z_j in range(0, len(input_var_dict_orig_keys_list)):
            key_lower = input_var_dict_orig_keys_list[z_j].lower()
            if key_lower in all_input_var_case_unspec_list:
                ] = input_variables_dict.pop(input_var_dict_orig_keys_list[z_j])

        # check that the coulombic 1-4 scalar is : 0 =< 1-4 scalar <=1
        if (
                isinstance(self.coul_1_4, int) is False
                and isinstance(self.coul_1_4, float) is False
            or self.coul_1_4 < 0
            or self.coul_1_4 > 1
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The selected 1-4 Coulombic scalar ({{) is not correct. "
                "The 1-4 Coulombic scalar need to be an integer or float from "
                "0 to 1.".format(self.coul_1_4)
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check that the Temperature is valid
        if self.Temperature <= 1:
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The selected Temperature ({}) is equal to or less than 1 Kelvin. "
                "Please select a valid Temperature".format(self.Temperature)
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)
                "INFO: All the Temperature  (Temperature) input passed the initial error checking"

        # RunSteps
        if not isinstance(self.RunSteps, int) or self.RunSteps <= 0:
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The selected run steps (RunSteps variable = {}) is not "
                "an integer or is less than or equal to 0.".format(
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # create a list of the possible required files and check them based on the ensemble
        required_data_list = [

        if self.Coordinates_box_1 is not None:
        if self.Structure_box_1 is not None:

        if self.ensemble_type in ["NVT", "NPT"]:
            if (
                len(required_data_list) != 3
                or os.path.splitext(self.ff_filename)[1] not in [".inp", ".par"]
                or os.path.splitext(self.Coordinates_box_0)[1] != ".pdb"
                or os.path.splitext(self.Structure_box_0)[1] != ".psf"
                self.input_error = True
                print_error_message = (
                    "ERROR: The proper force field, PDB, and psf files were not provided, "
                    "or at least their extentions are not correct "
                    "(i.e., not .inp, .par, .pdb, or .psf). Or box 1 PSF and PDB files were "
                    "provided for the NVT or NPT simulations, which is not allowed"
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

                "INFO: All the required force field, pdb, and psf files for box 0 (.inp, .pdb, and .psf) all "
                "passed the intial error checking. Note: the file names and their existance is not confirmed."

        if self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NVT", "GEMC_NPT", "GCMC"]:
            if (
                len(required_data_list) != 5
                or os.path.splitext(self.ff_filename)[1] not in [".inp", ".par"]
                or os.path.splitext(self.Coordinates_box_0)[1] != ".pdb"
                or os.path.splitext(self.Structure_box_0)[1] != ".psf"
                or os.path.splitext(self.Coordinates_box_1)[1] != ".pdb"
                or os.path.splitext(self.Structure_box_1)[1] != ".psf"
                print_error_message = (
                    "ERROR: The proper force field, PDB, and psf files were not provided, "
                    "or at least their extentions are not correct "
                    "(i.e., not .inp, .par, .pdb, or .psf). Or box 1 PSF and PDB files were not provided "
                    "for the GEMC_NVT, GEMC_NPT or GCMC simulations, which is not allowed"
                self.input_error = True
                print_error_message = print_error_message
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)
                "INFO: All the required force field, pdb, and psf files for box 0 and 1 (.inp, .pdb, and .psf) all "
                "passed the intial error checking. Note: the file names and their existance is not confirmed."

        # verify all input variables keys are valid
        input_variables_dict_keys_list = dict_keys_to_list(
        if (
                self.ensemble_type, input_variables_dict_keys_list
            is False
            returned_ck_bad_inputs_list = check_valid_ensemble_input_variables(
                self.ensemble_type, input_variables_dict_keys_list
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: All the correct input variables where not provided for the {} "
                "ensemble. Please be sure to check that the keys in the "
                "input variables dictionary (input_variables_dict) is correct, and be aware "
                "that added spaces before or after the variable in any keys "
                "will also give this warning. The bad variable inputs "
                "ensemble inputs = {}".format(
                    self.ensemble_type, returned_ck_bad_inputs_list
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # verify all input variable values are valid, for their keys
        input_var_all_keys_list = dict_keys_to_list(self.input_variables_dict)
        # sort to only values that are not None
        input_var_keys_list = []
        for all_keys_i in input_var_all_keys_list:
            if self.input_variables_dict[all_keys_i] is not None:

        possible_ensemble_variables_list = (

        # check to make sure the VDW FF (ParaTypeCHARMM) is set true  for multiple ones by the user
        # (i.e., ParaTypeCHARMM, ParaTypeMie, ParaTypeMARTINI)
        vdw_ck_list = []
        for vdw_ck_inter in range(0, len(input_var_keys_list)):
            if (
                in ["ParaTypeCHARMM", "ParaTypeMie", "ParaTypeMARTINI"]
                and self.input_variables_dict[input_var_keys_list[vdw_ck_inter]]
                is True

        if sum(vdw_ck_list) > 1:
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: there can only be 1 VDW set to true.  Please set only one of the "
                "ParaTypeCHARMM, ParaTypeMie, ParaTypeMARTINI types to True in the "
                "user variable input"
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check for MC move ratios and zero all of them if any are in the input variables
        for var_iter in range(0, len(input_var_keys_list)):
            # standard MC moves
            key_move_list = [

            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] in key_move_list:
                self.DisFreq = 0.00
                self.RotFreq = 0.00
                self.IntraSwapFreq = 0.00
                self.SwapFreq = 0.00
                self.RegrowthFreq = 0.00
                self.CrankShaftFreq = 0.00
                self.VolFreq = 0.00
                self.MultiParticleFreq = 0.00
                self.IntraMEMC_1Freq = 0.00
                self.MEMC_1Freq = 0.00
                self.IntraMEMC_2Freq = 0.00
                self.MEMC_2Freq = 0.00
                self.IntraMEMC_3Freq = 0.00
                self.MEMC_3Freq = 0.00

            # set all the "RcutLow", "Rcut", "Rswitch" variable ahead of time so they can check the values
            # relative to each other in the next interation, regardless of their user entered order
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == "Rcut":
                self.Rcut = self.input_variables_dict["Rcut"]

            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == "RcutLow":
                self.RcutLow = self.input_variables_dict["RcutLow"]

            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == "Rswitch":
                self.Rswitch = self.input_variables_dict["Rswitch"]

            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == "Potential":
                self.Potential = self.input_variables_dict["Potential"]

        # check for bad input variables and list the bad ones
        for var_iter in range(0, len(input_var_keys_list)):
            key = "PRNG"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:
                if (
                    self.input_variables_dict[key] != "RANDOM"
                    and isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], int)
                    is not True
                if isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], int) is True:
                    if self.input_variables_dict[key] < 0:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.PRNG = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "ParaTypeCHARMM"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ParaTypeCHARMM = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    if self.input_variables_dict[key] is True:
                        self.ParaTypeMie = False
                        self.ParaTypeMARTINI = False

            key = "ParaTypeMie"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ParaTypeMie = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    if self.input_variables_dict[key] is True:
                        self.ParaTypeCHARMM = False

            key = "ParaTypeMARTINI"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ParaTypeMARTINI = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    if self.input_variables_dict[key] is True:
                        self.ParaTypeCHARMM = False

            key = "RcutCoulomb_box_0"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.RcutCoulomb_box_0 = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "RcutCoulomb_box_1"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.RcutCoulomb_box_1 = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Pressure"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Pressure = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Rcut"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Rcut = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "RcutLow"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:
                if isinstance(
                    self.input_variables_dict[key], float
                ) or isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], int):
                    if self.input_variables_dict[key] > self.Rcut:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.RcutLow = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "LRC"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.LRC = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Exclude"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:
                if (
                    self.input_variables_dict[key] != "1-2"
                    and self.input_variables_dict[key] != "1-3"
                    and self.input_variables_dict[key] != "1-4"

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Exclude = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Potential"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:
                if (
                    self.input_variables_dict[key] != "VDW"
                    and self.input_variables_dict[key] != "EXP6"
                    and self.input_variables_dict[key] != "SHIFT"
                    and self.input_variables_dict[key] != "SWITCH"

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Potential = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Rswitch"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                        isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], float)
                        or isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], int)
                    and (
                        isinstance(self.RcutLow, float)
                        or isinstance(self.RcutLow, int)
                    and (
                        isinstance(self.Rcut, float)
                        or isinstance(self.Rcut, int)
                    and self.Potential == "SWITCH"
                    if (
                        self.input_variables_dict[key] <= self.RcutLow
                        or self.input_variables_dict[key] >= self.Rcut

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Rswitch = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "ElectroStatic"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ElectroStatic = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Ewald"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Ewald = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "CachedFourier"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.CachedFourier = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Tolerance"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Tolerance = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Dielectric"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Dielectric = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "PressureCalc"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.PressureCalc = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "EqSteps"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.EqSteps = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "AdjSteps"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.AdjSteps = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "VDWGeometricSigma"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.VDWGeometricSigma = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "useConstantArea"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.useConstantArea = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "FixVolBox0"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.FixVolBox0 = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            # ChemPot and Fugacity are only for GCMC
            key = "ChemPot"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ChemPot = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "Fugacity"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.Fugacity = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "CBMC_First"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.CBMC_First = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "CBMC_Nth"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.CBMC_Nth = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "CBMC_Ang"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.CBMC_Ang = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "CBMC_Dih"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.CBMC_Dih = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "OutputName"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.OutputName = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "CoordinatesFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.CoordinatesFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "DCDFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.DCDFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "RestartFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.RestartFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "CheckpointFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.CheckpointFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "ConsoleFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ConsoleFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "BlockAverageFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.BlockAverageFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "HistogramFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.HistogramFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "DistName"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.DistName = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "HistName"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.HistName = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "RunNumber"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.RunNumber = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "RunLetter"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:
                if isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], str) is not True:
                if isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], str) is True:
                    if len(self.input_variables_dict[key]) != 1:
                    elif len(self.input_variables_dict[key]) == 1:
                        is_run_letter_alphabet_char = self.input_variables_dict[
                        if is_run_letter_alphabet_char is False:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.RunLetter = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "SampleFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.SampleFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "OutEnergy"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.OutEnergy = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "OutPressure"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.OutPressure = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "OutMolNum"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:
                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.OutMolNum = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "OutDensity"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.OutDensity = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "OutVolume"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.OutVolume = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "OutSurfaceTension"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.OutSurfaceTension = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "FreeEnergyCalc"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.FreeEnergyCalc = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "MoleculeType"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.MoleculeType = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "InitialState"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.InitialState = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "LambdaVDW"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.LambdaVDW = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "LambdaCoulomb"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.LambdaCoulomb = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "ScaleCoulomb"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ScaleCoulomb = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "ScalePower"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ScalePower = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "ScaleAlpha"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ScaleAlpha = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "MinSigma"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.MinSigma = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            # standard MC moves
            key = "DisFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.DisFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "RotFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.RotFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "IntraSwapFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.IntraSwapFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "SwapFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.SwapFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    self.VolFreq = 0.00

            key = "RegrowthFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.RegrowthFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "CrankShaftFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.CrankShaftFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "VolFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.VolFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    self.VolFreq = 0.00

            key = "MultiParticleFreq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.MultiParticleFreq = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            # MEMC moves freqencies
            key = "IntraMEMC-1Freq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.IntraMEMC_1Freq = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    self.IntraMEMC_1Freq = 0.00

            key = "MEMC-1Freq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.MEMC_1Freq = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    self.MEMC_1Freq = 0.00

            key = "IntraMEMC-2Freq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.IntraMEMC_2Freq = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    self.IntraMEMC_2Freq = 0.00

            key = "MEMC-2Freq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.MEMC_2Freq = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    self.MEMC_2Freq = 0.00

            key = "IntraMEMC-3Freq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.IntraMEMC_3Freq = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    self.IntraMEMC_3Freq = 0.00

            key = "MEMC-3Freq"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.MEMC_3Freq = self.input_variables_dict[key]
                    self.MEMC_3Freq = 0.00

            key = "ExchangeVolumeDim"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:
                if isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], list) is False:
                elif isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], list) is True:
                    if (
                        len(self.input_variables_dict[key]) != 3
                        or (
                            isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key][0], float)
                            is not True
                            and isinstance(
                                self.input_variables_dict[key][0], int
                            is not True
                        or (
                            isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key][1], float)
                            is not True
                            and isinstance(
                                self.input_variables_dict[key][1], int
                            is not True
                        or (
                            isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key][2], float)
                            is not True
                            and isinstance(
                                self.input_variables_dict[key][2], int
                            is not True
                        or str(self.input_variables_dict[key][0]) == str(True)
                        or str(self.input_variables_dict[key][0]) == str(False)
                        or str(self.input_variables_dict[key][1]) == str(True)
                        or str(self.input_variables_dict[key][1]) == str(False)
                        or str(self.input_variables_dict[key][2]) == str(True)
                        or str(self.input_variables_dict[key][2]) == str(False)
                    elif len(self.input_variables_dict[key]) == 3:
                        if (
                                    self.input_variables_dict[key][0], float
                                is True
                                or isinstance(
                                    self.input_variables_dict[key][0], int
                                is True
                            and (
                                    self.input_variables_dict[key][1], float
                                is True
                                or isinstance(
                                    self.input_variables_dict[key][1], int
                                is True
                            and (
                                    self.input_variables_dict[key][2], float
                                is True
                                or isinstance(
                                    self.input_variables_dict[key][2], int
                                is True
                            if (
                                self.input_variables_dict[key][0] <= 0
                                or self.input_variables_dict[key][1] <= 0
                                or self.input_variables_dict[key][2] <= 0

                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.ExchangeVolumeDim = self.input_variables_dict[key]

            key = "MEMC_DataInput"
            if input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key:
                if isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], list) is False:
                elif isinstance(self.input_variables_dict[key], list) is True:
                    if len(self.input_variables_dict[key]) == 0:
                    elif len(self.input_variables_dict[key]) > 0:
                        no_memc_combos = len(self.input_variables_dict[key])
                        for MEMC_iter in range(0, no_memc_combos):
                            if (
                                is False
                            elif (
                                is True
                                and len(
                                == 5
                                if (
                                    is False
                                    or isinstance(
                                    is False
                                elif (
                                    is True
                                    and isinstance(
                                    is True
                                    if (
                                        != 2
                                        or len(
                                        != 2
                                    elif (
                                        == 2
                                        and len(
                                        == 2
                                        if (
                                            is not True
                                            or str(
                                            == str(True)
                                            or str(
                                            == str(False)
                                            or isinstance(
                                            is False
                                            or (
                                                is False
                                                and self.input_variables_dict[
                                                is not None
                                            or (
                                                is False
                                                and self.input_variables_dict[
                                                is not None
                                            or isinstance(
                                            is False
                                            or (
                                                is False
                                                and self.input_variables_dict[
                                                is not None
                                            or (
                                                is False
                                                and self.input_variables_dict[
                                                is not None

                                    all_atom_names_and_res_pairs_keys_list = list(
                                    # check that the atom names match the residues that exist
                                    if (
                                        not in all_atom_names_and_res_pairs_keys_list

                                    elif (
                                        in all_atom_names_and_res_pairs_keys_list

                                        if (
                                            not in self.all_residues_unique_atom_name_dict[


                                        if (
                                            not in self.all_residues_unique_atom_name_dict[

                                    if (
                                        not in all_atom_names_and_res_pairs_keys_list

                                    elif (
                                        in all_atom_names_and_res_pairs_keys_list
                                        if (
                                            not in self.all_residues_unique_atom_name_dict[

                                        if (
                                            not in self.all_residues_unique_atom_name_dict[

                                    if (
                                        is True
                                        if (
                                            <= 0


                if (
                    input_var_keys_list[var_iter] == key
                    and key in possible_ensemble_variables_list
                    self.MEMC_DataInput = self.input_variables_dict[key]

        # Error out and print the bad input values
        if len(bad_input_variables_values_list) > 0:
            self.input_error = True
            # create unique list
            bad_input_variables_values_set = set(
            bad_unique_input_variables_values_list = list(
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The following input variables have "
                "bad values (check spelling and for empty spaces in the keys or that "
                "the values are in the correct form with the acceptable values): "
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

                "INFO: All the input variable passed the initial error checking"

        # check to make sure the VDW FF (ParaTypeCHARMM) is not true for multiple ones
        # (i.e., ParaTypeCHARMM, ParaTypeMie, ParaTypeMARTINI)
        if (
            (self.ParaTypeCHARMM is True and self.ParaTypeMie is True)
            or (self.ParaTypeCHARMM is True and self.ParaTypeMARTINI is True)
            or self.ParaTypeMie is True
            and self.ParaTypeMARTINI is True
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: there can only be 1 VDW type set to true.  Please set only one of the "
                "ParaTypeCHARMM = {}, ParaTypeMie = {}, ParaTypeMARTINI = {} types "
                "to True".format(
                    self.ParaTypeCHARMM, self.ParaTypeMie, self.ParaTypeMARTINI
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)
        elif (
            self.ParaTypeCHARMM is True
            or self.ParaTypeMie is True
            or self.ParaTypeMARTINI is True
            if self.ParaTypeCHARMM is True:
                self.VDW_type = "ParaTypeCHARMM"
            elif self.ParaTypeMie is True:
                self.VDW_type = "ParaTypeMie"
            elif self.ParaTypeMARTINI is True:
                self.VDW_type = "ParaTypeMARTINI"
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: There no VDW types that are set as True.  Please set only one of the "
                "ParaTypeCHARMM = {}, ParaTypeMie = {}, ParaTypeMARTINI = {} types "
                "to True".format(
                    self.ParaTypeCHARMM, self.ParaTypeMie, self.ParaTypeMARTINI
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check to see if the moves sum up to 1
        if ensemble_type in ["NVT", "GCMC"]:
            if self.VolFreq != 0:
                self.input_error = True
                print_error_message = (
                    "ERROR: The input variable VolFreq is non-zero (0). "
                    'VolFreq must be zero (0) for the "NVT", "GEMC_NVT", and "GCMC" ensembles.'
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if ensemble_type in ["NVT", "NPT"]:
            if (
                self.SwapFreq != 0
                or self.MEMC_1Freq != 0
                or self.MEMC_2Freq != 0
                or self.MEMC_3Freq != 0
                self.input_error = True
                print_error_message = (
                    "ERROR: All the MC move input variables must be non-zero (0) for the "
                    "SwapFreq, MEMC_1Freq, MEMC_2Freq, and MEMC_3Freq. "
                    "The SwapFreq, MEMC_1Freq, MEMC_2Freq, "
                    'and MEMC_3Freq need to be zero (0) for the "NVT" and "NPT" ensembles.'
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        moves_list = [

        if sum(moves_list) <= 1 + 10 ** (-13) and sum(moves_list) >= 1 - 10 ** (
                "INFO: The sum of the Monte Carlo move ratios = "
                + str("{:.12f}".format(sum(moves_list)))

                "INFO: sum(moves_list) = "
                + str("{:.12f}".format(sum(moves_list)))
            print("\t DisFreq = " + str(self.DisFreq))
            print("\t RotFreq = " + str(self.RotFreq))
            print("\t IntraSwapFreq = " + str(self.IntraSwapFreq))
            print("\t SwapFreq = " + str(self.SwapFreq))
            print("\t RegrowthFreq = " + str(self.RegrowthFreq))
            print("\t CrankShaftFreq = " + str(self.CrankShaftFreq))
            print("\t VolFreq = " + str(self.VolFreq))
            print("\t MultiParticleFreq = " + str(self.MultiParticleFreq))
            print("\t IntraMEMC_1Freq = " + str(self.IntraMEMC_1Freq))
            print("\t MEMC_1Freq = " + str(self.MEMC_1Freq))
            print("\t IntraMEMC_2Freq = " + str(self.IntraMEMC_2Freq))
            print("\t MEMC_2Freq = " + str(self.MEMC_2Freq))
            print("\t IntraMEMC_3Freq = " + str(self.IntraMEMC_3Freq))
            print("\t MEMC_3Freq = " + str(self.MEMC_3Freq))
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The sum of the Monte Carlo move ratios does not equal 1. "
                "Note: The sum that was manually entered may equal 1, but some "
                "moves may not be valid for the provided ensemble. The moves "
                "that are invalid for a given ensemble are set to zero. If "
                "the default moves are not being used, all the move frequencies "
                "which do not have default values of zero will need to be set manually "
                "so the sum equals (DisFreq, RotFreq, IntraSwapFreq, SwapFreq, "
                "RegrowthFreq, CrankShaftFreq, and VolFreq)."
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # Check that RunSteps >= EqSteps >= AdjSteps
        print("self.RunSteps = " + str(self.RunSteps))
        if (
            self.RunSteps < self.EqSteps
            or self.RunSteps < self.AdjSteps
            or self.EqSteps < self.AdjSteps
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The values must be in this order RunSteps >= EqSteps >= AdjSteps "
                " ({} >= {} >= {} )".format(
                    self.RunSteps, self.EqSteps, self.AdjSteps
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check if both the ChemPot and Fugacity are not set to None.  Only one can be used
        if (
            self.Fugacity is not None
            and self.ChemPot is not None
            and self.ensemble_type == "GCMC"
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR:  In the GCMC ensemble, both Fugacity and ChemPot are provided. "
                "Add a dictionary for either the Fugacity or ChemPot and set the other "
                "variable to None. Note: Both the Fugacity or ChemPot and set to None by default"
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check that both the ChemPot and Fugacity are set to None.  Only one can be used
        if (
            self.Fugacity is None
            and self.ChemPot is None
            and self.ensemble_type == "GCMC"
                "ERROR: In the GCMC ensemble, neither Fugacity and ChemPot are provided (i.e., both are None). "
                "Add a dictionary for either the Fugacity or ChemPot and set the other variable to None. "
                "Note: Both the Fugacity or ChemPot and set to None by default"
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: In the GCMC ensemble, neither Fugacity and ChemPot are provided "
                "(i.e., both are None). Add a dictionary for either the Fugacity or "
                "ChemPot and set the other variable to None. "
                "Note: Both the Fugacity or ChemPot and set to None by default"
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check that MEMC moves rations are > 0 if MEMC_DataInput is used
        if self.MEMC_DataInput is not None and (
            self.MEMC_1Freq == 0
            and self.MEMC_2Freq == 0
            and self.MEMC_3Freq == 0
            and self.IntraMEMC_1Freq == 0
            and self.IntraMEMC_2Freq == 0
            and self.IntraMEMC_3Freq == 0
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The MEMC_DataInput variable is not equal to None, "
                "but all the MEMC move ratios are "
                "zero (IntraMEMC_1Freq, MEMC_1Freq, IntraMEMC_2Freq, MEMC_2Freq, "
                "IntraMEMC_3Freq, and MEMC_3Freq)."
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if self.MEMC_DataInput is None and (
            self.MEMC_1Freq != 0
            or self.MEMC_2Freq != 0
            or self.MEMC_3Freq != 0
            or self.IntraMEMC_1Freq != 0
            or self.IntraMEMC_2Freq != 0
            or self.IntraMEMC_3Freq != 0
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The MEMC_DataInput variable is equal to None, "
                "but at least one of the MEMC move ratios are "
                "all non-zero (IntraMEMC_1Freq, MEMC_1Freq, IntraMEMC_2Freq, MEMC_2Freq, "
                "IntraMEMC_3Freq, and MEMC_3Freq)."
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # ensure the LargeKindBackBone and SmallKindBackBones are provided as appropriate for MEMC-1, MEMC-2, MEMC-3
        if self.MEMC_DataInput is not None and (
            self.MEMC_2Freq > 0 or self.IntraMEMC_2Freq > 0
            for MEMC_2_i in range(0, len(self.MEMC_DataInput)):
                if (
                    self.MEMC_DataInput[MEMC_2_i][2][0] is None
                    or self.MEMC_DataInput[MEMC_2_i][2][1] is None
                    or self.MEMC_DataInput[MEMC_2_i][4][0] is None
                    or self.MEMC_DataInput[MEMC_2_i][4][1] is None

                    self.input_error = True
                    print_error_message = (
                        "ERROR:  The  LargeKindBackBone and SmallKindBackBones unique "
                        "atom names, strings, both must be provided when using the "
                        "IntraMEMC-2Freq or MEMC-2Freq moves "
                        "(i.e., the LargeKindBackBone and SmallKindBackBones can not be None). "
                    raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if self.MEMC_DataInput is not None and (
            self.MEMC_3Freq > 0 or self.IntraMEMC_3Freq > 0
            for MEMC_3_i in range(0, len(self.MEMC_DataInput)):
                if (
                    self.MEMC_DataInput[MEMC_3_i][2][0] is None
                    or self.MEMC_DataInput[MEMC_3_i][2][1] is None
                    self.input_error = True
                    print_error_message = (
                        "ERROR:  The LargeKindBackBone unique atom names, strings, "
                        "both must be provided when using the IntraMEMC-3Freq or MEMC-3Freq moves "
                        "(i.e., the LargeKindBackBone can not be None)."
                    raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check that all required free energy values are provided
        if (
            self.FreeEnergyCalc is not None
            or self.MoleculeType is not None
            or self.InitialState is not None
            or self.LambdaVDW is not None
        ) and (
            self.FreeEnergyCalc is None
            or self.MoleculeType is None
            or self.InitialState is None
            or self.LambdaVDW is None
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: To utilize the free energy calculations all the following "
                "variables need to be set, and not equal to None: "
                "FreeEnergyCalc, MoleculeType, InitialState, LambdaVDW."
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if (
            self.LambdaVDW is not None
            and self.LambdaCoulomb is not None
            and isinstance(self.LambdaVDW, list) is True
            and (isinstance(self.LambdaCoulomb, list)) is True
            if len(self.LambdaVDW) == len(self.LambdaCoulomb):
                if self.InitialState + 1 <= len(self.LambdaVDW):
                    for lam_i in range(1, len(self.LambdaVDW)):
                        if self.LambdaVDW[lam_i] < self.LambdaVDW[lam_i - 1]:
                            self.input_error = True
                            print_error_message = "ERROR: The LambdaVDW list is not in accending order."
                            raise ValueError(print_error_message)
                        if (
                            < self.LambdaCoulomb[lam_i - 1]
                            self.input_error = True
                            print_error_message = "ERROR:  The LambdaCoulomb list is not in accending order."
                            raise ValueError(print_error_message)
                    self.input_error = True
                    print_error_message = (
                        "ERROR: The InitialState integer is greater than the LambdaVDW and "
                        "LambdaCoulomb list length.  Note: the InitialState integer starts at 0."
                    raise ValueError(print_error_message)
                self.input_error = True
                print_error_message = "ERROR: The LambdaVDW and LambdaCoulomb list must be of equal length."
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # check self.LambdaVDW and LambdaCoulomb last value is 1.0
        if self.ensemble_type in ["NVT", "NPT"]:
            if isinstance(self.LambdaVDW, list):
                if len(self.LambdaVDW) > 0:
                    if self.LambdaVDW[-1] != 1.0:
                        print_error_message = "ERROR: The last value in the LambdaVDW variable list must be a 1.0"
                        raise ValueError(print_error_message)
            if isinstance(self.LambdaCoulomb, list):
                if len(self.LambdaCoulomb) > 0:
                    if self.LambdaCoulomb[-1] != 1.0:
                        print_error_message = "ERROR: The last value in the LambdaCoulomb variable list must be a 1.0"
                        raise ValueError(print_error_message)

    # write the control file
    def write_conf_file(self, conf_filename):
        Writes the GOMC control file.

        conf_filename: str
            The path and file name for the control file name, with
            the .conf extension, or no extension.  If no extension is provided, the
            code will add the .conf extension to the provided file name.

        Writes the GOMC control file with the name provided via conf_filename
            If completed without errors: str, "PASSED
            If completed with errors :  None

        # check to see if it is OK to proceed writing the control file
        if self.input_error is True:
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The control file was not written as at least 1 input to the "
                "control file writer was bad."
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        date_time =

        self.conf_filename = conf_filename

        if (
            isinstance(self.conf_filename, str) is False
            or isinstance(self.conf_filename, str) is None
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = "ERROR: The control file name (conf_filename) is not provided as a string. "
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if os.path.splitext(self.conf_filename)[1] == ".conf":
            self.conf_filename = conf_filename
                "INFO: the correct extension for the control file was provided in the file name, .conf "
                "with control file name = " + str(self.conf_filename)
        elif os.path.splitext(self.conf_filename)[1] == "":
            self.conf_filename = self.conf_filename + ".conf"
                "INFO: No extension name was provided for the control file. Therefore, the proper "
                "extension, .conf, was added.  The new total control file name = {}".format(
            self.input_error = True
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: No extension name or the wrong extension name was provided. "
                "Please enter a proper extension name, .conf or no extension in the conf_filename "
                "The control file as provided name = {}".format(
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        # get and open the control file file
        data_control_file = open(self.conf_filename, "w")

            "##  This file ({}) - was created by mBuild "
            "using the on {}\n".format(self.conf_filename, date_time)
            "#  ---------------------------- INPUT ------------------------------------- \n"
        data_control_file.write(" \n")
        data_control_file.write("# enable, step\n")
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("Restart", self.Restart))
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("RestartCheckpoint", self.RestartCheckpoint)
        data_control_file.write("# kind {RESTART, RANDOM, INTSEED}\n")
        if self.PRNG == "RANDOM":
            data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("PRNG", self.PRNG))
        elif isinstance(self.PRNG, int):
            data_control_file.write("PRNG \t\t " + "INTSEED \n")
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("Random_Seed", self.PRNG)
        data_control_file.write(" \n")
        data_control_file.write("# FORCE FIELD\n")
            "{:25s} {}\n".format(str(self.VDW_type), str(True))
        data_control_file.write(" \n")
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("Parameters", self.ff_filename)
        data_control_file.write("# INPUT PDB FILES\n")
        if self.ensemble_type in ["NVT", "NPT", "GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC"]:
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("Coordinates 0", self.Coordinates_box_0)
        if self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC"]:
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("Coordinates 1", self.Coordinates_box_1)
        data_control_file.write(" \n")
        data_control_file.write("# INPUT PSF FILES\n")
        if self.ensemble_type in ["NVT", "NPT", "GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC"]:
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("Structure 0", self.Structure_box_0)
        if self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC"]:
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("Structure 1", self.Structure_box_1)

        if (
            self.Restart is True
            and self.binCoordinates_box_0 is not None
            and self.extendedSystem_box_0 is not None
            and self.ensemble_type
            in ["NVT", "NPT", "GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC"]
            data_control_file.write(" \n")
                "{:25s} {}\n".format(
                    "binCoordinates   0", self.binCoordinates_box_0
                "{:25s} {}\n".format(
                    "extendedSystem 	0", self.extendedSystem_box_0
            if self.binVelocities_box_0 is not None:
                    "{:25s} {}\n".format(
                        "binVelocities   	0", self.binVelocities_box_0
            data_control_file.write(" \n")

            if (
                self.binCoordinates_box_1 is not None
                and self.extendedSystem_box_1 is not None
                and self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC"]
                    "{:25s} {}\n".format(
                        "binCoordinates   1", self.binCoordinates_box_1
                    "{:25s} {}\n".format(
                        "extendedSystem 	1", self.extendedSystem_box_1
                if self.binVelocities_box_1 is not None:
                        "{:25s} {}\n".format(
                            "binVelocities   	1", self.binVelocities_box_1

        data_control_file.write(" \n")
            "#  ---------------------------- SYSTEM -------------------------------------\n"
            "############################################################################ \n"
        data_control_file.write(" \n")
        if self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT"]:
            data_control_file.write("# GEMC TYPE \n")
            if self.ensemble_type in "GEMC_NPT":
                data_control_file.write("GEMC \t\t NPT \n")
            elif self.ensemble_type in "GEMC_NVT":
                data_control_file.write("GEMC \t\t NVT \n")
        data_control_file.write(" \n")
        data_control_file.write("# SIMULATION CONDITION\n")
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("Temperature", self.Temperature)
        if self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NPT", "NPT"]:
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("Pressure", self.Pressure)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("useConstantArea", self.useConstantArea)

        if self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NPT"] and self.FixVolBox0 is True:
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("FixVolBox0", self.FixVolBox0)

        if (
            self.ensemble_type in ["GCMC"]
            and self.ChemPot is not None
            and self.Fugacity is None
            chem_pot_dict_key_list = dict_keys_to_list(self.ChemPot)
            for chem_pot_iter in range(0, len(chem_pot_dict_key_list)):
                chem_pot_residue_iter = chem_pot_dict_key_list[chem_pot_iter]
                    "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(

        if (
            self.ensemble_type in ["GCMC"]
            and self.Fugacity is not None
            and self.ChemPot is None
            fugacity_iter_dict_key_list = dict_keys_to_list(self.Fugacity)
            for fugacity_iter in range(0, len(fugacity_iter_dict_key_list)):
                fugacity_residue_iter = fugacity_iter_dict_key_list[
                    "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(

        data_control_file.write(" \n")
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("Potential", self.Potential)
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("LRC", self.LRC))
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("Rcut", self.Rcut))
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("RcutLow", self.RcutLow))
        if self.Potential == "SWITCH":
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("Rswitch", self.Rswitch)
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("Exclude", self.Exclude))
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("VDWGeometricSigma", self.VDWGeometricSigma)
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# ELECTROSTATIC   \n")
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("Ewald", self.Ewald))
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("ElectroStatic", self.ElectroStatic)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("CachedFourier", self.CachedFourier)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("Tolerance", str(self.Tolerance))
        if self.VDW_type in ["ParaTypeMARTINI"]:
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("Dielectric", format(self.Dielectric))
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("1-4scaling", self.coul_1_4)
        data_control_file.write(" \n")
        if self.RcutCoulomb_box_0 is not None:
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("RcutCoulomb 0", self.RcutCoulomb_box_0)
        if self.RcutCoulomb_box_1 is not None and self.ensemble_type in [
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("RcutCoulomb 1", self.RcutCoulomb_box_1)
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# PRESSURE CALCULATION\n")
            "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# STEPS \n")
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("RunSteps", self.RunSteps))
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("EqSteps", self.EqSteps))
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("AdjSteps", self.AdjSteps))
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# MOVE FREQUENCY \n")
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("DisFreq", self.DisFreq))
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("RotFreq", self.RotFreq))
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("IntraSwapFreq", self.IntraSwapFreq)
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("SwapFreq", self.SwapFreq))
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("RegrowthFreq", self.RegrowthFreq)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("CrankShaftFreq", self.CrankShaftFreq)
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("VolFreq", self.VolFreq))
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("MultiParticleFreq", self.MultiParticleFreq)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("IntraMEMC-1Freq", self.IntraMEMC_1Freq)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("MEMC-1Freq", self.MEMC_1Freq)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("IntraMEMC-2Freq", self.IntraMEMC_2Freq)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("MEMC-2Freq", self.MEMC_2Freq)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("IntraMEMC-3Freq", self.IntraMEMC_3Freq)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("MEMC-3Freq", self.MEMC_3Freq)
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        # sort and print the MEMC data if MEMC is used for the simulation
        if self.MEMC_DataInput is not None and (
            self.MEMC_1Freq > 0
            or self.MEMC_2Freq > 0
            or self.MEMC_3Freq > 0
            or self.IntraMEMC_1Freq > 0
            or self.IntraMEMC_2Freq > 0
            or self.IntraMEMC_3Freq > 0

            ExchangeRatio_list = []
            ExchangeLargeKind_list = []
            LargeKindBackBone_list = []
            ExchangeSmallKind_list = []
            SmallKindBackBone_list = []

            for memc_i in range(0, len(self.MEMC_DataInput)):
                    str("{:10s} \t".format(str(self.MEMC_DataInput[memc_i][0])))
                    "{:10s} \t".format(str(self.MEMC_DataInput[memc_i][1]))
                    "{:4s}  {:4s} \t".format(
                    "{:10s} \t".format(str(self.MEMC_DataInput[memc_i][3]))
                    "{:4s}  {:4s} \t".format(

            ExchangeRatio_str = "".join(ExchangeRatio_list)
            ExchangeLargeKind_str = "".join(ExchangeLargeKind_list)
            LargeKindBackBone_str = "".join(LargeKindBackBone_list)
            ExchangeSmallKind_str = "".join(ExchangeSmallKind_list)
            SmallKindBackBone_str = "".join(SmallKindBackBone_list)

            data_control_file.write("# MEMC PARAMETER \n")
                "{:25s} {}\t{}\t{}\n".format(
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("ExchangeRatio", ExchangeRatio_str)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("ExchangeLargeKind", ExchangeLargeKind_str)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("ExchangeSmallKind", ExchangeSmallKind_str)
            if self.MEMC_DataInput is not None and (
                self.MEMC_2Freq > 0
                or self.IntraMEMC_2Freq > 0
                or self.MEMC_3Freq > 0
                or self.IntraMEMC_3Freq > 0
                    "{:25s} {}\n".format(
                        "LargeKindBackBone", LargeKindBackBone_str
            if self.MEMC_DataInput is not None and (
                self.MEMC_2Freq > 0 or self.IntraMEMC_2Freq > 0
                    "{:25s} {}\n".format(
                        "SmallKindBackBone", SmallKindBackBone_str

        data_control_file.write(" \n")

            "# BOX DIMENSION #, X, Y, Z    (only orthoganol boxes are currently "
            "available in this control file writer)\n"
            "{:25s} {:20s} {:20s} {:20s}\n".format(
                "CellBasisVector1 0",
            "{:25s} {:20s} {:20s} {:20s}\n".format(
                "CellBasisVector2 0",
            "{:25s} {:20s} {:20s} {:20s}\n".format(
                "CellBasisVector3 0",
        data_control_file.write(" \n")
        if self.ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NPT", "GEMC_NVT", "GCMC"]:
                "{:25s} {:20s} {:20s} {:20s}\n".format(
                    "CellBasisVector1 1",
                "{:25s} {:20s} {:20s} {:20s}\n".format(
                    "CellBasisVector2 1",
                "{:25s} {:20s} {:20s} {:20s}\n".format(
                    "CellBasisVector3 1",
            data_control_file.write(" \n")

        if (
            (self.ensemble_type in ["NPT", "NVT"])
            and self.FreeEnergyCalc is not None
            and self.MoleculeType is not None
            and self.InitialState is not None
            and self.LambdaVDW is not None

            # make list for number of states, LambdaVDW, and Lambda_Coul, and convert the list to string for printing
            Lambda_states_list = []
            Lambda_VDW_list = []
            Lambda_Coul_list = []
            for lamda_i in range(0, len(self.LambdaVDW)):
                if self.LambdaCoulomb is not None:

            Lambda_states_str = "\t".join(Lambda_states_list)
            Lambda_VDW_str = "\t".join(Lambda_VDW_list)
            if self.LambdaCoulomb is not None:
                Lambda_Coul_str = "\t".join(Lambda_Coul_list)

                "# FREE ENERGY PARAMETERS (only available in NPT and NVT ensembles) \n"
                "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
                "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("InitialState", self.InitialState)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("ScalePower", self.ScalePower)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("ScaleAlpha", self.ScaleAlpha)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("MinSigma", self.MinSigma)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("ScaleCoulomb", self.ScaleCoulomb)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("# States", Lambda_states_str)
                "{:25s} {}\n".format("LambdaVDW", Lambda_VDW_str)

            if self.LambdaCoulomb is not None:
                    "{:25s} {}\n".format("LambdaCoulomb", Lambda_Coul_str)
            data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# CBMC TRIALS \n")
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("CBMC_First", self.CBMC_First)
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("CBMC_Nth", self.CBMC_Nth))
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("CBMC_Ang", self.CBMC_Ang))
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("CBMC_Dih", self.CBMC_Dih))
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

            "#  --------------------------- OUTPUT ------------------------------------- \n"
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# statistics filename add\n")
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("OutputName", self.OutputName)
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# enable, frequency \n")
            "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
                "RestartFreq", str(self.RestartFreq[0]), self.RestartFreq[1]
            "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
            "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
        # set this only true if use dcd is true, until the DCDFreq is in a official release of GOMC
        if self.DCDFreq[0] is True:
                "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
            "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
                "ConsoleFreq", str(self.ConsoleFreq[0]), self.ConsoleFreq[1]
            "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
            "{:25s} {:10s} {}\n".format(
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# OutHistSettings \n")
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("DistName", self.DistName))
        data_control_file.write("{:25s} {}\n".format("HistName", self.HistName))
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("RunNumber", self.RunNumber)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("RunLetter", self.RunLetter)
            "{:25s} {}\n".format("SampleFreq", self.SampleFreq)
        data_control_file.write(" \n")

        data_control_file.write("# enable: blk avg., fluct. \n")
            "{:25s} {:10s} {:10s}\n".format(
            "{:25s} {:10s} {:10s}\n".format(
            "{:25s} {:10s} {:10s}\n".format(
            "{:25s} {:10s} {:10s}\n".format(
            "{:25s} {:10s} {:10s}\n".format(
            "{:25s} {:10s} {:10s}\n".format(


    def ck_input_variable_true_or_false(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_user_variable_list
        Checks if the input variable is either True for False.
        If not either True or False, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_user_variable_list: list
            A list to append with the bad dict_key user inputs
            Note: This list is intented to be printed with all the bad input variables
            so the user can fix them after upon a failed GOMC conf file writing attempt.

        bad_user_variable_list : list,
            A list to append with the bad dict_key user inputs,
            which is appended upon detecting a bad user input variable.
            Note: This list is intented to be printed with all the bad input variables
            so the user can fix them after upon a failed GOMC conf file writing attempt.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not True
            and input_variables_dict[key] is not False
            or (
                str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
                and str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_int_or_float_zero_or_greater(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is an integer or float is zero or greater ( value >= 0 ).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key.

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], int) is not True
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], float) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] < 0
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_int_zero_or_greater(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is an integer is zero or greater ( value >= 0 ).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], int) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] < 0
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_float_zero_or_greater(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a float is zero or greater ( value >= 0 ).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], float) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] < 0
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_int_or_float_greater_zero(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is an integer or float is greater than zero ( value > 0).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], int) is not True
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], float) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] <= 0
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_int_greater_zero(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is an integer greater than zero ( value > 0)..
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], int) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] <= 0
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_float_greater_zero(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a float greater than zero ( value > 0).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], float) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] <= 0
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_float_greater_zero_less_1(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a float greater than zero and less than 1
        ( 0 < value < 1).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], float) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] <= 0
            or input_variables_dict[key] >= 1
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_int_or_float_zero_to_1(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is an integer or float from 0 to 1 ( 0 =< value <= 1).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], int) is not True
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], float) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] < 0
            or input_variables_dict[key] > 1
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_float_zero_to_1(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a float from 0 to 1 ( 0 =< value <= 1).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], float) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] < 0
            or input_variables_dict[key] > 1
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_int_zero_to_1(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is an integer from 0 to 1 ( 0 =< value <= 1).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], int) is not True
            or input_variables_dict[key] < 0
            or input_variables_dict[key] > 1
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(True)
            or str(input_variables_dict[key]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_list_bool_int_zero_or_greater(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a list with a bool and integer 0 or greater
        ([bool, int >= 0 ]).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is False:
        elif isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is True:
            if (
                len(input_variables_dict[key]) != 2
                or (
                    input_variables_dict[key][0] is not True
                    and input_variables_dict[key][0] is not False
                or isinstance(input_variables_dict[key][1], int) is not True
                or input_variables_dict[key][1] < 0
                or (
                    str(input_variables_dict[key][0]) != str(True)
                    and str(input_variables_dict[key][0]) != str(False)
                or str(input_variables_dict[key][1]) == str(True)
                or str(input_variables_dict[key][1]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_list_bool_int_greater_zero(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a list with a bool and integer greater than zero
        ([bool, int > 0 ]).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is False:
        elif isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is True:
            if (
                len(input_variables_dict[key]) != 2
                or (
                    input_variables_dict[key][0] is not True
                    and input_variables_dict[key][0] is not False
                or isinstance(input_variables_dict[key][1], int) is not True
                or input_variables_dict[key][1] <= 0
                or (
                    str(input_variables_dict[key][0]) != str(True)
                    and str(input_variables_dict[key][0]) != str(False)
                or str(input_variables_dict[key][1]) == str(True)
                or str(input_variables_dict[key][1]) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_list_residue_str_int_greater_zero(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a list with a str and integer greater than zero
        ([str, int > 0 ]).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is False:
        elif isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is True:
            if len(input_variables_dict[key]) == 2:
                if isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is True:
                    if (
                        isinstance(input_variables_dict[key][0], str) is False
                        or isinstance(input_variables_dict[key][1], int)
                        is False
                    elif isinstance(input_variables_dict[key][0], str) is True:
                        if (
                            len(input_variables_dict[key][0]) > 4
                            or input_variables_dict[key][0] not in self.residues

                    if (
                        isinstance(input_variables_dict[key][1], int) is True
                        and input_variables_dict[key][1] <= 0

    def ck_input_variable_list_bool_bool(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a list with a 2 booleans  ([bool, bool]).
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is False:
        elif isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is True:
            if (
                len(input_variables_dict[key]) != 2
                or (
                    input_variables_dict[key][0] is not True
                    and input_variables_dict[key][0] is not False
                or (
                    input_variables_dict[key][1] is not True
                    and input_variables_dict[key][1] is not False
                or (
                    str(input_variables_dict[key][0]) != str(True)
                    and str(input_variables_dict[key][0]) != str(False)
                or (
                    str(input_variables_dict[key][1]) != str(True)
                    and str(input_variables_dict[key][1]) != str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_list_of_floats_zero_to_1(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a list of floats between 0 and 1 ([0,0, 0.1, ..., 1.0]).
        Note: the list can be of any length with 0.0 <= float <= 1.0
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if input_variables_dict[key] is not None:
            if isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is False:
            elif isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], list) is True:
                if len(input_variables_dict[key]) >= 1:
                    for Lambda_i in range(0, len(input_variables_dict[key])):
                        if (
                                input_variables_dict[key][Lambda_i], float
                            is False
                        elif (
                                input_variables_dict[key][Lambda_i], float
                            is True
                            if (
                                input_variables_dict[key][Lambda_i] < 0.0
                                or input_variables_dict[key][Lambda_i] > 1.0

    def ck_input_variable_GCMC_dict_str_int_or_float(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a dictionary with a key = string and
        value = integer or float  ({'str_1' : integer_1 or float_1, ....,
        'str_x' : integer_x or float_x }).
        Note: the dictionary can be of any length
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], dict) is not True

        elif isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], dict) is True:
            keys_list = dict_keys_to_list(input_variables_dict[key])
            for keys_iter_No in range(0, len(keys_list)):
                key_iter = keys_list[keys_iter_No]
                value_iter = input_variables_dict[key][key_iter]

                if key_iter not in self.residues:

                if isinstance(key_iter, str) is False:
                elif isinstance(key_iter, str) is True:
                    if len(key_iter) > 4:

                if (
                        isinstance(value_iter, int) is False
                        and isinstance(value_iter, float) is False
                    or str(value_iter) == str(True)
                    or str(value_iter) == str(False)

    def ck_input_variable_GCMC_dict_str_int_or_float_zero_or_greater(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a dictionary with a key = string and
        value = integer or float zero or greater  ({'str_1' : integer_1 or float_1 (>= 0), ....,
        'str_x' : integer_x or float_x (>= 0)}).
        Note: the dictionary can be of any length
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if (
            input_variables_dict[key] is not None
            and isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], dict) is not True

        elif isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], dict) is True:
            keys_list = dict_keys_to_list(input_variables_dict[key])
            for keys_iter_No in range(0, len(keys_list)):
                key_iter = keys_list[keys_iter_No]
                value_iter = input_variables_dict[key][key_iter]

                if key_iter not in self.residues:

                if isinstance(key_iter, str) is False:
                elif isinstance(key_iter, str) is True:
                    if len(key_iter) > 4:

                if (
                        isinstance(value_iter, int) is False
                        and isinstance(value_iter, float) is False
                    or str(value_iter) == str(True)
                    or str(value_iter) == str(False)
                    or value_iter < 0

    def ck_input_variable_str_with_no_spaces(
        self, input_variables_dict, key, bad_input_variables_values_list
        Checks if the input variable is a string with no spaces.
        If not, the provided list is appended with the bad with the dict_key.

        input_variables_dict: dict
            The user input variable dictionary
        key: str
            Dictionary key for the user provided input variable list
        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        bad_input_variables_values_list: list
            A list to append with the bad variable user inputs
            so the user can see which variable input values are bad.

        if isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], str) is True:
            no_spaces_in_OutputName_string = " " in input_variables_dict[key]
        if (
            isinstance(input_variables_dict[key], str) is not True
            or no_spaces_in_OutputName_string is True

def _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_list_bool_int(
    variable_name, charmm_variable, run_steps
    Scales the frequency of the output to a a more realistic value,
    if the output frequency does not make sense based on the
    total number of simulation run steps.

    variable_name, str
        The variable name as a sting, which is used for printing error outputs.
    charmm_variable : GOMCControl object variable list, [bool, int]
        This only for the frequency output variables of the GOMCControl object
    run_steps : int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero.
        This is the GOMCControl object varaible which sets the total number of simulation steps.
        This should be the RunSteps variable in the GOMCControl object.

    charmm_variable : GOMCControl object variable list [bool, int]
        A rescaled and appropriate value for the frequency output variables of the
        GOMCControl object, based on the RunSteps in the simulation.
    if not isinstance(charmm_variable, list):
        print_error_message = "ERROR: The {} variable is not a list.".format(
        raise ValueError(print_error_message)

        if len(charmm_variable) != 2:
            print_error_message = (
                "ERROR: The {} variable list length is not 2.".format(
            raise ValueError(print_error_message)

            if not isinstance(charmm_variable[0], bool):
                print_error_message = (
                    "ERROR: The {} variable is not a boolean.".format(
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

            if not isinstance(charmm_variable[1], int):
                print_error_message = (
                    "ERROR: The {} variable is not a int.".format(variable_name)
                raise ValueError(print_error_message)

    set_max_steps_charmm_variable = charmm_variable[1]

    if run_steps / 10 >= set_max_steps_charmm_variable and run_steps / 10 >= 1:
        charmm_variable[1] = int(set_max_steps_charmm_variable)
    elif run_steps / 10 >= 1:
        charmm_variable[1] = int(run_steps / 10)
        charmm_variable[1] = int(1)

    return charmm_variable

def _scale_gen_freq_for_run_steps_int(
    variable_name, charmm_variable, run_steps
    Scales the frequency of the output to a a more realistic value,
    if the output frequency does not make sense based on the
    total number of simulation run steps.

    variable_name, str
        The variable name as a sting, which is used for printing error outputs.
    charmm_variable : GOMCControl object variable, int
        This only for the frequency output variables of the GOMCControl object
    run_steps : int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero.
        This is the GOMCControl object varaible which sets the total number of simulation steps.
        This should be the RunSteps variable in the GOMCControl object.

    charmm_variable : GOMCControl object variable list, int
        A rescaled and appropriate value for the frequency output variables of the
        GOMCControl object, based on the RunSteps in the simulation.
    if not isinstance(charmm_variable, int):
        print_error_message = (
            "ERROR: The {} variable is not an interger.".format(variable_name)
        raise ValueError(print_error_message)

    set_max_steps_charmm_variable = charmm_variable

    if run_steps / 10 >= set_max_steps_charmm_variable and run_steps / 10 >= 1:
        charmm_variable = int(set_max_steps_charmm_variable)
    elif run_steps / 10 >= 1:
        charmm_variable = int(run_steps / 10)
        charmm_variable = int(1)

    return charmm_variable

def ck_box_dim_is_float_or_int_greater_0(
    charmm_box_dimension, dimension, box_no, ensemble_type
    Scales the frequency of the output to a a more realistic value,
    if the output frequency does not make sense based on the
    total number of simulation run steps.

    charmm_box_dimension : GOMCControl object box dimension variable
        This is the variable that contains the box input x, y, or z dimensions for box 0 or 1.
    dimension : str (Only enter 'x', 'y', or 'z')
        This is the dimension of the charmm_box_dimension variable.
        Only enter 'x', 'y', or 'z', but it will not error out if you do not.
    box_no : int (only 0 or 1)
        This is the box number which is defined in the mbuild.Charmm object
        Only enter only 0 or 1, but it will not error out if you do not.
    ensemble_type : str, valid options are 'NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NVT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC'
        The ensemble type of the simulation.

    If charmm_box_dimension is an int or float (>0) : None
    If charmm_box_dimension is not an int or float (>0) : raise ValueError


    if (
        isinstance(charmm_box_dimension, int) is False
        and isinstance(charmm_box_dimension, float) is False
    ) or charmm_box_dimension <= 0:
        print_error_message = "ERROR: The {}-dimension for box {} is, {} , not an integer, float, "
        "or is <= 0.".format(dimension, box_no, charmm_box_dimension)
        raise ValueError(print_error_message)

    if (
        (ensemble_type in ["GEMC_NVT", "GEMC_NPT", "GCMC"])
        and charmm_box_dimension is None
        and box_no == 1
        print_error_message = (
            "ERROR: The {}-dimension for box {} was not provided.  "
            "The {}-dimension for box {}, "
            " is required to be an an integer, float, and be > 0.".format(
                dimension, box_no, dimension, box_no
        raise ValueError(print_error_message)

    return None

def _check_box_vectors_char_limit(vectors, char_limit):
    Checks to see if the vectors exceed the specified character limit

    vectors : numpy.ndarray, [[float, float, float], [float, float, float], [float, float, float]]
        Three (3) sets vectors for box 0 each with 3 float values, which represent
        the vectors for the Charmm-style systems (i.e, the CellBasisVectors).
    char_limit : int
        The specified number of allowable characters for each individual value in the vectors.

        True, if within the allowable character limit
        False, if not within the allowable character limit

    for x_i in range(0, 3):
        for y_i in range(0, 3):
            if len(str(vectors[x_i][y_i])) > char_limit:
                return False
    return True

def _check_if_input_files_exist(
    Checks to see GOMC FF, pdb, and psf files exist

    file_directory_and_name : str
        The file directory and name of the file.
    type_of_file : str
        A brief description of the file which is evaluated.
    check_input_files_exist: bool (default=True)
        Check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.
        If the files are checked and do not exist, the writer will throw a ValueError.
        True, check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.
        False, do not check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist.

    If the file exists : None
    If the file does not exist : raise ValueError
    if (
        os.path.isfile(file_directory_and_name) is False
        and check_input_files_exist is True

        print_error_message = (
            "The {} with the file directory and name {}, "
            "does not exist.".format(type_of_file, file_directory_and_name)
        raise ValueError(print_error_message)

def _check_if_string_and_extension(
    Checks to see GOMC FF, pdb, and psf files exist

    file_directory_and_name : str
        The file directory and name of the file.
    file_directory_and_name_variable : variable
        The variable for the file directory and name of the file.
    type_of_file : str
        A brief description of the file which is evaluated (force file, psf, pdb).
    expected_file_extension : list of strings (optional), [str, ..., str], default=None
        The expected file extensions that are checked against the actual file extension.

    If the variable is a string : None
    If the variable is not a string : raise TypeError
    If the variable is a string and has the correct extension : None
    If the variable is a string and has the wrong extension  : raise TypeError
    if (
        not isinstance(file_directory_and_name_variable, str)
        and file_directory_and_name_variable is not None
            "file_directory_and_name_variable ="
            + str(file_directory_and_name_variable)
        print_error_message = (
            r"ERROR: The {} variable for directly entering the "
            r"{} file directory and name is a {} and not a string.".format(
        raise TypeError(print_error_message)

    if expected_file_extension is not None:
        acutal_file_extension = os.path.splitext(
        if acutal_file_extension not in expected_file_extension:
            print_error_message = (
                r"ERROR: The {} variable expects a file extension of {}, "
                r'but the actual file extension is "{}". '
            raise TypeError(print_error_message)

def _check_if_bool(
    Checks to see if the variable is a boolean.

    variable_as_a_string : str
        The variable name as a string.
    variable : variable
        The variable to test if it is a boolean.

    If the variable is a bool : None
    If the variable is not a bool : raise TypeError
    if not isinstance(variable, bool):
        print_error_message = (
            "ERROR: The {} input is {} and needs to be a boolean (i.e., True or False)."
            "".format(variable_as_a_string, type(variable))
        raise TypeError(print_error_message)

# user callable function to write the GOMC control file
[docs]def write_gomc_control_file( charmm_object, conf_filename, ensemble_type, RunSteps, Temperature, ff_psf_pdb_file_directory=None, check_input_files_exist=True, Restart=False, RestartCheckpoint=False, Parameters=None, Coordinates_box_0=None, Structure_box_0=None, Coordinates_box_1=None, Structure_box_1=None, binCoordinates_box_0=None, extendedSystem_box_0=None, binVelocities_box_0=None, binCoordinates_box_1=None, extendedSystem_box_1=None, binVelocities_box_1=None, input_variables_dict=None, ): """ The usable command that creates the ``GOMCControl`` object and writes the GOMC control file via the ``GOMCControl.write_conf_file`` function. Constructs the GOMC GOMCControl object with the defaults, or adding additional data in the input_variable section. Default setting for the GOMC configuraion files are based upon an educated guess, which should result in reasonable sampling for a given ensemble/simulation type. However, there is no guarantee that the default setting will provide the best or adequate sampling for the selected system. The user has the option to modify the configuration/control files based on the simulation specifics or to optimize the system beyond the standard settings. These override options are available via the keyword arguments in input_variable_dict. Parameters ---------- charmm_object : Charmm object Charmm object is has been parameterized from the selected force field. ensemble_typ : str, ['NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC-NVT', 'GCMC'] The ensemble type of the simulation. RunSteps : int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero. Sets the total number of simulation steps. Temperature : float or int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero. Temperature of system in Kelvin (K) ff_psf_pdb_file_directory : str (optional), default=None (i.e., the current directory). The full or relative directory added to the force field, psf, and pdb file names, created via the Charmm object. check_input_files_exist : bool, (default=True) Check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist. If the files are checked and do not exist, the writer will throw a ValueError. True, check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist. False, do not check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist. Restart : boolean, default = False Determines whether to restart the simulation from restart file (``*_restart.pdb`` and ``*_restart.psf``) or not. RestartCheckpoint : boolean, default = False Determines whether to restart the simulation with the checkpoint file (checkpoint.dat) or not. Restarting the simulation with checkpoint.dat would result in an identical outcome, as if previous simulation was continued. Parameters : str, (default=None) Override all other force field directory and filename input with the correct extension (.inp or .par). Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. Coordinates_box_0 : str, (default=None) Override all other box 0 pdb directory and filename inputs with the correct extension. Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. Structure_box_0 : str, (default=None) Override all other box 0 psf directory and filename inputs with the correct extension. Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. Coordinates_box_1 : str, (default=None) Override all other box 1 pdb directory and filename inputs with the correct extension. Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. Structure_box_1 : str, (default=None) Override all other box 1 psf directory and filename inputs with the correct extension. Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. binCoordinates_box_0 : str, (default=None) The box 0 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. extendedSystem_box_0 : str, (default=None) The box 0 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation. binVelocities_box_0 : str, (default=None) The box 0 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any velocity information. binCoordinates_box_1 : str, (default=None) The box 1 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. extendedSystem_box_1 : str, (default=None) The box 1 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation. binVelocities_box_1 : str, (default=None) The box 1 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any velocity information. input_variables_dict: dict, default=None These input variables are optional and override the default settings. Changing these variables likely required for more advanced systems. The details of the acceptable input variables for the selected ensembles can be found by running the code below in python, >>>print_valid_ensemble_input_variables('GCMC', description = True) which prints the input_variables with their subsection description for the selected 'GCMC' ensemble (other ensembles can be set as well). Example : input_variables_dict = {'PRNG' : 123, 'ParaTypeCHARMM' : True } # ******************************************************************* # input_variables_dict options (keys and values) - (start) # Note: the input_variables_dict keys are also attributes # ******************************************************************* PRNG : string or int (>= 0) ("RANDOM" or int), default = "RANDOM" PRNG = Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG). There are two (2) options, entering the string, "RANDOM", or a integer. --- "RANDOM": selects a random seed number. This will enter the line "PRNG RANDOM" in the gomc configuration file. --- integer: which defines the integer seed number for the simulation. This is equivalent to entering the following two lines in the configuration file line 1 = PRNG INTSEED line 2 = Random_Seed user_selected_integer. Example 1: for a random seed enter the string "RANDOM". Example 2: for a specific seed number enter a integer of your choosing. ParaTypeCHARMM : boolean, default = True True if a CHARMM forcefield, False otherwise. ParaTypeMie : boolean, default = False True if a Mie forcefield type, False otherwise. ParaTypeMARTINI : boolean, default = False True if a MARTINI forcefield, False otherwise. RcutCoulomb_box_0 : int or float (>= 0), default = None Sets a specific radius in box 0 where the short-range electrostatic energy will be calculated (i.e., The distance to truncate the short-range electrostatic energy in box 0.) Note: if None, GOMC will default to the Rcut value RcutCoulomb_box_1 : int or float (>= 0), default = None Sets a specific radius in box 1 where the short-range electrostatic energy will be calculated (i.e., The distance to truncate the short-range electrostatic energy in box 0.) Note: if None, GOMC will default to the Rcut value Pressure : int or float (>= 0), default = 1.01325 The pressure in bar utilized for the NPT and GEMC_NPT simulations. Rcut : int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = 10 Sets a specific radius in Angstroms that non-bonded interaction energy and force will be considered and calculated using defined potential function. The distance in Angstoms to truncate the LJ, Mie, or other VDW type potential at. Note: Rswitch is only used when the "Potential" = SWITCH. RcutLow : int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = 1 Sets a specific minimum possible distance in Angstroms that reject any move that places any atom closer than specified distance. The minimum possible distance between any atoms. Sets a specific radius in Angstroms that non-bonded interaction Note: Rswitch is only used when the "Potential" = SWITCH. LRC : boolean, default = True If True, the simulation considers the long range tail corrections for the non-bonded VDW or dispersion interactions. Note: In case of using SHIFT or SWITCH potential functions, LRC will be ignored. Exclude : str ["1-2", "1-3", or "1-4"], default = "1-3" Note: In CHARMM force field, the 1-4 interaction needs to be considered. Choosing "Excude 1-3", will modify 1-4 interaction based on 1-4 parameters in parameter file. If a kind force field is used, where 1-4 interaction needs to be ignored, such as TraPPE, either Exclude "1-4" needs to be chosen or 1-4 parameter needs to be assigned to zero in the parameter file. --- "1-2": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, except the ones that separated with one bond, will be considered and modified using 1-4 parameters defined in parameter file. --- "1-3": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, except the ones that separated with one or two bonds, will be considered and modified using 1-4 parameters defined in parameter file. --- "1-4": All interaction pairs of bonded atoms, except the ones that separated with one, two or three bonds, will be considered using non-bonded parameters defined in parameter file. Potential : str, ["VDW", "EXP6", "SHIFT" or "SWITCH"], default = "VDW" Defines the potential function type to calculate non-bonded dispersion interaction energy and force between atoms. --- "VDW": Non-bonded dispersion interaction energy and force calculated based on n-6 (Lennard - Jones) equation. This function will be discussed further in the Intermolecular energy and Virial calculation section. --- "EXP6": Non-bonded dispersion interaction energy and force calculated based on exp-6 (Buckingham potential) equation. --- "SHIFT": This option forces the potential energy to be zero at Rcut distance. --- "SWITCH": This option smoothly forces the potential energy to be zero at Rcut distance and starts modifying the potential at Rswitch distance. Depending on force field type, specific potential function will be applied. Rswitch : int or float (>= 0 and RcutLow < Rswitch < Rcut), default = 9 Note: Rswitch is only used when the SWITCH function is used (i.e., "Potential" = SWITCH). The Rswitch distance is in Angstrom. If the “SWITCH” function is chosen, Rswitch needs to be defined, otherwise, the program will be terminated. When using choosing "SWITCH" as potential function, the Rswitch distance defines where the non-bonded interaction energy modification is started, which is eventually truncated smoothly at Rcut distance. ElectroStatic : boolean, default = True Considers the coulomb interactions or not. If True, coulomb interactions are considered and false if not. Note: To simulate the polar molecule in MARTINI force field, ElectroStatic needs to be turn on (i.e., True). The MARTINI force field uses short-range coulomb interaction with constant Dielectric of 15.0. Ewald : boolean, default = True Considers the standard Ewald summation method for electrostatic calculations. If True, Ewald summation calculation needs to be considered and false if not. Note: By default, GOMC will set ElectroStatic to True if Ewald summation method was used to calculate coulomb interaction. CachedFourier : boolean, default = False Considers storing the reciprocal terms for Ewald summation calculation in order to improve the code performance. This option would increase the code performance with the cost of memory usage. If True, to store reciprocal terms of Ewald summation calculation and False if not. Warning: Monte Carlo moves, such as MEMC-1, MEMC-2, MEMC-3, IntraMEMC-1, IntraMEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-3 are not support with CachedFourier. Tolerance : float (0.0 < float < 1.0), default = 1e-05 Sets the accuracy in Ewald summation calculation. Ewald separation parameter and number of reciprocal vectors for the Ewald summation are determined based on the accuracy parameter. Dielectric : int or float (>= 0.0), default = 15 Sets dielectric value used in coulomb interaction when the Martini force field is used. Note: In MARTINI force field, Dielectric needs to be set to 15.0. PressureCalc : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [bool , step_frequency], default = [True, 10k] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 10k max] Calculate the system pressure or not. bool = True, enables the pressure calculation during the simulation, false disables the calculation. The int/step frequency sets the frequency of calculating the pressure. EqSteps : int (> 0), default = set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1M max Sets the number of steps necessary to equilibrate the system. Averaging will begin at this step. Note: In GCMC simulations, the Histogram files will be outputed at EqSteps. AdjSteps : int (> 0), default = set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1k max Sets the number of steps per adjustment of the parameter associated with each move (e.g. maximum translate distance, maximum rotation, maximum volume exchange, etc.). VDWGeometricSigma: boolean, default = False Use geometric mean, as required by OPLS force field, to combining Lennard-Jones sigma parameters for different atom types. If set to True, GOMC uses geometric mean to combine Lennard-Jones or VDW sigmas. Note: The default setting of VDWGeometricSigma is false, which uses the arithmetic mean when combining Lennard-Jones or VDW sigma parameters for different atom types. useConstantArea : boolean, default = False Changes the volume of the simulation box by fixing the cross-sectional area (x-y plane). If True, the volume will change only in z axis, If False, the volume of the box will change in a way to maintain the constant axis ratio. FixVolBox0 : boolean, default = False Changing the volume of fluid phase (Box 1) to maintain the constant imposed pressure and Temperature, while keeping the volume of adsorbed phase (Box 0) fixed. Note: By default, GOMC will set useConstantArea to False if no value was set. It means, the volume of the box will change in a way to maintain the constant axis ratio. ChemPot : dict {str (4 dig limit) , int or float}, default = None The chemical potentials in GOMC units of energy, K. There is a 4 character limit for the string/residue name since the PDB/PSF files have a 4 character limitation and require and exact match in the conf file. Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail. The name of the residues and their corresponding chemical potential must specified for every residue in the system (i.e., {"residue_name" : chemical_potential}). Note: IF 2 KEYS WITH THE SAME STRING/RESIDUE ARE PROVIDED, ONE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY OVERWRITTEN AND NO ERROR WILL BE THROWN IN THIS CONTROL FILE WRITER. Example 1 (system with only water): {"H2O" : -4000} Example 2 (system with water and ethanol): {"H2O" : -4000, "ETH" : -8000} Fugacity : dict {str , int or float (>= 0)}, default = None The fugacity in GOMC units of pressure, bar. There is a 4 character limit for the string/residue name since the PDB/PSF files have a 4 character limitation and require and exact match in the conf file. Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail. The name of the residues and their corresponding fugacity must specified for every residue in the system (i.e., {"residue_name" : fugacity}). Note: IF 2 KEYS WITH THE SAME STRING/RESIDUE ARE PROVIDED, ONE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY OVERWRITTEN AND NO ERROR WILL BE THROWN IN THIS CONTROL FILE WRITER. Example 1 (system with only water): {"H2O" : 1} Example 2 (system with water and ethanol): {"H2O" : 0.5, "ETH" : 10} CBMC_First : int (>= 0), default = 12 The number of CD-CBMC trials to choose the first atom position (Lennard-Jones trials for first seed growth). CBMC_Nth : int (>= 0), default = 10 The Number of CD-CBMC trials to choose the later atom positions (Lennard-Jones trials for first seed growth). CBMC_Ang : int (>= 0), default = 50 The Number of CD-CBMC bending angle trials to perform for geometry (per the coupled-decoupled CBMC scheme). CBMC_Dih : int (>= 0), default = 50 The Number of CD-CBMC dihedral angle trials to perform for geometry (per the coupled-decoupled CBMC scheme). OutputName : str (NO SPACES), , default = "Output_data", default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1M max] The UNIQUE STRING NAME, WITH NO SPACES, which is used for the output block average, PDB, and PSF file names. CoordinatesFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or M max] Controls output of PDB file (coordinates). If bool is True, this enables outputting the coordinate files at the integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting the coordinates. DCDFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or M max] Controls output of DCD file (coordinates). If bool is True, this enables outputting the coordinate files at the integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting the coordinates. RestartFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1M max] This creates the PDB and PSF (coordinate and topology) files for restarting the system at the set steps_per_data_output_int (frequency) If bool is True, this enables outputting the PDB/PSF restart files at the integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), while “false” disables outputting the PDB/PSF restart files. CheckpointFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = [True, 1M] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 1M max] Controls the output of the last state of simulation at a specified step, in a binary file format (checkpoint.dat). Checkpoint file contains the following information in full precision: (1) Last simulation step that saved into checkpoint file (2) Simulation cell dimensions and angles (3) Maximum amount of displacement (Å), rotation (δ), and volume (Å^3) that is used in the Displacement, Rotation, MultiParticle, and Volume moves (4) Number of Monte Carlo move trial and acceptance (5) All molecule’s coordinates (6) Random number sequence If bool is True, this enables outputing the checkpoint file at the integer frequency (set steps_per_data_ouput_int), while "False" disables outputting the checkpoint file. ConsoleFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = [True, 10k] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 10k max] Controls the output to the "console" or log file, which prints the acceptance statistics, and run timing info. In addition, instantaneously-selected thermodynamic properties will be output to this file. If bool is True, this enables outputting the console data at the integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting the console data file. BlockAverageFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = [True, 10k] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 10k max] Controls the block averages output of selected thermodynamic properties. Block averages are averages of thermodynamic values of interest for chunks of the simulation (for post-processing of averages or std. dev. in those values). If bool is True, this enables outputting the block averaging data/file at the integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting the block averaging data/file. HistogramFreq : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = [True, 10k] or [True , set via formula based on the number of RunSteps or 10k max] Controls the histograms. Histograms are a binned listing of observation frequency for a specific thermodynamic variable. In the GOMC code, they also control the output of a file containing energy/molecule samples, which is only used for the "GCMC" ensemble simulations for histogram reweighting purposes. If bool is True, this enables outputting the data to the histogram data at the integer frequency (set steps_per_data_output_int), while "False" disables outputting the histogram data. DistName : str (NO SPACES), default = "dis" Short phrase which will be combined with RunNumber and RunLetter to use in the name of the binned histogram for molecule distribution. HistName : str (NO SPACES), default = "his" Short phrase, which will be combined with RunNumber and RunLetter, to use in the name of the energy/molecule count sample file. RunNumber : int ( > 0 ), default = 1 Sets a number, which is a part of DistName and HistName file name. RunLetter : str (1 alphabetic character only), default = "a" Sets a letter, which is a part of DistName and HistName file name. SampleFreq : int ( > 0 ), default = 500 The number of steps per histogram sample or frequency. OutEnergy : [bool, bool], default = [True, True] The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. This outputs the energy data into the block averages and console output/log OutPressure : [bool, bool], default = [True, True] The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. This outputs the pressure data into the block averages and console output/log files. OutMolNum : [bool, bool], default = [True, True] The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. This outputs the number of molecules data into the block averages and console output/log files. OutDensity : [bool, bool], default = [True, True] The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. This outputs the density data into the block averages and console output/log files. OutVolume : [bool, bool], default = [True, True] The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. This outputs the volume data into the block averages and console output/log files. OutSurfaceTension : [bool, bool], default = [False, False] The list provides the booleans to [block_averages_bool, console_output_bool]. This outputs the surface tension data into the block averages and console output/log files. FreeEnergyCalc : list [bool , int (> 0)] or [Generate_data_bool , steps_per_data_output_int], default = None bool = True enabling free energy calculation during the simulation, false disables the calculation. The int/step frequency sets the frequency of calculating the free energy. MoleculeType : list [str , int (> 0)] or ["residue_name" , residue_ID], default = None The user must set this variable as there is no working default. Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the string (i.e., "residue_name"). Sets the solute molecule kind (residue name) and molecule number (residue ID), which absolute solvation free will be calculated for. InitialState : int (>= 0), default = None The user must set this variable as there is no working default. The index of LambdaCoulomb and LambdaVDW vectors. Sets the index of the LambdaCoulomb and LambdaVDW vectors, to determine the simulation lambda value for VDW and Coulomb interactions. WARNING : This must an integer within the vector count of the LambdaVDW and LambdaCoulomb, in which the counting starts at 0. LambdaVDW : list of floats (0 <= floats <= 1), default = None The user must set this variable as there is no working default (default = {}). Lambda values for VDW interaction in ascending order. Sets the intermediate lambda states to which solute-solvent VDW interactions are scaled. WARNING : This list must be the same length as the "LambdaCoulomb" list length. WARNING : All lambda values must be stated in the ascending order, otherwise the program will terminate. Example of ascending order 1: [0.1, 1.0,] Example of ascending orde 2: [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9] LambdaCoulomb : list of floats (0 <= floats <= 1), default = None Lambda values for Coulombic interaction in ascending order. Sets the intermediate lambda states to which solute-solvent Coulombic interactions are scaled. GOMC defauts to the "LambdaVDW" values for the Coulombic interaction if no "LambdaCoulomb" variable is set. WARNING : This list must be the same length as the "LambdaVDW" list length. WARNING : All lambda values must be stated in the ascending order, otherwise the program will terminate. Example of ascending order 1: [0.1, 1.0,] Example of ascending order 2: [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9] ScaleCoulomb : bool, default = False Determines to scale the Coulombic interaction non-linearly (soft-core scheme) or not. True if the Coulombic interaction needs to be scaled non-linearly. False if the Coulombic interaction needs to be scaled linearly. ScalePower : int (>= 0), default = 2 The p value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the distance between solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly. ScaleAlpha : int or float (>= 0), default = 0.5 The alpha value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the distance between solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly. MinSigma : int or float (>= 0), default = 3 The minimum sigma value in the soft-core scaling scheme, where the distance between solute and solvent is scaled non-linearly. DisFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.15, 'NPT': 0.15, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.2, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.19, 'GCMC': 0.15} Fractional percentage at which the displacement move will occur (i.e., fraction of displacement moves). RotFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.15, 'NPT': 0.15, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.2, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.2, 'GCMC': 0.15} Fractional percentage at which the rotation move will occur. (i.e., fraction of rotation moves). IntraSwapFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.3, 'NPT': 0.29, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.1, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.1, 'GCMC': 0.1} Fractional percentage at which the molecule will be removed from a box and inserted into the same box using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias algorithm. (i.e., fraction of intra-molecule swap moves). SwapFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.2, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.2, 'GCMC': 0.35} For Gibbs and Grand Canonical (GC) ensemble runs only: Fractional percentage at which molecule swap move will occur using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. (i.e., fraction of molecule swaps moves). RegrowthFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.3, 'NPT': 0.3, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.2, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.2, 'GCMC': 0.15} Fractional percentage at which part of the molecule will be deleted and then regrown using coupled- decoupled configurational-bias algorithm (i.e., fraction of molecular growth moves). CrankShaftFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.1, 'NPT': 0.1, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.1, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.1, 'GCMC': 0.1} Fractional percentage at which crankshaft move will occur. In this move, two atoms that are forming angle or dihedral are selected randomly and form a shaft. Then any atoms or group that are within these two selected atoms, will rotate around the shaft to sample intra-molecular degree of freedom (i.e., fraction of crankshaft moves). VolFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.01, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.01, 'GCMC': 0.0} For isobaric-isothermal (NPT) ensemble and Gibbs ensemble (GEMC_NPT and GEMC_NVT) runs only: Fractional percentage at which a volume move will occur (i.e., fraction of Volume moves). MultiParticleFreq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0} Fractional percentage at which multi-particle move will occur. In this move, all molecules in the selected simulation box will be rigidly rotated or displaced simultaneously, along the calculated torque or force respectively (i.e., fraction of multi-particle moves). IntraMEMC_1Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0} Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume within same simulation box. This move need additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, and ExchangeLargeKind. MEMC_1Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0} Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume, between simulation boxes. This move need additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, and ExchangeLargeKind. IntraMEMC_2Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0} Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume within same simulation box. Backbone of small and large molecule kind will be used to insert the large molecule more efficiently. This move need additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, ExchangeLargeKind, SmallKindBackBone, and LargeKindBackBone. MEMC_2Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0} Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume, between simulation boxes. Backbone of small and large molecule kind will be used to insert the large molecule more efficiently. This move need additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, ExchangeLargeKind, SmallKindBackBone, and LargeKindBackBone. IntraMEMC_3Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0} Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume within same simulation box. Specified atom of the large molecule kind will be used to insert the large molecule using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. This move need additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, ExchangeLargeKind, and LargeKindBackBone. MEMC_3Freq : int or float (0 <= value <= 1), default are specific for each ensemble {'NVT': 0.0, 'NPT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NVT': 0.0, 'GEMC_NPT': 0.0, 'GCMC': 0.0} Fractional percentage at which specified number of small molecule kind will be exchanged with a specified large molecule kind in defined sub-volume, between simulation boxes. Specified atom of the large molecule kind will be used to insert the large molecule using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. This move need additional information such as ExchangeVolumeDim, ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, ExchangeLargeKind, and LargeKindBackBone. ExchangeVolumeDim : list of 3 floats or integers or [X-dimension, Y-dimension, Z-dimension)], default = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] To use all variations of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, the exchange subvolume must be defined. The exchange sub-volume is defined as an orthogonal box with x, y, and z-dimensions, where small molecule/molecules kind will be selected from to be exchanged with a large molecule kind. Note: Currently, the X and Y dimension cannot be set independently (X = Y = max(X, Y)). Note: A heuristic for setting good values of the x, y, and z-dimensions is to use the geometric size of the large molecule plus 1-2 Å in each dimension. Note: In case of exchanging 1 small molecule kind with 1 large molecule kind in IntraMEMC-2, IntraMEMC-3, MEMC-2, MEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, the sub-volume dimension has no effect on acceptance rate. MEMC_DataInput : nested lists, default = None Enter data as a list with some sub-lists as follows: [[ExchangeRatio_int (> 0), ExchangeLargeKind_str, [LargeKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, LargeKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ], ExchangeSmallKind_str, [SmallKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, SmallKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ]], ..., [ExchangeRatio_int (> 0), ExchangeLargeKind_str, [LargeKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, LargeKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ], ExchangeSmallKind_str, [SmallKindBackBone_atom_1_str_or_NONE, SmallKindBackBone_atom_2_str_or_NONE ]. NOTE: CURRENTLY ALL THESE INPUTS NEED TO BE SPECIFIED, REGARDLESS OF THE MEMC TYPE SELECTION. IF THE SmallKindBackBone or LargeKindBackBone IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THE MEMC TYPE, None CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF A STRING. Note: These strings must match the residue in the psf and psb files or it will fail. It is recommended that the user print the Charmm object psf and pdb files and review the residue names that match the atom name before using the in the MEMC_DataInput variable input. Note: see the below data explanations for the ExchangeRatio, ExchangeSmallKind, ExchangeLargeKind, LargeKindBackBone, SmallKindBackBone. Example 1 (MEMC-1) : [ [1, 'WAT', [None, None], 'wat', [None, None]] , [1, 'WAT', [None, None], 'wat', [None, None]] Example 2 (MEMC-2): [ [1, 'WAT', ['O1', 'H1'], 'wat', ['O1', 'H1' ]] , [1, 'WAT', ['H1', 'H2'], 'wat', ['H1', 'H2' ]] Example 3 (MEMC-3) : [ [2, 'WAT', 'O1', 'H1'], 'wat', [None, None]] , [2, 'WAT', ['H1', 'H2'], 'wat', [None, None]] --- ExchangeRatio = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): int (> 0), default = None The Ratio of exchanging small molecule/molecules with 1 large molecule. To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, the exchange ratio must be defined. The exchange ratio defines how many small molecule will be exchanged with 1 large molecule. For each large-small molecule pairs, one exchange ratio must be defined. --- ExchangeSmallKind = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): str, default = None The small molecule kind (resname) to be exchanged. Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings. To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, the small molecule kind to be exchanged with a large molecule kind must be defined. Multiple small molecule kind can be specified. --- ExchangeLargeKind = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): str, default = None The large molecule kind (resname) to be exchanged. Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings. To use all variation of MEMC and Intra-MEMC Monte Carlo moves, the large molecule kind to be exchanged with small molecule kind must be defined. Multiple large molecule kind can be specified. --- LargeKindBackBone = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): list [str, str] or [None, None], default = None Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings. The [None, None] values can only be used if that MEMC type does not require them. The strings for the the atom name 1 and atom name 2 that belong to the large molecule’s backbone (i.e., [str_for_atom_name_1, str_for_atom_name_2]) To use MEMC-2, MEMC-3, IntraMEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, the large molecule backbone must be defined. The backbone of the molecule is defined as a vector that connects two atoms belong to the large molecule. The large molecule backbone will be used to align the sub-volume in MEMC-2 and IntraMEMC-2 moves, while in MEMC-3 and IntraMEMC-3 moves, it uses the atom name to start growing the large molecule using coupled-decoupled configurational-bias. For each large-small molecule pairs, two atom names must be defined. Note: all atom names in the molecule must be unique. Note: In MEMC-3 and IntraMEMC-3 Monte Carlo moves, both atom names must be same, otherwise program will be terminated. Note: If the large molecule has only one atom (mono atomic molecules), same atom name must be used for str_for_atom_name_1 and str_for_atom_name_2 of the LargeKindBackBone. --- SmallKindBackBone = MEMC parameters (all ensembles): list [str, str] or [None, None], default = None Note: ONLY 4 characters can be used for the strings. The [None, None] values can only be used if that MEMC type does not require them. The strings for the the atom name 1 and atom name 2 that belong to the small molecule’s backbone (i.e., [str_for_atom_name_1, str_for_atom_name_2]) To use MEMC-2, and IntraMEMC-2 Monte Carlo moves, the small molecule backbone must be defined. The backbone of the molecule is defined as a vector that connects two atoms belong to the small molecule and will be used to align the sub-volume. For each large-small molecule pairs, two atom names must be defined. Note: all atom names in the molecule must be unique. Note: If the small molecule has only one atom (mono atomic molecules), same atom name must be used str_for_atom_name_1 and str_for_atom_name_2 of the SmallKindBackBone. # ******************************************************************* # input_variables_dict options (keys and values) - (end) # Note: the input_variables_dict keys are also attributes # ******************************************************************* Attributes ---------- input_error : bool This error is typically incurred from an error in the user input values. However, it could also be due to a bug, provided the user is inputting the data as this Class intends. all_failed_input_List : list A list of all the inputs that failed, but there may be some inputs that ensemble_typ : str, ['NVT', 'NPT', 'GEMC_NPT', 'GCMC-NVT', 'GCMC'] The ensemble type of the simulation. RunSteps : int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero. Sets the total number of simulation steps. Temperature : float or int (>0), must be an integer greater than zero. Temperature of system in Kelvin (K) ff_psf_pdb_file_directory : str (optional), default=None (i.e., the current directory). The full or relative directory added to the force field, psf, and pdb file names, created via the Charmm object. check_input_files_exist: bool (default=True) Check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist. If the files are checked and do not exist, the writer will throw a ValueError. True, check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist. False, do not check if the force field, psf, and pdb files exist. Restart : boolean, default = False Determines whether to restart the simulation from restart file (``*_restart.pdb`` and ``*_restart.psf``) or not. RestartCheckpoint : boolean, default = False Determines whether to restart the simulation with the checkpoint file (checkpoint.dat) or not. Restarting the simulation with checkpoint.dat would result in an identical outcome, as if previous simulation was continued. Parameters : str, (default=None) Override all other force field directory and filename input with the correct extension (.inp or .par). Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. Coordinates_box_0 : str, (default=None) Override all other box 0 pdb directory and filename inputs with the correct extension. Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. Structure_box_0 : str, (default=None) Override all other box 0 psf directory and filename inputs with the correct extension. Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. Coordinates_box_1 : str, (default=None) Override all other box 1 pdb directory and filename inputs with the correct extension. Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. Structure_box_1 : str, (default=None) Override all other box 1 psf directory and filename inputs with the correct extension. Note: the default directory is the current directory with the Charmm object file name. binCoordinates_box_0 : str, (default=None) The box 0 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. extendedSystem_box_0 : str, (default=None) The box 0 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation. binVelocities_box_0 : str, (default=None) The box 0 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any velocity information. binCoordinates_box_1 : str, (default=None) The box 1 binary coordinate file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. extendedSystem_box_1 : str, (default=None) The box 1 vectors and origin file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation. binVelocities_box_1 : str, (default=None) The box 1 binary velocity file is used only for restarting a GOMC simulation, which provides increased numerical accuracy. These velocities are only passed thru GOMC since Monte Carlo simulations do not utilize any velocity information. input_variables_dict: dict, default = None These input variables are optional and override the default settings. Changing these variables likely required for more advanced systems. The details of the acceptable input variables for the selected ensembles can be found by running the code below in python, >>> print_valid_ensemble_input_variables('GCMC', description = True) which prints the input_variables with their subsection description for the selected 'GCMC' ensemble (other ensembles can be set as well). Example : input_variables_dict = {'PRNG' : 123, 'ParaTypeCHARMM' : True } conf_filename : str The name of the GOMC contol file, which will be created. The extension of the GOMC control file can be .conf, or no extension can be provided. If no extension is provided, this writer will automatically add the .conf extension to the provided string. box_0_vectors : numpy.ndarray, [[float float float], [float float float], [float float float]] Three (3) sets vectors for box 0 each with 3 float values, which represent the vectors for the Charmm-style systems (units in Angstroms (Ang)) box_1_vectors : numpy.ndarray, [[float float float], [float float float], [float float float]] Three (3) sets vectors for box 1 each with 3 float values, which represent the vectors for the Charmm-style systems (units in Angstroms (Ang)) coul_1_4 : float or int The non-bonded 1-4 coulombic scaling factor, which is the same for all the residues/molecules, regardless if differenct force fields are utilized. residues : list, [str, ..., str] Labels of unique residues in the Compound. Residues are assigned by checking against Only supply residue names as 4 character strings, as the residue names are truncated to 4 characters to fit in the psf and pdb file. all_res_unique_atom_name_dict : dict, {str : [str, ..., str]} A dictionary that provides the residue names (keys) and a list of the unique atom names in the residue (value), for the combined structures (box 0 and box 1 (if supplied)). any input_variables_dict key : varies (see each input_variables_dict key and value) Any of the input variables keys is also an Attribute and can be called the same way. Please see the input_variables_dict keys in the Parameters section above for all the available attributes. Notes ------- The user input variables (input_variables_dict) and the specific ensembles. The details of the required inputs for the selected ensembles can be found by running this python workbook, >>> print_valid_required_input_variables('NVT', description = True) which prints the required inputs with their subsection description for the selected 'NVT' ensemble (other ensembles can be set as well). The details of the input variables for the selected ensembles can be found by running this python workbook, >>> print_valid_ensemble_input_variables('NPT', description = True) which prints the input variables with their subsection description for the selected 'NPT' ensemble (other ensembles can be set as well). Note: The box units imported are in nm (standard MoSDeF units). The units for this writer are auto-scaled to Angstroms, so they can be directly used in the GOMC or NAMD engines. Note: all of the move types are not available in for every ensemble. Note: all of the move fractions must sum to 1, or the control file writer will fail. The input variables (input_variables_dict) and text extracted with permission from the GOMC manual version 2.60. Some of the text was modified from its original version. Cite: Potoff, Jeffrey; Schwiebert, Loren; et. al. GOMC Documentation., 2021. Returns ------- If completed without errors: str returns "GOMC_CONTROL_FILE_WRITTEN" when the GOMC input control file is writen If completed with errors: None """ # write the control file and return a testable value gomc_control = GOMCControl( charmm_object, ensemble_type, RunSteps, Temperature, ff_psf_pdb_file_directory=ff_psf_pdb_file_directory, check_input_files_exist=check_input_files_exist, Restart=Restart, RestartCheckpoint=RestartCheckpoint, Parameters=Parameters, Coordinates_box_0=Coordinates_box_0, Structure_box_0=Structure_box_0, Coordinates_box_1=Coordinates_box_1, Structure_box_1=Structure_box_1, binCoordinates_box_0=binCoordinates_box_0, extendedSystem_box_0=extendedSystem_box_0, binVelocities_box_0=binVelocities_box_0, binCoordinates_box_1=binCoordinates_box_1, extendedSystem_box_1=extendedSystem_box_1, binVelocities_box_1=binVelocities_box_1, input_variables_dict=input_variables_dict, ) test_gomc_control_write_conf_file = gomc_control.write_conf_file( conf_filename ) if ( gomc_control.input_error is False and test_gomc_control_write_conf_file == "GOMC_CONTROL_FILE_WRITTEN" ): return "GOMC_CONTROL_FILE_WRITTEN" else: return None