Source code for mbuild.formats.lammpsdata

"""LAMMPS data format."""
import itertools as it
from collections import OrderedDict
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from parmed import Structure
from parmed.parameters import ParameterSet
from scipy.constants import epsilon_0

from mbuild import Box
from mbuild.utils.conversion import RB_to_OPLS
from mbuild.utils.orderedset import OrderedSet
from mbuild.utils.sorting import natural_sort

__all__ = ["write_lammpsdata"]
# Define constants for conversions
KCAL_TO_KJ = 4.184
NM2_TO_ANG2 = 100.0
NM_TO_ANG = 10.0
ELEM_TO_COUL = 1.602176634e-19

[docs]def write_lammpsdata( structure, filename, atom_style="full", unit_style="real", mins=None, maxs=None, pair_coeff_label=None, detect_forcefield_style=True, nbfix_in_data_file=True, use_urey_bradleys=False, use_rb_torsions=True, use_dihedrals=False, sigma_conversion_factor=None, epsilon_conversion_factor=None, mass_conversion_factor=None, zero_dihedral_weighting_factor=False, moleculeID_offset=1, ): """Output a LAMMPS data file. Outputs a LAMMPS data file in the 'full' atom style format. Default units are 'real' units. See for more information on atom styles. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure ParmEd structure object filename : str Path of the output file atom_style: str Defines the style of atoms to be saved in a LAMMPS data file. The following atom styles are currently supported: 'full', 'atomic', 'charge', 'molecular' see for more information on atom styles. unit_style: str Defines to unit style to be save in a LAMMPS data file. Defaults to 'real' units. Current styles are supported: 'real', 'lj' see for more information on unit styles mins : list minimum box dimension in x, y, z directions, nm maxs : list maximum box dimension in x, y, z directions, nm pair_coeff_label : str Provide a custom label to the pair_coeffs section in the lammps data file. Defaults to None, which means a suitable default will be chosen. detect_forcefield_style: boolean If True, format lammpsdata parameters based on the contents of the parmed Structure use_urey_bradleys: boolean If True, will treat angles as CHARMM-style angles with urey bradley terms while looking for `structure.urey_bradleys` use_rb_torsions: If True, will treat dihedrals OPLS-style torsions while looking for `structure.rb_torsions` use_dihedrals: If True, will treat dihedrals as CHARMM-style dihedrals while looking for `structure.dihedrals` zero_dihedral_weighting_factor: If True, will set weighting parameter to zero in CHARMM-style dihedrals. This should be True if the CHARMM dihedral style is used in non-CHARMM forcefields. sigma_conversion_factor: None, float If unit_style is set to 'lj', then sigma conversion factor is used to non-dimensionalize. Assume to be in units of nm. Default is None. If None, will take the largest sigma value in the structure.atoms.sigma values. epsilon_conversion_factor: None, float If unit_style is set to 'lj', then epsilon conversion factor is used to non-dimensionalize. Assume to be in units of kCal/mol. Default is None. If None, will take the largest epsilon value in the structure.atoms.epsilon values. mass_conversion_factor: None, float If unit_style is set to 'lj', then mass conversion factor is used to non-dimensionalize. Assume to be in units of amu. Default is None. If None, will take the largest mass value in the structure.atoms.mass values. moleculeID_offset : int , optional, default=1 Since LAMMPS treats the MoleculeID as an additional set of information to identify what molecule an atom belongs to, this currently behaves as a residue id. This value needs to start at 1 to be considered a real molecule. Notes ----- See for a full description of the LAMMPS data format. Currently the following sections are supported (in addition to the header): *Masses*, *Nonbond Coeffs*, *Bond Coeffs*, *Angle Coeffs*, *Dihedral Coeffs*, *Atoms*, *Bonds*, *Angles*, *Dihedrals*, *Impropers* OPLS and CHARMM forcefield styles are supported, AMBER forcefield styles are NOT Some of this function has beed adopted from `mdtraj`'s support of the LAMMPSTRJ trajectory format. See for details. unique_types : a sorted list of unique atomtypes for all atoms in the structure. Defined by: atomtype : atom.type unique_bond_types: an enumarated OrderedDict of unique bond types for all bonds in the structure. Defined by bond parameters and component atomtypes, in order: --- k : bond.type.k --- req : bond.type.req --- atomtypes : sorted((bond.atom1.type, bond.atom2.type)) unique_angle_types: an enumerated OrderedDict of unique angle types for all angles in the structure. Defined by angle parameters and component atomtypes, in order: --- k : angle.type.k --- theteq : angle.type.theteq --- vertex atomtype: angle.atom2.type --- atomtypes: sorted((bond.atom1.type, bond.atom3.type)) unique_dihedral_types: an enumerated OrderedDict of unique dihedrals type for all dihedrals in the structure. Defined by dihedral parameters and component atomtypes, in order: --- c0 : dihedral.type.c0 --- c1 : dihedral.type.c1 --- c2 : dihedral.type.c2 --- c3 : dihedral.type.c3 --- c4 : dihedral.type.c4 --- c5 : dihedral.type.c5 --- scee : dihedral.type.scee --- scnb : dihedral.type.scnb --- atomtype 1 : dihedral.atom1.type --- atomtype 2 : dihedral.atom2.type --- atomtype 3 : dihedral.atom3.type --- atomtype 4 : dihedral.atom4.type """ if atom_style not in ["atomic", "charge", "molecular", "full"]: raise ValueError( 'Atom style "{}" is invalid or is not currently supported'.format( atom_style ) ) if unit_style not in ["real", "lj"]: raise ValueError( 'Unit style "{}" is invalid or is not currently supported'.format( unit_style ) ) forcefield = True if structure[0].type == "": forcefield = False # copy structure so the input structure isn't modified in-place structure = structure.copy(cls=Structure, split_dihedrals=True) # units of angstroms xyz = np.array([[atom.xx, atom.xy, atom.xz] for atom in structure.atoms]) if forcefield: types = [atom.type for atom in structure.atoms] else: types = [ for atom in structure.atoms] unique_types = list(set(types)) unique_types.sort(key=natural_sort) charges = np.array([atom.charge for atom in structure.atoms]) # lammps does not require the box to be centered at any a specific origin # min and max dimensions are therefore needed to write the file in a # consistent way the parmed structure only stores the box length. It is # not rigorous to assume bounds are 0 to L or -L/2 to L/2 # NOTE: 0 to L is current default, mins and maxs should be passed by user if _check_minsmaxs(mins, maxs): mins = np.array(mins) * NM_TO_ANG maxs = np.array(maxs) * NM_TO_ANG box = Box.from_mins_maxs_angles( mins=mins, maxs=maxs,[3:6] ) # box lengths input in nm, so convert to angstrom else: # Parmed internally converts box to angstroms box = Box( lengths=np.array([val for val in[0:3]]),[3:6], ) warn( "Explicit box bounds (i.e., mins and maxs) were not provided. Box " "bounds are assumed to be min = 0 and max = length in each " "direction. This may not produce a system with the expected " "spatial location and may cause non-periodic systems to fail. " "Bounds can be defined explicitly by passing the them to the " "write_lammpsdata function or by passing box info to the save " "function." ) # Lammps syntax depends on the functional form # Infer functional form based on the properties of the structure if detect_forcefield_style: # Check angles if len(structure.urey_bradleys) > 0: print("Urey bradley terms detected, will use angle_style charmm") use_urey_bradleys = True else: print( "No urey bradley terms detected, will use angle_style harmonic" ) use_urey_bradleys = False # Check dihedrals if len(structure.rb_torsions) > 0: print("RB Torsions detected, will use dihedral_style opls") use_rb_torsions = True else: use_rb_torsions = False if len([d for d in structure.dihedrals if not d.improper]) > 0: print("Charmm dihedrals detected, will use dihedral_style charmm") use_dihedrals = True else: use_dihedrals = False if use_rb_torsions and use_dihedrals: raise ValueError( "Multiple dihedral styles detected, check your " "Forcefield XML and structure" ) # save atom index information for all bonded params in structure bonds = [[b.atom1.idx + 1, b.atom2.idx + 1] for b in structure.bonds] angles = [ [angle.atom1.idx + 1, angle.atom2.idx + 1, angle.atom3.idx + 1] for angle in structure.angles ] if use_rb_torsions: dihedrals = [ [d.atom1.idx + 1, d.atom2.idx + 1, d.atom3.idx + 1, d.atom4.idx + 1] for d in structure.rb_torsions ] elif use_dihedrals: dihedrals = [ [d.atom1.idx + 1, d.atom2.idx + 1, d.atom3.idx + 1, d.atom4.idx + 1] for d in structure.dihedrals if not d.improper ] else: dihedrals = [] impropers = [ [i.atom1.idx + 1, i.atom2.idx + 1, i.atom3.idx + 1, i.atom4.idx + 1] for i in structure.impropers ] imp_dihedrals = [ [d.atom1.idx + 1, d.atom2.idx + 1, d.atom3.idx + 1, d.atom4.idx + 1] for d in structure.dihedrals if d.improper ] if impropers and imp_dihedrals: raise ValueError("Use of multiple improper styles is not supported") # Get lj conversion factors if they exist and apply lj params to charges and box # Params are in read in mbuild units of angstrom, kcal/mol, amu and converted to lammps units if unit_style == "lj": sigma_conversion_factor = _evaluate_lj_conversion_factors( structure, "sigma", sigma_conversion_factor ) epsilon_conversion_factor = _evaluate_lj_conversion_factors( structure, "epsilon", epsilon_conversion_factor ) mass_conversion_factor = _evaluate_lj_conversion_factors( structure, "mass", mass_conversion_factor ) # Convert coordinates and charges to LJ units xyz = xyz / sigma_conversion_factor charges = (charges * ELEM_TO_COUL) / np.sqrt( 4 * np.pi * sigma_conversion_factor * NM_TO_ANG**-1 * epsilon_conversion_factor * KCAL_TO_KJ * epsilon_0 * 10**-6 ) charges[np.isinf(charges)] = 0 else: sigma_conversion_factor = 1 epsilon_conversion_factor = 1 mass_conversion_factor = 1 # Divide by conversion factor Lx = box.Lx * (1 / sigma_conversion_factor) Ly = box.Ly * (1 / sigma_conversion_factor) Lz = box.Lz * (1 / sigma_conversion_factor) box = Box(lengths=(Lx, Ly, Lz), angles=box.angles) # Get bonded parameter information from structure if bonds: if len(structure.bond_types) == 0: bond_types = np.ones(len(bonds), dtype=int) else: bond_types, unique_bond_types = _get_bond_types( structure, bonds, sigma_conversion_factor, epsilon_conversion_factor, ) if angles: angle_types, unique_angle_types = _get_angle_types( structure, use_urey_bradleys, sigma_conversion_factor, epsilon_conversion_factor, ) if imp_dihedrals: ( imp_dihedral_types, unique_imp_dihedral_types, ) = _get_improper_dihedral_types(structure, epsilon_conversion_factor) if dihedrals: dihedral_types, unique_dihedral_types = _get_dihedral_types( structure, use_rb_torsions, use_dihedrals, epsilon_conversion_factor, zero_dihedral_weighting_factor, ) if impropers: improper_types, unique_improper_types = _get_impropers( structure, epsilon_conversion_factor ) # Write lammps data file with open(filename, "w") as data: data.write(f"{filename} - created by mBuild; units = {unit_style}\n") if unit_style == "lj": data.write("#Normalization factors: ") data.write( "sigma - {:.3E} (angstrom), ".format(sigma_conversion_factor) ) data.write( "epsilon - {:.3E} (kcal/mol), ".format( epsilon_conversion_factor ) ) data.write("mass - {:.3E} (amu)".format(mass_conversion_factor)) data.write("\n") # Write counts of bonded interactions data.write("{:d} atoms\n".format(len(structure.atoms))) if atom_style in ["full", "molecular"]: data.write("{:d} bonds\n".format(len(bonds))) data.write("{:d} angles\n".format(len(angles))) data.write("{:d} dihedrals\n".format(len(dihedrals))) data.write( "{:d} impropers\n\n".format(len(impropers) + len(imp_dihedrals)) ) # Write counts of unique bonded types data.write("{:d} atom types\n".format(len(set(types)))) if atom_style in ["full", "molecular"]: if bonds: data.write("{:d} bond types\n".format(len(set(bond_types)))) if angles: data.write("{:d} angle types\n".format(len(set(angle_types)))) if dihedrals: data.write( "{:d} dihedral types\n".format(len(set(dihedral_types))) ) if impropers: data.write( "{:d} improper types\n".format(len(set(improper_types))) ) elif imp_dihedrals: data.write( "{:d} improper types\n".format(len(set(imp_dihedral_types))) ) data.write("\n") # Write box data # NOTE: Needs better logic handling maxs and mins of a bounding box # NOTE: CCC, "could be an option to grab mins and maxs of the structure boundingbox" # Lammps supports any box origin, so it is okay if it matches the structure positions _write_box_information(box, data, mins) # Write mass data _write_mass_information( structure, data, mass_conversion_factor, forcefield, unique_types, types, ) if forcefield: # Write pair coefficients data _write_pair_information( structure, data, forcefield, sigma_conversion_factor, epsilon_conversion_factor, unique_types, types, pair_coeff_label, unit_style, nbfix_in_data_file, ) # Write bond coefficients if bonds: _write_bond_information( structure, data, unique_bond_types, unit_style ) # Write angle coefficients if angles: _write_angle_information( structure, data, unique_angle_types, use_urey_bradleys, unit_style, ) # Write dihedral coefficients if dihedrals: _write_dihedral_information( structure, data, unique_dihedral_types, unit_style, use_rb_torsions, use_dihedrals, ) # Write improper coefficients if impropers: _write_improper_information( structure, data, unique_improper_types, unit_style ) # Write improper dihedrals elif imp_dihedrals: _write_imp_dihedral_information( structure, data, unique_imp_dihedral_types, unit_style ) # Write Atom data # _write_atom_data(atom_style, unit_style) data.write("\nAtoms # {}\n\n".format(atom_style)) if atom_style == "atomic": atom_line = "{index:d}\t{type_index:d}\t{x:.6f}\t{y:.6f}\t{z:.6f}\n" elif atom_style == "charge": if unit_style == "real": atom_line = "{index:d}\t{type_index:d}\t{charge:.6f}\t{x:.6f}\t{y:.6f}\t{z:.6f}\n" elif unit_style == "lj": atom_line = "{index:d}\t{type_index:d}\t{charge:.4ef}\t{x:.6f}\t{y:.6f}\t{z:.6f}\n" elif atom_style == "molecular": atom_line = "{index:d}\t{zero:d}\t{type_index:d}\t{x:.6f}\t{y:.6f}\t{z:.6f}\n" elif atom_style == "full": if unit_style == "real": atom_line = "{index:d}\t{zero:d}\t{type_index:d}\t{charge:.6f}\t{x:.6f}\t{y:.6f}\t{z:.6f}\n" elif unit_style == "lj": atom_line = "{index:d}\t{zero:d}\t{type_index:d}\t{charge:.4e}\t{x:.6f}\t{y:.6f}\t{z:.6f}\n" for i, coords in enumerate(xyz): data.write( atom_line.format( index=i + 1, type_index=unique_types.index(types[i]) + 1, zero=structure.atoms[i].residue.idx + moleculeID_offset, charge=charges[i], x=coords[0], y=coords[1], z=coords[2], ) ) if atom_style in ["full", "molecular"]: # Bond data if bonds: data.write("\nBonds\n\n") for i, bond in enumerate(bonds): data.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( i + 1, bond_types[i], bond[0], bond[1] ) ) # Angle data if angles: data.write("\nAngles\n\n") for i, angle in enumerate(angles): data.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( i + 1, angle_types[i], angle[0], angle[1], angle[2] ) ) # Dihedral data if dihedrals: data.write("\nDihedrals\n\n") for i, dihedral in enumerate(dihedrals): data.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( i + 1, dihedral_types[i], dihedral[0], dihedral[1], dihedral[2], dihedral[3], ) ) # Dihedral data if impropers: data.write("\nImpropers\n\n") for i, improper in enumerate(impropers): data.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( i + 1, improper_types[i], improper[2], improper[1], improper[0], improper[3], ) ) elif imp_dihedrals: data.write("\nImpropers\n\n") for i, improper in enumerate(imp_dihedrals): # The atoms are written central-atom third in LAMMPS data file. # This is correct for AMBER impropers even though # LAMMPS documentation implies central-atom-first. data.write( "{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:d}\n".format( i + 1, imp_dihedral_types[i], improper[0], improper[1], improper[2], improper[3], ) )
def _evaluate_lj_conversion_factors( structure, conversion_name, conversion_factor ): """Get Lennard Jones style conversion factors. `conversion_name`` can be sigma, epsilon, or mass.""" if conversion_factor is None: # Check if structure is parametrized if any([atom.sigma for atom in structure.atoms]) is None: raise ValueError( "LJ units specified but one or more atoms has undefined LJ " "parameters." ) else: conversion_factor = np.max( [getattr(atom, conversion_name) for atom in structure.atoms] ) warn( f"Assuming {conversion_name} conversion factor of " + str(conversion_factor) ) if conversion_factor == 0: conversion_factor = 1 warn( f"{conversion_name} conversion factor cannot be inferred from the maximum {conversion_name} value in the ParmEd Structure. " "Setting the {conversion_name} conversion factor to 1" ) elif conversion_factor <= 0: raise ValueError( f"The {conversion_name} conversion factor to convert to LJ units should be greater than 0." ) else: # assume conversion factor passed in mbuild units, convert to lammps real units if conversion_name == "sigma": conversion_factor *= NM_TO_ANG elif conversion_name == "epsilon": conversion_factor *= 1 / KCAL_TO_KJ elif conversion_name == "mass": pass return conversion_factor def _check_minsmaxs(mins, maxs): """Return True if both mins and maxs have been defined, and each have length 3 otherwise returns False.""" if mins and maxs: if len(mins) == 3 and len(maxs) == 3: return True else: warn( "mins and maxs passed to write_lammpsdata, but list size is " "incorrect. mins and maxs will be ignored." ) return False else: return False def _get_bond_types( structure, bonds, sigma_conversion_factor, epsilon_conversion_factor, bond_precision=3, ): """Will get the bond types from a parmed structure and convert them to lammps real units.""" unique_bond_types = OrderedDict( enumerate( OrderedSet( *[ ( round( bond.type.k * ( sigma_conversion_factor**2 / epsilon_conversion_factor ), bond_precision, ), round( bond.type.req / sigma_conversion_factor, bond_precision, ), tuple(sorted((bond.atom1.type, bond.atom2.type))), ) for bond in structure.bonds ] ) ) ) unique_bond_types = OrderedDict( [(y, x + 1) for x, y in unique_bond_types.items()] ) bond_types = [ unique_bond_types[ ( round( bond.type.k * ( sigma_conversion_factor**2 / epsilon_conversion_factor ), bond_precision, ), round(bond.type.req / sigma_conversion_factor, bond_precision), tuple(sorted((bond.atom1.type, bond.atom2.type))), ) ] for bond in structure.bonds ] return bond_types, unique_bond_types def _get_angle_types( structure, use_urey_bradleys, sigma_conversion_factor, epsilon_conversion_factor, angle_precision=3, ): """ Will get the angle types from a parmed structure and convert them to lammps real units. Can get the parameters if urey bradleys or harmonic angles. """ if use_urey_bradleys: charmm_angle_types = [] for angle in structure.angles: ub_k = 0 ub_req = 0 for ub in structure.urey_bradleys: if (angle.atom1, angle.atom3) == (ub.atom1, ub.atom2): ub_k = ub.type.k ub_req = ub.type.req charmm_angle_types.append( ( round( angle.type.k * ( sigma_conversion_factor**2 / epsilon_conversion_factor ), angle_precision, ), round(angle.type.theteq, angle_precision), round(ub_k / epsilon_conversion_factor, angle_precision), round(ub_req, angle_precision), tuple(sorted((angle.atom1.type, angle.atom3.type))), ) ) unique_angle_types = OrderedDict( enumerate(OrderedSet(*charmm_angle_types)) ) unique_angle_types = OrderedDict( [(y, x + 1) for x, y in unique_angle_types.items()] ) angle_types = [ unique_angle_types[ub_info] for ub_info in charmm_angle_types ] else: unique_angle_types = OrderedDict( enumerate( OrderedSet( *[ ( round( angle.type.k * (1 / epsilon_conversion_factor), angle_precision, ), round(angle.type.theteq, angle_precision), angle.atom2.type, tuple(sorted((angle.atom1.type, angle.atom3.type))), ) for angle in structure.angles ] ) ) ) unique_angle_types = OrderedDict( [(y, x + 1) for x, y in unique_angle_types.items()] ) angle_types = [ unique_angle_types[ ( round( angle.type.k * (1 / epsilon_conversion_factor), angle_precision, ), round(angle.type.theteq, angle_precision), angle.atom2.type, tuple(sorted((angle.atom1.type, angle.atom3.type))), ) ] for angle in structure.angles ] return angle_types, unique_angle_types def _get_dihedral_types( structure, use_rb_torsions, use_dihedrals, epsilon_conversion_factor, zero_dihedral_weighting_factor, dihedral_precision=5, ): """ Will get the dihedral types from a parmed structure and convert them to lammps real units. Can be in the form of rb_torsions or charmm dihedrals. """ lj_unit = 1.0 / epsilon_conversion_factor if use_rb_torsions: unique_dihedral_types = OrderedDict( enumerate( OrderedSet( *[ ( round( dihedral.type.c0 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision ), round( dihedral.type.c1 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision ), round( dihedral.type.c2 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision ), round( dihedral.type.c3 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision ), round( dihedral.type.c4 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision ), round( dihedral.type.c5 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision ), round(dihedral.type.scee, 1), round(dihedral.type.scnb, 1), dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type, dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type, ) for dihedral in structure.rb_torsions ] ) ) ) unique_dihedral_types = OrderedDict( [(y, x + 1) for x, y in unique_dihedral_types.items()] ) dihedral_types = [ unique_dihedral_types[ ( round(dihedral.type.c0 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision), round(dihedral.type.c1 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision), round(dihedral.type.c2 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision), round(dihedral.type.c3 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision), round(dihedral.type.c4 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision), round(dihedral.type.c5 * lj_unit, dihedral_precision), round(dihedral.type.scee, 1), round(dihedral.type.scnb, 1), dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type, dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type, ) ] for dihedral in structure.rb_torsions ] elif use_dihedrals: charmm_dihedrals = [] structure.join_dihedrals() for dihedral in structure.dihedrals: if not dihedral.improper: if zero_dihedral_weighting_factor: weight = 0.0 else: weight = 1.0 / len(dihedral.type) for dih_type in dihedral.type: charmm_dihedrals.append( ( dih_type.phi_k * lj_unit, int(round(dih_type.per, 0)), round(dih_type.phase, 3), round(weight, 4), round(dih_type.scee, 1), round(dih_type.scnb, 1), dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type, dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type, ) ) unique_dihedral_types = OrderedDict( enumerate(OrderedSet(*charmm_dihedrals)) ) unique_dihedral_types = OrderedDict( [(y, x + 1) for x, y in unique_dihedral_types.items()] ) dihedral_types = [ unique_dihedral_types[dihedral_info] for dihedral_info in charmm_dihedrals ] return dihedral_types, unique_dihedral_types def _get_improper_dihedral_types( structure, epsilon_conversion_factor, imp_dih_precision=3 ): """ Will get the improper types from a parmed structure and convert them to lammps real units. Type harmonic """ lj_unit = 1 / epsilon_conversion_factor improper_dihedrals = [] for dihedral in structure.dihedrals: if dihedral.improper: dih_type = dihedral.type phase = abs(int(round(dih_type.phase, 0))) if not (phase == 0 or phase == 180): raise ValueError("Improper dihedral phase must be 0 or 180") if phase: d = -1 else: d = 1 improper_dihedrals.append( ( round(dih_type.phi_k * lj_unit, imp_dih_precision), d, int(round(dih_type.per, 0)), round(dih_type.scee, 1), round(dih_type.scnb, 1), dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type, dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type, ) ) unique_imp_dihedral_types = dict(enumerate(OrderedSet(*improper_dihedrals))) unique_imp_dihedral_types = OrderedDict( [(y, x + 1) for x, y in unique_imp_dihedral_types.items()] ) imp_dihedral_types = [ unique_imp_dihedral_types[dihedral_info] for dihedral_info in improper_dihedrals ] return imp_dihedral_types, unique_imp_dihedral_types def _get_impropers(structure, epsilon_conversion_factor, improper_precision=3): """ Will get the improper types from a parmed structure and convert them to lammps real units. Type cvff """ lj_unit = 1 / epsilon_conversion_factor unique_improper_types = dict( enumerate( OrderedSet( *[ ( round( improper.type.psi_k * lj_unit, improper_precision ), round(improper.type.psi_eq, improper_precision), improper.atom3.type, improper.atom2.type, improper.atom1.type, improper.atom4.type, ) for improper in structure.impropers ] ) ) ) unique_improper_types = OrderedDict( [(y, x + 1) for x, y in unique_improper_types.items()] ) improper_types = [ unique_improper_types[ ( round(improper.type.psi_k * lj_unit, improper_precision), round(improper.type.psi_eq, improper_precision), improper.atom3.type, improper.atom2.type, improper.atom1.type, improper.atom4.type, ) ] for improper in structure.impropers ] return improper_types, unique_improper_types def _write_box_information(box, data, mins): """Write box information to lammps data file, can handle non-orthogonal boxes.""" if np.allclose(box.angles, 90.0, atol=1e-5) and (mins is None): for i, dim in enumerate(["x", "y", "z"]): data.write( "{0:.6f} {1:.6f} {2}lo {2}hi\n".format( 0.0, box.lengths[i], dim, ) ) # NOTE: # currently non-orthogonal bounding box translates # Compound such that mins are new origin else: a = box.Lx b = box.Ly c = box.Lz # alpha, beta, gamma = np.radians(box.angles) xy = box.xy xz = box.xz yz = box.yz # NOTE: using (0,0,0) as origin xlo, ylo, zlo = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) xhi = xlo + a yhi = ylo + b zhi = zlo + c xlo_bound = xlo + np.min([0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz]) xhi_bound = xhi + np.max([0.0, xy, xz, xy + xz]) ylo_bound = ylo + np.min([0.0, yz]) yhi_bound = yhi + np.max([0.0, yz]) zlo_bound = zlo zhi_bound = zhi data.write("{0:.6f} {1:.6f} xlo xhi\n".format(xlo_bound, xhi_bound)) data.write("{0:.6f} {1:.6f} ylo yhi\n".format(ylo_bound, yhi_bound)) data.write("{0:.6f} {1:.6f} zlo zhi\n".format(zlo_bound, zhi_bound)) data.write("{0:.6f} {1:.6f} {2:6f} xy xz yz\n".format(xy, xz, yz)) def _write_mass_information( structure, data, mass_conversion_factor, forcefield, unique_types, types ): """Write mass information from structure to lammps data file.""" if not forcefield: masses = ( np.array([atom.mass for atom in structure.atoms]) / mass_conversion_factor ) else: tmp_masses = list() for atom in structure.atoms: # handle case where atomtype does not contain a mass try: tmp_masses.append(atom.atom_type.mass) except AttributeError: warn( f"No mass or defined atomtype for atom: {atom}. Using atom mass of {atom.mass / mass_conversion_factor}" ) tmp_masses.append(atom.mass) masses = np.asarray(tmp_masses) / mass_conversion_factor mass_dict = OrderedDict( [ (unique_types.index(atom_type) + 1, mass) for atom_type, mass in zip(types, masses) ] ) data.write("\nMasses\n\n") for atom_type, mass in sorted(mass_dict.items()): data.write( "{:d}\t{:.6f}\t# {}\n".format( atom_type, mass, unique_types[atom_type - 1] ) ) def _write_pair_information( structure, data, forcefield, sigma_conversion_factor, epsilon_conversion_factor, unique_types, types, pair_coeff_label, unit_style, nbfix_in_data_file, ): """Write nonbonded pair information to lammps data file.""" epsilons = ( np.array([atom.epsilon for atom in structure.atoms]) / epsilon_conversion_factor ) sigmas = ( np.array([atom.sigma for atom in structure.atoms]) / sigma_conversion_factor ) forcefields = [atom.type for atom in structure.atoms] epsilon_dict = dict( [ (unique_types.index(atom_type) + 1, epsilon) for atom_type, epsilon in zip(types, epsilons) ] ) sigma_dict = dict( [ (unique_types.index(atom_type) + 1, sigma) for atom_type, sigma in zip(types, sigmas) ] ) forcefield_dict = dict( [ (unique_types.index(atom_type) + 1, forcefield) for atom_type, forcefield in zip(types, forcefields) ] ) # Modified cross-interactions if structure.has_NBFIX(): params = ParameterSet.from_structure(structure) # Sort keys (maybe they should be sorted in ParmEd) new_nbfix_types = OrderedDict() for key in params.nbfix_types.keys(): sorted_key = tuple(sorted(key)) if sorted_key in new_nbfix_types: warn("Sorted key matches an existing key") if new_nbfix_types[sorted_key]: warn("nbfixes are not symmetric, overwriting old " "nbfix") new_nbfix_types[sorted_key] = params.nbfix_types[key] params.nbfix_types = new_nbfix_types warn( "Explicitly writing cross interactions using mixing rule: " "{}".format(structure.combining_rule) ) coeffs = OrderedDict() for combo in it.combinations_with_replacement(unique_types, 2): # Attempt to find pair coeffis in nbfixes if combo in params.nbfix_types: type1 = unique_types.index(combo[0]) + 1 type2 = unique_types.index(combo[1]) + 1 epsilon = params.nbfix_types[combo][0] # kcal OR lj units rmin = params.nbfix_types[combo][1] # Angstrom OR lj units sigma = rmin / 2 ** (1 / 6) coeffs[(type1, type2)] = ( round(sigma, 8), round(epsilon, 8), ) else: type1 = unique_types.index(combo[0]) + 1 type2 = unique_types.index(combo[1]) + 1 # Might not be necessary to be this explicit if type1 == type2: sigma = sigma_dict[type1] epsilon = epsilon_dict[type1] else: if structure.combining_rule == "lorentz": sigma = (sigma_dict[type1] + sigma_dict[type2]) * 0.5 elif structure.combining_rule == "geometric": sigma = (sigma_dict[type1] * sigma_dict[type2]) ** 0.5 else: raise ValueError( "Only lorentz and geometric combining " "rules are supported" ) epsilon = (epsilon_dict[type1] * epsilon_dict[type2]) ** 0.5 coeffs[(type1, type2)] = ( round(sigma, 8), round(epsilon, 8), ) if nbfix_in_data_file: if pair_coeff_label: data.write("\nPairIJ Coeffs # {}\n".format(pair_coeff_label)) else: data.write("\nPairIJ Coeffs # modified lj\n") data.write("# type1 type2\tepsilon (kcal/mol)\tsigma (Angstrom)\n") for (type1, type2), (sigma, epsilon) in coeffs.items(): data.write( "{0} \t{1} \t{2} \t\t{3}\t\t# {4}\t{5}\n".format( type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, forcefield_dict[type1], forcefield_dict[type2], ) ) else: if pair_coeff_label: data.write("\nPair Coeffs # {}\n".format(pair_coeff_label)) else: data.write("\nPair Coeffs # lj\n") for idx, epsilon in sorted(epsilon_dict.items()): data.write( "{}\t{:.5f}\t{:.5f}\n".format(idx, epsilon, sigma_dict[idx]) ) print("Copy these commands into your input script:\n") print("# type1 type2\tepsilon (kcal/mol)\tsigma (Angstrom)\n") for (type1, type2), (sigma, epsilon) in coeffs.items(): print( "pair_coeff\t{0} \t{1} \t{2} \t\t{3} \t\t# {4} \t{5}".format( type1, type2, epsilon, sigma, forcefield_dict[type1], forcefield_dict[type2], ) ) # Pair coefficients else: if pair_coeff_label: data.write("\nPair Coeffs # {}\n".format(pair_coeff_label)) else: data.write("\nPair Coeffs # lj\n") if unit_style == "real": data.write("#\tepsilon (kcal/mol)\t\tsigma (Angstrom)\n") elif unit_style == "lj": data.write("#\treduced_epsilon \t\treduced_sigma \n") for idx, epsilon in sorted(epsilon_dict.items()): data.write( "{}\t{:.5f}\t\t{:.5f}\t\t# {}\n".format( idx, epsilon, sigma_dict[idx], forcefield_dict[idx] ) ) def _write_bond_information(structure, data, unique_bond_types, unit_style): """Write Bond Coeffs section of lammps data file.""" data.write("\nBond Coeffs # harmonic\n") if unit_style == "real": data.write("#\tk(kcal/mol/angstrom^2)\t\treq(angstrom)\n") elif unit_style == "lj": data.write("#\treduced_k\t\treduced_req\n") sorted_bond_types = { k: v for k, v in sorted(unique_bond_types.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]) } for params, idx in sorted_bond_types.items(): data.write( "{}\t{}\t\t{}\t\t# {}\t{}\n".format( idx, params[0], params[1], params[2][0], params[2][1], ) ) def _write_angle_information( structure, data, unique_angle_types, use_urey_bradleys, unit_style ): """Write Angle Coeffs section of lammps data file.""" sorted_angle_types = { k: v for k, v in sorted(unique_angle_types.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]) } if use_urey_bradleys: data.write("\nAngle Coeffs # charmm\n") data.write( "#\tk(kcal/mol/rad^2)\t\ttheteq(deg)\tk(kcal/mol/angstrom^2)\treq(angstrom)\n" ) for params, idx in sorted_angle_types.items(): data.write("{}\t{}\t{:.5f}\t{:.5f}\t{:.5f}\n".format(idx, *params)) else: data.write("\nAngle Coeffs # harmonic\n") if unit_style == "lj": data.write("#\treduced_k\t\ttheteq(deg)\n") else: data.write("#\tk(kcal/mol/rad^2)\t\ttheteq(deg)\n") for params, idx in sorted_angle_types.items(): data.write( "{}\t{}\t\t{:.5f}\t# {}\t{}\t{}\n".format( idx, params[0], params[1], params[3][0], params[2], params[3][1], ) ) def _write_dihedral_information( structure, data, unique_dihedral_types, unit_style, use_rb_torsions, use_dihedrals, ): """Write Dihedral Coeffs section of lammps data file.""" sorted_dihedral_types = { k: v for k, v in sorted( unique_dihedral_types.items(), key=lambda item: item[1] ) } if use_rb_torsions: data.write("\nDihedral Coeffs # opls\n") if unit_style == "real": data.write( "#\tf1(kcal/mol)\tf2(kcal/mol)\tf3(kcal/mol)\tf4(kcal/mol)\n" ) elif unit_style == "lj": data.write("#\tf1\tf2\tf3\tf4 (all lj reduced units)\n") for params, idx in sorted_dihedral_types.items(): opls_coeffs = RB_to_OPLS( params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], error_if_outside_tolerance=False, ) data.write( "{}\t{:.5f}\t{:.5f}\t\t{:.5f}\t\t{:.5f}\t# {}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format( idx, opls_coeffs[1], opls_coeffs[2], opls_coeffs[3], opls_coeffs[4], params[8], params[9], params[10], params[11], ) ) elif use_dihedrals: data.write("\nDihedral Coeffs # charmm\n") data.write("#k, n, phi, weight\n") for params, idx in sorted_dihedral_types.items(): data.write( "{}\t{:.5f}\t{:d}\t{:.2f}\t{:.5f}\t# {}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format( idx, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[6], params[7], params[8], params[9], ) ) def _write_improper_information( structure, data, unique_improper_types, unit_style ): """Write Impropers Coeffs section of lammps data file.""" sorted_improper_types = { k: v for k, v in sorted( unique_improper_types.items(), key=lambda item: item[1] ) } data.write("\nImproper Coeffs # harmonic\n") data.write("#k, phi\n") for params, idx in sorted_improper_types.items(): data.write( "{}\t{:.5f}\t{:.5f}\t# {}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format( idx, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], ) ) def _write_imp_dihedral_information( structure, data, unique_imp_dihedral_types, unit_style ): """Write Impropers Coeffs section of lammps data file.""" sorted_imp_dihedral_types = { k: v for k, v in sorted( unique_imp_dihedral_types.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], ) } data.write("\nImproper Coeffs # cvff\n") data.write("#K, d, n\n") for params, idx in sorted_imp_dihedral_types.items(): data.write( "{}\t{:.5f}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t# {}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format( idx, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[5], params[6], params[7], params[8], ) )