Source code for mbuild.formats.hoomd_simulation

"""HOOMD simulation format."""

import itertools
import operator
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import parmed as pmd

import mbuild as mb
from mbuild.utils.conversion import RB_to_OPLS
from import import_
from mbuild.utils.sorting import natural_sort

from .hoomd_snapshot import to_hoomdsnapshot

gsd = import_("gsd")
gsd.hoomd = import_("gsd.hoomd")
hoomd = import_("hoomd") = import_("")

[docs] def create_hoomd_simulation( structure, r_cut, ref_distance=1.0, ref_mass=1.0, ref_energy=1.0, auto_scale=False, snapshot_kwargs={}, pppm_kwargs={"Nx": 8, "Ny": 8, "Nz": 8, "order": 4}, init_snap=None, restart=None,, ): """Convert a parametrized pmd.Structure to hoomd.SimulationContext. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure ParmEd Structure object r_cut : float Cutoff radius in simulation units ref_distance : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference distance for unit conversion (from Angstrom) ref_mass : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference mass for unit conversion (from Dalton) ref_energy : float, optional, default=1.0 Reference energy for unit conversion (from kcal/mol) auto_scale : bool, optional, default=False Scale to reduced units by automatically using the largest sigma value as ref_distance, largest mass value as ref_mass, and largest epsilon value as ref_energy snapshot_kwargs : dict Kwargs to pass to to_hoomdsnapshot pppm_kwargs : dict Kwargs to pass to hoomd's pppm function init_snap :, optional, default=None Initial snapshot to which to add the ParmEd structure object (useful for rigid bodies) restart : str, optional, default=None Path to the gsd file from which to restart the simulation. Note: It is assumed that the ParmEd structure and the system in restart.gsd contain the same types. The ParmEd structure is still used to initialize the forces, but restart.gsd is used to initialize the system state (e.g., particle positions, momenta, etc). nlist :, Type of neighborlist to use, see for more information. Returns ------- hoomd_objects : list List of hoomd objects created during conversion ReferenceValues : namedtuple Values used in scaling Note ---- While the hoomd objects are returned, the hoomd.SimulationContext is accessible via `hoomd.context.current`. If you pass a non-parametrized pmd.Structure, you will not have angle, dihedral, or force field information. You may be better off creating a hoomd.Snapshot. Reference units should be expected to convert parmed Structure units: --- angstroms, kcal/mol, and daltons """ if isinstance(structure, mb.Compound): raise ValueError( "You passed mb.Compound to create_hoomd_simulation, there will be " "no angles, dihedrals, or force field parameters. Please use " "hoomd_snapshot.to_hoomdsnapshot to create a hoomd.Snapshot, then " "create your own hoomd context and pass your hoomd.Snapshot to " "hoomd.init.read_snapshot()" ) elif not isinstance(structure, pmd.Structure): raise ValueError( "Please pass a parmed.Structure to create_hoomd_simulation" ) _check_hoomd_version() version_numbers = _check_hoomd_version() if float(version_numbers[0]) >= 3: raise RuntimeError("This method does not support HOOMD-blue v3.x.") hoomd_objects = [] # Potential adaptation for Hoomd v3 API if auto_scale: if not all([i == 1 for i in (ref_distance, ref_energy, ref_mass)]): warnings.warn( "Autoscale option selected--provided reference values will not " "be used." ) pair_coeffs = list( set((a.type, a.epsilon, a.sigma) for a in structure.atoms) ) ref_mass = max([atom.mass for atom in structure.atoms]) ref_energy = max(pair_coeffs, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] ref_distance = max(pair_coeffs, key=operator.itemgetter(2))[2] ReferenceValues = namedtuple("ref_values", ["distance", "mass", "energy"]) ref_values = ReferenceValues(ref_distance, ref_mass, ref_energy) if not hoomd.context.current: hoomd.context.initialize("") if restart is None: snapshot, _ = to_hoomdsnapshot( structure, ref_distance=ref_distance, ref_mass=ref_mass, ref_energy=ref_energy, **snapshot_kwargs, hoomd_snapshot=init_snap, ) hoomd_objects.append(snapshot) hoomd_system = hoomd.init.read_snapshot(snapshot) hoomd_objects.append(hoomd_system) else: with as f: snapshot = f[-1] hoomd_objects.append(snapshot) hoomd_system = hoomd.init.read_gsd(restart, restart=restart) hoomd_objects.append(hoomd_system) print("Simulation initialized from restart file") nl = nlist() nl.reset_exclusions(exclusions=["1-2", "1-3"]) hoomd_objects.append(nl) if structure.atoms[0].type != "": print("Processing LJ and QQ") lj = _init_hoomd_lj( structure, nl, r_cut, ref_distance=ref_distance, ref_energy=ref_energy, ) qq = _init_hoomd_qq(structure, nl, r_cut, **pppm_kwargs) hoomd_objects.append(lj) hoomd_objects.append(qq) if structure.adjusts: print("Processing 1-4 interactions, adjusting neighborlist exclusions") lj_14, qq_14 = _init_hoomd_14_pairs( structure, nl, r_cut, ref_distance=ref_distance, ref_energy=ref_energy, ) hoomd_objects.append(lj_14) hoomd_objects.append(qq_14) if structure.bond_types: print("Processing harmonic bonds") harmonic_bond = _init_hoomd_bonds( structure, ref_distance=ref_distance, ref_energy=ref_energy ) hoomd_objects.append(harmonic_bond) if structure.angle_types: print("Processing harmonic angles") harmonic_angle = _init_hoomd_angles(structure, ref_energy=ref_energy) hoomd_objects.append(harmonic_angle) if structure.dihedral_types: print("Processing periodic torsions") periodic_torsions = _init_hoomd_dihedrals( structure, ref_energy=ref_energy ) hoomd_objects.append(periodic_torsions) if structure.rb_torsion_types: print("Processing RB torsions") rb_torsions = _init_hoomd_rb_torsions(structure, ref_energy=ref_energy) hoomd_objects.append(rb_torsions) print("HOOMD SimulationContext updated from ParmEd Structure") return hoomd_objects, ref_values
def _init_hoomd_lj(structure, nl, r_cut, ref_distance=1.0, ref_energy=1.0): """LJ parameters.""" # Identify the unique atom types before setting atom_type_params = {} for atom in structure.atoms: if atom.type not in atom_type_params: atom_type_params[atom.type] = atom.atom_type # Set the hoomd parameters for self-interactions lj =, nl) for name, atom_type in atom_type_params.items(): lj.pair_coeff.set( name, name, sigma=atom_type.sigma / ref_distance, epsilon=atom_type.epsilon / ref_energy, ) if atom_type.epsilon / ref_energy == 0: lj.pair_coeff.set(name, name, r_cut=0) # Cross interactions, mixing rules, NBfixes all_atomtypes = sorted(atom_type_params.keys()) for a1, a2 in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(all_atomtypes, 2): nb_fix_info = atom_type_params[a1].nbfix.get(a2, None) # nb_fix_info = (rmin, eps, rmin14, eps14) if nb_fix_info is None: # No nbfix means use mixing rule to find cross-interaction if structure.combining_rule == "lorentz": sigma = ( atom_type_params[a1].sigma + atom_type_params[a2].sigma ) / (2 * ref_distance) epsilon = ( ( atom_type_params[a1].epsilon * atom_type_params[a2].epsilon ) / ref_energy**2 ) ** 0.5 elif structure.combining_rule == "geometric": sigma = ( (atom_type_params[a1].sigma * atom_type_params[a2].sigma) / ref_distance**2 ) ** 0.5 epsilon = ( ( atom_type_params[a1].epsilon * atom_type_params[a2].epsilon ) / ref_energy**2 ) ** 0.5 else: raise ValueError( f"Mixing rule {structure.combining_rule} not supported, " "use lorentz" ) else: # If we have nbfix info, use it sigma = nb_fix_info[0] / (ref_distance * (2 ** (1 / 6))) epsilon = nb_fix_info[1] / ref_energy lj.pair_coeff.set(a1, a2, sigma=sigma, epsilon=epsilon) if epsilon == 0: lj.pair_coeff.set(a1, a2, r_cut=0) return lj def _init_hoomd_qq(structure, nl, r_cut, Nx=1, Ny=1, Nz=1, order=4): """Charge interactions.""" charged = if len(charged) == 0: print("No charged groups found, ignoring electrostatics") return None else: qq =, nl) qq.set_params(Nx, Ny, Nz, order, r_cut) return qq def _init_hoomd_14_pairs( structure, nl, r_cut, ref_distance=1.0, ref_energy=1.0 ): """Special_pairs to handle 14 scalings. See discussion:!topic/hoomd-users/ iZ9WCpHczg0 """ # Update neighborlist to exclude 1-4 interactions, # but impose a special_pair force to handle these pairs nl.exclusions.append("1-4") if hoomd.context.current.system_definition.getPairData().getN() == 0: print("No 1,4 pairs found in hoomd snapshot") return None, None lj_14 = qq_14 = params_14 = {} # Identify unique 14 scalings for adjust in structure.adjusts: t1 = adjust.atom1.type t2 = adjust.atom2.type ps = "-".join(sorted([t1, t2])) if ps not in params_14: params_14[ps] = adjust.type for name, adjust_type in params_14.items(): lj_14.pair_coeff.set( name, sigma=adjust_type.sigma / ref_distance, # The adjust epsilon already carries the scaling epsilon=adjust_type.epsilon / ref_energy, # Do NOT use hoomd's alpha to modify any LJ terms alpha=1, r_cut=r_cut, ) qq_14.pair_coeff.set(name, alpha=adjust_type.chgscale, r_cut=r_cut) return lj_14, qq_14 def _init_hoomd_bonds(structure, ref_distance=1.0, ref_energy=1.0): """Harmonic bonds.""" # Identify the unique bond types before setting bond_type_params = {} for bond in structure.bonds: t1, t2 = bond.atom1.type, bond.atom2.type t1, t2 = sorted([t1, t2], key=natural_sort) if t1 != "" and t2 != "": bond_type = "-".join((t1, t2)) if bond_type not in bond_type_params: bond_type_params[bond_type] = bond.type # Set the hoomd parameters harmonic_bond = for name, bond_type in bond_type_params.items(): # A (paramerized) parmed structure with no bondtype # is because of constraints if bond_type is None: print("Bond with no bondtype detected, setting coefficients to 0") harmonic_bond.bond_coeff.set(name, k=0, r0=0) else: harmonic_bond.bond_coeff.set( name, k=2 * bond_type.k * ref_distance**2 / ref_energy, r0=bond_type.req / ref_distance, ) return harmonic_bond def _init_hoomd_angles(structure, ref_energy=1.0): """Harmonic angles.""" # Identify the unique angle types before setting angle_type_params = {} for angle in structure.angles: t1, t2, t3 = angle.atom1.type, angle.atom2.type, angle.atom3.type t1, t3 = sorted([t1, t3], key=natural_sort) angle_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3)) if angle_type not in angle_type_params: angle_type_params[angle_type] = angle.type # set the hoomd parameters harmonic_angle = for name, angle_type in angle_type_params.items(): harmonic_angle.angle_coeff.set( name, t0=np.deg2rad(angle_type.theteq), k=2 * angle_type.k / ref_energy, ) return harmonic_angle def _init_hoomd_dihedrals(structure, ref_energy=1.0): """Periodic dihedrals (dubbed harmonic dihedrals in HOOMD).""" # Identify the unique dihedral types before setting # need Hoomd 2.8.0 to use proper dihedral implemtnation # from this PR version_numbers = _check_hoomd_version() if float(version_numbers[0]) < 2 or float(version_numbers[1]) < 8: from mbuild.exceptions import MBuildError raise MBuildError("Please upgrade Hoomd to at least 2.8.0") dihedral_type_params = {} for dihedral in structure.dihedrals: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) if dihedral_type not in dihedral_type_params: if isinstance(dihedral.type, pmd.DihedralType): dihedral_type_params[dihedral_type] = dihedral.type elif isinstance(dihedral.type, pmd.DihedralTypeList): if len(dihedral.type) > 1: warnings.warn( "Multiple dihedral types detected for single dihedral, " "will ignore all except first dihedral type. First " "dihedral type: {}".format(dihedral.type[0]) ) dihedral_type_params[dihedral_type] = dihedral.type[0] # Set the hoomd parameters # These are periodic torsions periodic_torsion = for name, dihedral_type in dihedral_type_params.items(): periodic_torsion.dihedral_coeff.set( name, k=2 * dihedral_type.phi_k / ref_energy, d=1, n=dihedral_type.per, phi_0=np.deg2rad(dihedral_type.phase), ) return periodic_torsion def _init_hoomd_rb_torsions(structure, ref_energy=1.0): """RB dihedrals (implemented as OPLS dihedrals in HOOMD).""" # Identify the unique dihedral types before setting dihedral_type_params = {} for dihedral in structure.rb_torsions: t1, t2 = dihedral.atom1.type, dihedral.atom2.type t3, t4 = dihedral.atom3.type, dihedral.atom4.type if [t2, t3] == sorted([t2, t3], key=natural_sort): dihedral_type = "-".join((t1, t2, t3, t4)) else: dihedral_type = "-".join((t4, t3, t2, t1)) if dihedral_type not in dihedral_type_params: dihedral_type_params[dihedral_type] = dihedral.type # Set the hoomd parameter rb_torsion = for name, dihedral_type in dihedral_type_params.items(): F_coeffs = RB_to_OPLS( dihedral_type.c0 / ref_energy, dihedral_type.c1 / ref_energy, dihedral_type.c2 / ref_energy, dihedral_type.c3 / ref_energy, dihedral_type.c4 / ref_energy, dihedral_type.c5 / ref_energy, error_if_outside_tolerance=False, ) rb_torsion.dihedral_coeff.set( name, k1=F_coeffs[1], k2=F_coeffs[2], k3=F_coeffs[3], k4=F_coeffs[4] ) return rb_torsion def _check_hoomd_version(): version = hoomd.__version__ version_numbers = version.split(".") return version_numbers