Source code for mbuild.formats.cassandramcf

"""Cassandra Molecular Connectivity format.

from __future__ import division

import warnings
from math import sqrt

import networkx as nx
import parmed as pmd

__all__ = ["write_mcf"]

[docs] def write_mcf( structure, filename, angle_style, dihedral_style, lj14=None, coul14=None ): """Output a Cassandra molecular connectivity file (MCF). Outputs a Cassandra MCF from a Parmed structure object. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure ParmEd structure object filename : str Path of the output file angle_style : str Type of angles. 'fixed' and 'harmonic' are valid choices dihedral_style : str Type of dihedrals. 'harmonic', 'OPLS', 'CHARMM', and 'none' are valid choices lj14 : float Scaling factor for LJ interactions on 1-4 pairs coul14 : float Scaling factor for Coulombic interactions on 1-4 pairs Notes ----- See for a complete description of the MCF format. """ if not isinstance(structure, pmd.Structure): raise ValueError("MCF writer requires parmed structure.") if not all([a.type for a in structure.atoms]): raise ValueError( "MCF writing not supported without parameterized forcefield." ) # Conversion factors IG_CONSTANT_KCAL = 0.00198720425864083 # kcal/mol*K KCAL_TO_KJ = 4.184 # Check some things before we start writing the MCF # Only will write MCF for Cassandra-supported options if ( angle_style.casefold() != "fixed" and angle_style.casefold() != "harmonic" ): raise ValueError( "Invalid selection for angle_style. Please choose 'fixed' or " "'harmonic'" ) if len(structure.urey_bradleys) > 0: raise ValueError( "Urey bradley terms detected. Cassandra only currently supports " "fixed or harmonic angles." ) if ( dihedral_style.casefold() != "opls" and dihedral_style.casefold() != "charmm" and dihedral_style.casefold() != "none" ): raise ValueError( "Invalid selection for dihedral_style. Please choose 'OPLS', " "'CHARMM', or 'none'" ) if dihedral_style.casefold() != "none": if ( len(structure.rb_torsions) > 0 and dihedral_style.casefold() != "opls" ): raise ValueError( "Dihedral style declared as {} but RB torsions " "found.".format(dihedral_style) ) if ( len(structure.dihedrals) > 0 and dihedral_style.casefold() != "charmm" ): raise ValueError( "Dihedral style declared as {} but charmm-style dihedrals " "found.".format(dihedral_style) ) if len(structure.rb_torsions) > 0 and len(structure.dihedrals) > 0: raise ValueError( "Multiple dihedral styles detected, check your Forcefield XML " "and structure" ) # Identify atoms in rings and Cassandra 'fragments' in_ring, frag_list, frag_conn = _id_rings_fragments(structure) # Infer 1-4 scaling if not specified if coul14 is None: if len(structure.adjusts) > 0: coul14 = structure.adjusts[0].type.chgscale else: coul14 = 0.0 if len(structure.dihedrals) > 0 or len(structure.rb_torsions) > 0: warnings.warn( "Unable to infer coulombic 1-4 scaling factor. Setting to " "{:.1f}".format(coul14) ) if lj14 is None: if len(structure.adjusts) > 0: if ( structure.combining_rule == "geometric" or structure.combining_rule == "lorentz" ): combined_eps_list = [ sqrt(adj.atom1.epsilon * adj.atom2.epsilon) for adj in structure.adjusts ] if all([c_eps == 0 for c_eps in combined_eps_list]): lj14 = 0.0 warnings.warn( "Unable to infer LJ 1-4 scaling factor. Setting to " "{:.1f}".format(lj14) ) else: scaled_eps_list = [ adj.type.epsilon for adj in structure.adjusts ] for i_adj, combined_eps in enumerate(combined_eps_list): if combined_eps != 0: lj14 = scaled_eps_list[i_adj] / combined_eps break else: lj14 = 0.0 warnings.warn( "Unable to infer LJ 1-4 scaling factor. Setting to " "{:.1f}".format(lj14) ) else: lj14 = 0.0 if len(structure.dihedrals) > 0 or len(structure.rb_torsions) > 0: warnings.warn( "Unable to infer LJ 1-4 scaling factor. Setting to " "{:.1f}".format(lj14) ) if coul14 < 0.0 or coul14 > 1.0: raise ValueError( "Unreasonable value {} for coul14 scaling.".format(coul14) ) if lj14 < 0.0 or lj14 > 1.0: raise ValueError("Unreasonable value {} for lj14 scaling.".format(lj14)) # Now we write the MCF file with open(filename, "w") as mcf_file: header = ( "!***************************************" "****************************************\n" "!Molecular connectivity file\n" "!***************************************" "****************************************\n" "!" + filename + " - created by mBuild\n\n" ) mcf_file.write(header) _write_atom_information(mcf_file, structure, in_ring, IG_CONSTANT_KCAL) _write_bond_information(mcf_file, structure) _write_angle_information( mcf_file, structure, angle_style, IG_CONSTANT_KCAL ) _write_dihedral_information( mcf_file, structure, dihedral_style, KCAL_TO_KJ ) _write_improper_information(mcf_file, structure, KCAL_TO_KJ) _write_fragment_information(mcf_file, structure, frag_list, frag_conn) _write_intrascaling_information(mcf_file, lj14, coul14) # That's all, folks! mcf_file.write("\n\nEND\n")
def _id_rings_fragments(structure): """Identify the rings and fragments of the molecule. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure Parmed structure object Returns ------- in_ring : list True for each atom in a ring frag_list : list Atom ids belonging to each fragment frag_conn : list Fragment ids of connected fragments """ # Identify atoms in rings bond_graph = nx.Graph() bond_graph.add_edges_from( [[bond.atom1.idx, bond.atom2.idx] for bond in structure.bonds] ) if len(structure.bonds) == 0: warnings.warn( "No bonds found. Cassandra will interpet this as a rigid species" ) in_ring = [False] * len(structure.atoms) frag_list = [] frag_conn = [] return in_ring, frag_list, frag_conn # Check if entire molecule is connected. Warn if not. if nx.is_connected(bond_graph) == False: raise ValueError( "Not all components of the molecule are connected. MCF files are " "for a single molecule and thus everything should be connected " "through bonds." ) all_rings = nx.cycle_basis(bond_graph) in_ring = [False] * bond_graph.number_of_nodes() adj_to_ring = [False] * bond_graph.number_of_nodes() for ring in all_rings: for idx in ring: in_ring[idx] = True # Identify fragments # See Shah and Maginn, JCP, 135, 134121, 2011, doi:10.1063/1.3644939 frag_list = [] frag_conn = [] # First create a neighbor list for each atom neigh_dict = { i: list(bond_graph.neighbors(i)) for i in range(bond_graph.number_of_nodes()) } # Handle fused/adjoining rings rings_changed = True while rings_changed: rings_changed = False for ring1 in all_rings: if rings_changed: break for ring2 in all_rings: if ring1 == ring2: continue if len(set(ring1) & set(ring2)) > 0: all_rings.remove(ring1) all_rings.remove(ring2) all_rings.append(list(set(ring1 + ring2))) rings_changed = True break # ID fragments which contain a ring for ring in all_rings: adjacentatoms = [] for idx in ring: if len(neigh_dict[idx]) > 2: adjacentatoms.append(list(set(neigh_dict[idx]) - set(ring))) tmp = filter(None, adjacentatoms) adjacentatoms = [x for sublist in tmp for x in sublist] frag_list.append(ring + adjacentatoms) for idx in adjacentatoms: adj_to_ring[idx] = True # Now ID the other fragments for idx in neigh_dict: if len(neigh_dict[idx]) > 1: if in_ring[idx] == True: continue else: frag_list.append([idx] + neigh_dict[idx]) # Now find connectivity (shared bonds) for i in range(len(frag_list)): frag1 = frag_list[i] for j in range(i + 1, len(frag_list)): frag2 = frag_list[j] shared_atoms = list(set(frag1) & set(frag2)) if len(shared_atoms) == 2: frag_conn.append([i, j]) elif len(shared_atoms) > 2: warnings.warn( "Fragments share more than two atoms... something may be " "going awry unless there are fused rings in your system. " "See below for details." ) print("Fragment 1 atoms:") print(frag1) print("Fragment 2 atoms:") print(frag2) return in_ring, frag_list, frag_conn def _write_atom_information(mcf_file, structure, in_ring, IG_CONSTANT_KCAL): """Write the atoms in the system. Parameters ---------- mcf_file : file object The file object of the Cassandra mcf being written structure : parmed.Structure Parmed structure object in_ring : list Boolean for each atom idx True if atom belongs to a ring IG_CONSTANT_KCAL : float Ideal gas constant in kcal/mol K """ elements = [atom.element_name for atom in structure.atoms] types = [atom.type for atom in structure.atoms] masses = [atom.mass for atom in structure.atoms] charges = [atom.charge for atom in structure.atoms] # Convert energy to units of K epsilons = [atom.epsilon / IG_CONSTANT_KCAL for atom in structure.atoms] sigmas = [atom.sigma for atom in structure.atoms] # Check constraints on atom type length and element name length max_element_length = 6 max_atomtype_length = 20 n_unique_elements = len(set(elements)) for element in elements: if len(element) > max_element_length: warnings.warn( "Element name {} will be shortened to {} characters. Please " "confirm your final MCF.".format(element, max_element_length) ) elements = [element[:max_element_length] for element in elements] if len(set(elements)) < n_unique_elements: warnings.warn( "The number of unique elements has been reduced due to shortening " "the element name to {} characters.".format(max_element_length) ) n_unique_types = len(set(types)) for itype in types: if len(itype) > max_atomtype_length: warnings.warn( "Type name {} will be shortened to {} characters as {}. Please " "confirm your final MCF.".format( itype, max_atomtype_length, itype[-max_atomtype_length:] ) ) types = [itype[-max_atomtype_length:] for itype in types] if len(set(types)) < n_unique_types: warnings.warn( "The number of unique atomtypes has been reduced due to shortening " "the atomtype name to {} characters.".format(max_atomtype_length) ) vdw_type = "LJ" header = ( "!Atom Format\n" "!index type element mass charge vdw_type parameters\n" '!vdw_type="LJ", parms=epsilon sigma\n' '!vdw_type="Mie", parms=epsilon sigma ' "repulsion_exponent dispersion_exponent\n" "\n# Atom_Info\n" ) mcf_file.write(header) mcf_file.write("{:d}\n".format(len(structure.atoms))) for i in range(len(structure.atoms)): mcf_file.write( "{:<4d} {:<6s} {:<2s} {:7.3f} {:12.8f} " "{:3s} {:8.5f} {:8.5f}".format( i + 1, types[i], elements[i], masses[i], charges[i], vdw_type, epsilons[i], sigmas[i], ) ) if in_ring[i] == True: mcf_file.write(" ring") mcf_file.write("\n") def _write_bond_information(mcf_file, structure): """Write the bonds in the system. Parameters ---------- mcf_file : file object The file object of the Cassandra mcf being written structure : parmed.Structure Parmed structure object """ bond_parms = [f"{bond.type.req:8.3f}" for bond in structure.bonds] mcf_file.write("\n!Bond Format\n") mcf_file.write( "!index i j type parameters\n" + '!type="fixed", parms=bondLength\n' ) mcf_file.write("\n# Bond_Info\n") mcf_file.write("{:d}\n".format(len(structure.bonds))) for i, bond in enumerate(structure.bonds): mcf_file.write( "{:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:s} {:s}\n".format( i + 1, bond.atom1.idx + 1, bond.atom2.idx + 1, "fixed", bond_parms[i], ) ) def _write_angle_information( mcf_file, structure, angle_style, IG_CONSTANT_KCAL ): """Write the angles in the system. Parameters ---------- mcf_file : file object The file object of the Cassandra mcf being written structure : parmed.Structure Parmed structure object angle_style : string Angle style for Cassandra to use IG_CONSTANT_KCAL : float Ideal gas constant in kcal/mol K """ if angle_style.casefold() == "fixed": angle_parms = [f"{a.type.theteq:8.2f}" for a in structure.angles] elif angle_style.casefold() == "harmonic": # Convert energies to units of K angle_parms = [ f"{a.type.k / IG_CONSTANT_KCAL:8.1f} {a.type.theteq:8.2f}" for a in structure.angles ] else: raise ValueError( "Only 'fixed' and 'harmonic' angle styles are supported by " "Cassandra" ) header = ( "\n!Angle Format\n" "!index i j k type parameters\n" '!type="fixed", parms=equilibrium_angle\n' '!type="harmonic", parms=force_constant equilibrium_angle\n' "\n# Angle_Info\n" ) mcf_file.write(header) mcf_file.write("{:d}\n".format(len(structure.angles))) for i, angle in enumerate(structure.angles): mcf_file.write( "{:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:s} {:s}\n".format( i + 1, angle.atom1.idx + 1, angle.atom2.idx + 1, angle.atom3.idx + 1, angle_style.lower(), angle_parms[i], ) ) def _write_dihedral_information( mcf_file, structure, dihedral_style, KCAL_TO_KJ ): """Write the dihedrals in the system. Parameters ---------- mcf_file : file object The file object of the Cassandra mcf being written structure : parmed.Structure Parmed structure object dihedral_style : string Dihedral style for Cassandra to use KCAL_TO_KJ : float Conversion factor from kcal to kJ """ # Dihedral info header = ( "\n!Dihedral Format\n" "!index i j k l type parameters\n" '!type="none"\n' '!type="CHARMM", parms=a0 a1 delta\n' '!type="OPLS", parms=c0 c1 c2 c3\n' '!type="harmonic", parms=force_constant equilibrium_dihedral\n' "\n# Dihedral_Info\n" ) mcf_file.write(header) if len(structure.dihedrals) > 0 or len(structure.rb_torsions) > 0: if dihedral_style.casefold() == "opls": dihedral_style = dihedral_style.upper() dihedrals = structure.rb_torsions # Two things happen here: # (1) convert from RB form to Cassandra OPLS # (2) convert units from kcal/mol to kJ/mol dihedral_parms = [] for dihedral in dihedrals: a0 = ( dihedral.type.c0 + dihedral.type.c1 + dihedral.type.c2 + dihedral.type.c3 ) a1 = -dihedral.type.c1 - (3.0 / 4.0) * dihedral.type.c3 a2 = (-1.0 / 2.0) * dihedral.type.c2 a3 = (-1.0 / 4.0) * dihedral.type.c3 if not dihedral.type.c4 == 0.0 and dihedral.type.c4 == 0.0: raise ValueError( "Can only convert Ryckaert-Bellemans dihedrals to OPLS " "if c4==0 and c5==0" ) dihedral_parms.append( str("{:8.3f} ".format(a0 * KCAL_TO_KJ)) + str("{:8.3f} ".format(a1 * KCAL_TO_KJ)) + str("{:8.3f} ".format(a2 * KCAL_TO_KJ)) + str("{:8.3f} ".format(a3 * KCAL_TO_KJ)) ) elif dihedral_style.casefold() == "charmm": dihedral_style = dihedral_style.upper() dihedrals = structure.dihedrals dihedral_parms = [ str("{:8.3f} ".format(dihedral.type.phi_k * KCAL_TO_KJ)) + str("{:8.3f} ".format(dihedral.type.per)) + str("{:8.3f}".format(dihedral.type.phase)) for dihedral in dihedrals ] elif dihedral_style.casefold() == "none": warnings.warn( "Dihedral style 'none' selected. Ignoring dihedral parameters" ) dihedral_style = dihedral_style.lower() if structure.dihedrals: dihedrals = structure.dihedrals dihedral_parms = ["" for dihedral in dihedrals] elif structure.rb_torsions: dihedrals = structure.rb_torsions dihedral_parms = ["" for dihedral in dihedrals] else: raise ValueError( "Only 'OPLS', 'CHARMM', and 'none' dihedral styles are " "supported." ) mcf_file.write("{:d}\n".format(len(dihedrals))) for i, dihedral in enumerate(dihedrals): # 2021 Jun 24 Ryan S. DeFever # Removed improper sorting for reproducibility; # The atom order provided in the parmed.Structure # is written to the MCF file. mcf_file.write( "{:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d}" " {:s} {:s}\n".format( i + 1, dihedral.atom1.idx + 1, dihedral.atom2.idx + 1, dihedral.atom3.idx + 1, dihedral.atom4.idx + 1, dihedral_style, dihedral_parms[i], ) ) else: mcf_file.write("0\n") def _write_improper_information(mcf_file, structure, KCAL_TO_KJ): """Write the impropers in the system. Parameters ---------- mcf_file : file object The file object of the Cassandra mcf being written structure : parmed.Structure Parmed structure object KCAL_TO_KJ : float Conversion factor from kcal to kJ """ header = ( "\n!Improper Format\n" "!index i j k l type parameters\n" '!type="harmonic", parms=force_constant equilibrium_improper\n' "\n# Improper_Info\n" ) mcf_file.write(header) mcf_file.write("{:d}\n".format(len(structure.impropers))) improper_type = "harmonic" for i, improper in enumerate(structure.impropers): mcf_file.write( "{:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d}" " {:s} {:8.3f} {:8.3f}\n".format( i + 1, improper.atom1.idx + 1, improper.atom2.idx + 1, improper.atom3.idx + 1, improper.atom4.idx + 1, improper_type, improper.type.psi_k * KCAL_TO_KJ, improper.type.psi_eq, ) ) def _write_fragment_information(mcf_file, structure, frag_list, frag_conn): """Write the fragments in the molecule. Parameters ---------- mcf_file : file object The file object of the Cassandra mcf being written structure : parmed.Structure Parmed structure object frag_list : list Atom ids belonging to each fragment frag_conn : list Fragment ids of connected fragments """ header = ( "\n!Fragment Format\n" "!index number_of_atoms_in_fragment branch_point other_atoms\n" "\n# Fragment_Info\n" ) mcf_file.write(header) # Special cases first if len(frag_list) == 0: if len(structure.atoms) == 1: mcf_file.write("1\n") mcf_file.write("1 1 1\n") elif len(structure.atoms) == 2: mcf_file.write("1\n") mcf_file.write("1 2 1 2\n") else: warnings.warn( "More than two atoms present but no fragments identified." ) mcf_file.write("0\n") else: mcf_file.write("{:d}\n".format(len(frag_list))) for i, frag in enumerate(frag_list): mcf_file.write("{:d} {:d}".format(i + 1, len(frag))) for idx in frag: mcf_file.write(" {:d}".format(idx + 1)) mcf_file.write("\n") mcf_file.write("\n\n# Fragment_Connectivity\n") mcf_file.write("{:d}\n".format(len(frag_conn))) for i, conn in enumerate(frag_conn): mcf_file.write( "{:d} {:d} {:d}\n".format(i + 1, conn[0] + 1, conn[1] + 1) ) def _write_intrascaling_information(mcf_file, lj14, coul14): """Write the intramolecular scaling in the molecule. Parameters ---------- mcf_file : file object The file object of the Cassandra mcf being written lj14 : float The 1-4 scaling parameter for LJ interactions coul14 : float The 1-4 scaling parameter for Coulombic interactions """ header = ( "\n!Intra Scaling\n" "!vdw_scaling 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-N\n" "!charge_scaling 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-N\n" "\n# Intra_Scaling\n" ) mcf_file.write(header) mcf_file.write("0. 0. {:.4f} 1.\n".format(lj14)) mcf_file.write("0. 0. {:.4f} 1.\n".format(coul14))