Source code for mbuild.formats.hoomd_snapshot

"""HOOMD snapshot format."""
import operator
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import packaging.version
import parmed as pmd

from import Box
from mbuild.compound import Compound, Particle
from mbuild.utils.geometry import coord_shift
from import import_
from mbuild.utils.sorting import natural_sort

hoomd = import_("hoomd")

__all__ = ["to_hoomdsnapshot", "from_snapshot"]

def _get_hoomd_version():
    if "version" in dir(hoomd):
        return packaging.version.parse(hoomd.version.version)
        return packaging.version.parse(hoomd.__version__)

[docs]def from_snapshot(snapshot, scale=1.0): """Convert a Snapshot to a Compound. Snapshot can be a hoomd.Snapshot or a gsd.hoomd.Snapshot. Parameters ---------- snapshot : hoomd.Snapshot or gsd.hoomd.Snapshot Snapshot from which to build the mbuild Compound. scale : float, optional, default 1.0 Value by which to scale the length values Returns ------- comp : Compound Note ---- GSD and HOOMD snapshots center their boxes on the origin (0,0,0), so the compound is shifted by half the box lengths """ comp = Compound() bond_array = n_atoms = snapshot.particles.N if "SnapshotSystemData_float" in dir(hoomd._hoomd) and isinstance( snapshot, hoomd._hoomd.SnapshotSystemData_float ): # hoomd v2 box = = Box.from_lengths_tilt_factors( lengths=np.array([box.Lx, box.Ly, box.Lz]) * scale, tilt_factors=np.array([box.xy, box.xz, box.yz]), ) else: # gsd / hoomd v3 box = np.asarray( = Box.from_lengths_tilt_factors( lengths=box[:3] * scale, tilt_factors=box[3:] ) # GSD and HOOMD snapshots center their boxes on the origin (0,0,0) shift = np.array( / 2 # Add particles for i in range(n_atoms): name = snapshot.particles.types[snapshot.particles.typeid[i]] xyz = snapshot.particles.position[i] * scale + shift charge = snapshot.particles.charge[i] atom = Particle(name=name, pos=xyz, charge=charge) comp.add(atom, label=str(i)) # Add bonds particle_dict = {idx: p for idx, p in enumerate(comp.particles())} for i in range(bond_array.shape[0]): atom1 = int(bond_array[i][0]) atom2 = int(bond_array[i][1]) comp.add_bond([particle_dict[atom1], particle_dict[atom2]]) return comp
[docs]def to_hoomdsnapshot( structure, ref_distance=1.0, ref_mass=1.0, ref_energy=1.0, rigid_bodies=None, shift_coords=True, write_special_pairs=True, auto_scale=False, parmed_kwargs={}, hoomd_snapshot=None, ): """Convert a Compound or parmed.Structure to hoomd.Snapshot. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure ParmEd Structure object ref_distance : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference distance for conversion to reduced units ref_mass : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference mass for conversion to reduced units ref_energy : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference energy for conversion to reduced units rigid_bodies : list of int, optional, default=None List of rigid body information. An integer value is required for each atom corresponding to the index of the rigid body the particle is to be associated with. A value of None indicates the atom is not part of a rigid body. shift_coords : bool, optional, default=True Shift coordinates from (0, L) to (-L/2, L/2) if necessary. auto_scale : bool, optional, default=False Automatically use largest sigma value as ref_distance, largest mass value as ref_mass and largest epsilon value as ref_energy write_special_pairs : bool, optional, default=True Writes out special pair information necessary to correctly use the OPLS fudged 1,4 interactions in HOOMD. hoomd_snapshot : hoomd.Snapshot, optional, default=None Initial snapshot to which to add the ParmEd structure object. The box information of the initial snapshot will be overwritten. (useful for rigid bodies) Returns ------- hoomd_snapshot : hoomd.Snapshot ReferenceValues : namedtuple Values used in scaling Notes ----- Force field parameters are not written to the hoomd_snapshot """ if not isinstance(structure, (Compound, pmd.Structure)): raise ValueError( "You are trying to create a hoomd.Snapshot from a " f"{type(structure)} please pass a Compound or pmd.Structure" ) elif isinstance(structure, Compound): structure = structure.to_parmed(**parmed_kwargs) hoomd_version = _get_hoomd_version() if hoomd_version.major == 2 and not hoomd.context.current: hoomd.context.initialize("") if auto_scale: ref_mass = max([atom.mass for atom in structure.atoms]) pair_coeffs = list( set( (atom.type, atom.epsilon, atom.sigma) for atom in structure.atoms ) ) ref_energy = max(pair_coeffs, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] ref_distance = max(pair_coeffs, key=operator.itemgetter(2))[2] ReferenceValues = namedtuple("ref_values", ["distance", "mass", "energy"]) ref_values = ReferenceValues(ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy) xyz = np.array([[atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz] for atom in structure.atoms]) if shift_coords: xyz = coord_shift(xyz,[:3]) # Get box information if np.allclose([3:6], np.array([90, 90, 90])): lx, ly, lz =[:3] / ref_distance xy, xz, yz = 0, 0, 0 else: a, b, c =[0:3] / ref_distance alpha, beta, gamma = np.radians([3:6]) lx = a xy = b * np.cos(gamma) xz = c * np.cos(beta) ly = np.sqrt(b**2 - xy**2) yz = (b * c * np.cos(alpha) - xy * xz) / ly lz = np.sqrt(c**2 - xz**2 - yz**2) ( n_particles, scaled_positions, unique_types, typeids, scaled_mass, scaled_charges, rigid_bodies, ) = _parse_particle_information( structure, xyz, ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy, rigid_bodies ) ( n_bonds, unique_bond_types, bond_typeids, bond_groups, ) = _parse_bond_information(structure) ( n_angles, unique_angle_types, angle_typeids, angle_groups, ) = _parse_angle_information(structure) ( n_dihedrals, unique_dihedral_types, dihedral_typeids, dihedral_groups, ) = _parse_dihedral_information(structure) ( n_impropers, unique_improper_types, improper_typeids, improper_groups, ) = _parse_improper_information(structure) pair_types, pair_typeid, pairs, n_pairs = _parse_pair_information(structure) if hoomd_snapshot is not None: n_init = hoomd_snapshot.particles.N if n_init > 0: n_particles += n_init # shift the typeids typeids += len(set(hoomd_snapshot.particles.types)) hoomd_snapshot.particles.types += unique_types # shift bond/angle/dihedral indices if n_bonds > 0: bond_groups = [ tuple(row) for row in np.array(bond_groups) + n_init ] init_bondtypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.bonds.types) hoomd_snapshot.bonds.types += unique_bond_types if n_angles > 0: angle_groups = [ tuple(row) for row in np.array(angle_groups) + n_init ] init_angletypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.angles.types) hoomd_snapshot.angles.types += unique_angle_types if n_dihedrals > 0: dihedral_groups = [ tuple(row) for row in np.array(dihedral_groups) + n_init ] init_dihedraltypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.types) hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.types += unique_dihedral_types if n_impropers > 0: improper_groups = [ tuple(row) for row in np.array(improper_groups) + n_init ] init_impropertypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.impropers.types) hoomd_snapshot.impropers.types += unique_improper_types if n_pairs > 0: pairs = [tuple(row) for row in np.array(pairs) + n_init] init_pairtypes = len(hoomd_snapshot.pairs.types) hoomd_snapshot.pairs.types += pair_types else: raise RuntimeError( "Initial snapshot provided, but it contains no particles" ) if hoomd_version.major == 2: = Lx=lx, Ly=ly, Lz=lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz ) # save the box for later use when wrapping coordinates box = elif hoomd_version.major == 3: = [lx, ly, lz, xy, xz, yz] else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported HOOMD version:", str(hoomd_version)) init_bonds = hoomd_snapshot.bonds.N if init_bonds > 0: n_bonds += init_bonds bond_typeids = list(np.array(bond_typeids) + init_bondtypes) init_angles = hoomd_snapshot.angles.N if init_angles > 0: n_angles += init_angles angle_typeids = list(np.array(angle_typeids) + init_angletypes) init_dihedrals = hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.N if init_dihedrals > 0: n_dihedrals += init_dihedrals dihedral_typeids = list( np.array(dihedral_typeids) + init_dihedraltypes ) init_impropers = hoomd_snapshot.impropers.N if init_impropers > 0: n_impropers += init_impropers improper_typeids = list( np.array(improper_typeids) + init_impropertypes ) init_pairs = hoomd_snapshot.pairs.N if init_pairs > 0: n_pairs += init_pairs pair_typeid = list(np.array(pair_typeid) + init_pairtypes) else: n_init = 0 init_bonds = 0 init_angles = 0 init_dihedrals = 0 init_impropers = 0 init_pairs = 0 if hoomd_version.major == 2: hoomd_snapshot = N=n_particles,, Ly=ly, Lz=lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz), particle_types=unique_types, bond_types=unique_bond_types, angle_types=unique_angle_types, dihedral_types=unique_dihedral_types, improper_types=unique_improper_types, pair_types=pair_types, ) box =, Ly=ly, Lz=lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz) elif hoomd_version.major == 3: hoomd_snapshot = hoomd.Snapshot() = [lx, ly, lz, xy, xz, yz] hoomd_snapshot.particles.types = unique_types hoomd_snapshot.bonds.types = unique_bond_types hoomd_snapshot.angles.types = unique_angle_types hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.types = unique_dihedral_types hoomd_snapshot.impropers.types = unique_improper_types hoomd_snapshot.pairs.types = pair_types box = hoomd.Box(Lx=lx, Ly=ly, Lz=lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported HOOMD version:", str(hoomd_version)) # wrap particles into the box manually for v2 if hoomd_version.major == 2: scaled_positions = np.stack( [box.wrap(xyz)[0] for xyz in scaled_positions] ) def set_size(obj, n): if hoomd_version.major == 2: obj.resize(n) elif hoomd_version.major == 3: obj.N = n else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported HOOMD version:", str(hoomd_version)) set_size(hoomd_snapshot.particles, n_particles) hoomd_snapshot.particles.position[n_init:] = scaled_positions hoomd_snapshot.particles.typeid[n_init:] = typeids hoomd_snapshot.particles.mass[n_init:] = scaled_mass hoomd_snapshot.particles.charge[n_init:] = scaled_charges hoomd_snapshot.particles.body[n_init:] = rigid_bodies # wrap the particles into the box using the v3 API if hoomd_version.major == 3: hoomd_snapshot.wrap() if n_bonds > 0: set_size(hoomd_snapshot.bonds, n_bonds) hoomd_snapshot.bonds.typeid[init_bonds:] = bond_typeids[init_bonds:] = bond_groups if n_angles > 0: set_size(hoomd_snapshot.angles, n_angles) hoomd_snapshot.angles.typeid[init_angles:] = angle_typeids[init_angles:] = np.reshape( angle_groups, (-1, 3) ) if n_dihedrals > 0: set_size(hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals, n_dihedrals) hoomd_snapshot.dihedrals.typeid[init_dihedrals:] = dihedral_typeids[init_dihedrals:] = np.reshape( dihedral_groups, (-1, 4) ) if n_impropers > 0: set_size(hoomd_snapshot.impropers, n_impropers) hoomd_snapshot.impropers.typeid[init_impropers:] = improper_typeids[init_impropers:] = np.reshape( improper_groups, (-1, 4) ) if n_pairs > 0: set_size(hoomd_snapshot.pairs, n_pairs) hoomd_snapshot.pairs.typeid[init_pairs:] = pair_typeid[init_pairs:] = np.reshape(pairs, (-1, 2)) return hoomd_snapshot, ref_values
def _parse_particle_information( structure, xyz, ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy, rigid_bodies ): """Write out the particle information.""" n_particles = len(structure.atoms) scaled_positions = xyz / ref_distance types = [ if atom.type == "" else atom.type for atom in structure.atoms ] unique_types = list(set(types)) unique_types.sort(key=natural_sort) typeids = np.array([unique_types.index(t) for t in types]) masses = np.array([atom.mass for atom in structure.atoms]) masses[masses == 0] = 1.0 scaled_mass = masses / ref_mass charges = np.array([atom.charge for atom in structure.atoms]) e0 = 2.396452e-04 """ Permittivity of free space = 2.396452e-04 e^2/((kcal/mol) Angstrom), where e is the elementary charge """ charge_factor = (4.0 * np.pi * e0 * ref_distance * ref_energy) ** 0.5 scaled_charges = charges / charge_factor if rigid_bodies: rigid_bodies = [-1 if body is None else body for body in rigid_bodies] else: rigid_bodies = [-1 for _ in structure.atoms] return ( n_particles, scaled_positions, unique_types, typeids, scaled_mass, scaled_charges, rigid_bodies, ) def _parse_pair_information(structure): pair_types = [] pair_typeid = [] pairs = [] for ai in structure.atoms: for aj in ai.dihedral_partners: # make sure we don't double add if ai.idx > aj.idx: ps = "-".join(sorted([ai.type, aj.type])) if ps not in pair_types: pair_types.append(ps) pair_typeid.append(pair_types.index(ps)) pairs.append((ai.idx, aj.idx)) n_pairs = len(pairs) return pair_types, pair_typeid, pairs, n_pairs def _parse_bond_information(structure): n_bonds = len(structure.bonds) unique_bond_types = set() for bond in structure.bonds: t1, t2 = bond.atom1.type, bond.atom2.type if t1 == "" or t2 == "": t1, t2 =, t1, t2 = sorted([t1, t2], key=natural_sort) try: bond_type = "-".join((t1, t2)) except AttributeError: # no forcefield applied, bond.type is None bond_type = ("-".join((t1, t2)), 0.0, 0.0) unique_bond_types.add(bond_type) unique_bond_types = sorted(list(unique_bond_types), key=natural_sort) bond_typeids = [] bond_groups = [] for bond in structure.bonds: t1, t2 = bond.atom1.type, bond.atom2.type if t1 == "" or t2 == "": t1, t2 =, t1, t2 = sorted([t1, t2], key=natural_sort) try: bond_type = "-".join((t1, t2)) except AttributeError: # no forcefield applied, bond.type is None bond_type = ("-".join((t1, t2)), 0.0, 0.0) bond_typeids.append(unique_bond_types.index(bond_type)) bond_groups.append((bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx)) return n_bonds, unique_bond_types, bond_typeids, bond_groups def _parse_angle_information(structure): n_angles = len(structure.angles) unique_angle_types = set() for angle in structure.angles: t1, t2, t3 = angle.atom1.type, angle.atom2.type, angle.atom3.type t1, t3 = sorted([t1, t3], key=natural_sort) angle_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3)) unique_angle_types.add(angle_type) unique_angle_types = sorted(list(unique_angle_types), key=natural_sort) angle_typeids = [] angle_groups = [] for angle in structure.angles: t1, t2, t3 = angle.atom1.type, angle.atom2.type, angle.atom3.type t1, t3 = sorted([t1, t3], key=natural_sort) angle_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3)) angle_typeids.append(unique_angle_types.index(angle_type)) angle_groups.append((angle.atom1.idx, angle.atom2.idx, angle.atom3.idx)) return n_angles, unique_angle_types, angle_typeids, angle_groups def _parse_dihedral_information(structure): n_dihedrals = len(structure.rb_torsions + structure.dihedrals) unique_dihedral_types = set() for dihedral in structure.rb_torsions + structure.dihedrals: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) unique_dihedral_types.add(dihedral_type) unique_dihedral_types = sorted( list(unique_dihedral_types), key=natural_sort ) dihedral_typeids = [] dihedral_groups = [] for dihedral in structure.rb_torsions + structure.dihedrals: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) dihedral_typeids.append(unique_dihedral_types.index(dihedral_type)) dihedral_groups.append( ( dihedral.atom1.idx, dihedral.atom2.idx, dihedral.atom3.idx, dihedral.atom4.idx, ) ) return n_dihedrals, unique_dihedral_types, dihedral_typeids, dihedral_groups def _parse_improper_information(structure): n_dihedrals = len(structure.impropers) unique_dihedral_types = set() for dihedral in structure.impropers: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) unique_dihedral_types.add(dihedral_type) unique_dihedral_types = sorted( list(unique_dihedral_types), key=natural_sort ) dihedral_typeids = [] dihedral_groups = [] for dihedral in structure.impropers: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) dihedral_typeids.append(unique_dihedral_types.index(dihedral_type)) dihedral_groups.append( ( dihedral.atom1.idx, dihedral.atom2.idx, dihedral.atom3.idx, dihedral.atom4.idx, ) ) return n_dihedrals, unique_dihedral_types, dihedral_typeids, dihedral_groups