Source code for mbuild.lattice

"""mBuild lattice module for working with crystalline systems."""

import itertools as it
import pathlib
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from ele.element import element_from_name, element_from_symbol
from ele.exceptions import ElementError

import mbuild as mb
from import import_

__all__ = ["load_cif", "Lattice"]

def load_cif(file_or_path=None, wrap_coords=False):
    """Load a CifFile object into an mbuild.Lattice.

    wrap_coords : bool, False
        Wrap the lattice points back into the 0-1 acceptable coordinates.

    garnett = import_("garnett")

    assert isinstance(file_or_path, (str, pathlib.Path))
    cif_location = pathlib.Path(file_or_path)

    reader = garnett.reader.CifFileReader()
    with open(cif_location.absolute(), "r") as cif_file:
        my_cif =

        # only need the first frame, not used as a trajectory
        frame = my_cif[0]

        # convert angstroms to nanometers
        lattice_spacing = (
            np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(, axis=1)
            / 10

        # create lattice_points dictionary
        position_dict = defaultdict(list)
        for elem_id, coords in zip(
            frame.typeid, frame.cif_coordinates.tolist()
            if wrap_coords:
                for i, pos in enumerate(coords):
                    if 0 > pos > -1:
                        coords[i] = coords[i] + 1
                    elif 1 < pos < 2:
                        coords[i] = coords[i] - 1
        box_vectors = np.asarray(
        return Lattice(

[docs] class Lattice(object): """Develop crystal structure from user defined inputs. Lattice, the abstract building block of a crystal cell. Once defined by the user, the lattice can then be populated with Compounds and replicated as many cell lengths desired in 3D space. A Lattice is defined through the Bravais lattice definitions. With edge vectors a1, a2, a3; lattice spacing a,b,c; and lattice points at unique fractional positions between 0-1 in 3 dimensions. This encapsulates distance, area, volume, depending on the parameters defined. Parameters ---------- lattice_spacing : array-like, shape=(3,), required, dtype=float Array of lattice spacings a,b,c for the cell. lattice_vectors : array-like, shape=(3, 3), optional, default=None, Vectors that encase the unit cell corresponding to dimension. Will only default to these values if no angles were defined as well. If None is given, assumes an identity matrix [[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]] lattice_points : dictionary, shape={'id': [[nested list of positions]] optional, default={'default': [[0.,0.,0.]]} Locations of all lattice points in cell using fractional coordinates. angles : array-like, shape=(3,), optional, dtype=float Array of inter-planar Bravais angles in degrees. Attributes ---------- dimension : int, 3 Default dimensionality within mBuild. If choosing a lower dimension, pad the relevant arrays with zeroes. lattice_spacing : numpy array, shape=(3,), required, dtype=float Array of lattice spacings a,b,c for the cell. lattice_vectors : numpy array, shape=(3, 3), optional default=[[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]] Vectors that encase the unit cell corresponding to dimension. Will only default to these values if no angles were defined as well. lattice_points : dictionary, shape={'id': [[nested list of positions]] optional, default={'default': [[0.,0.,0.]]} Locations of all lattice points in cell using fractional coordinates. angles : numpy array, shape=(3,), optional, dtype=float Array of inter-planar Bravais angles Examples -------- Generating a triclinic lattice for cholesterol. >>> import mbuild as mb >>> from import get_fn >>> # reading in the lattice parameters for crystalline cholesterol >>> angle_values = [94.64, 90.67, 96.32] >>> spacing = [1.4172, 3.4209, 1.0481] >>> basis = {'cholesterol':[[0., 0., 0.]]} >>> cholesterol_lattice = mb.Lattice(spacing, ... angles=angle_values, ... lattice_points=basis) >>> >>> # The lattice based on the bravais lattice parameters of crystalline >>> # cholesterol was generated. >>> >>> # Replicating the triclinic unit cell out 3 replications >>> # in x,y,z directions. >>> >>> cholesterol_unit = mb.Compound() >>> cholesterol_unit = mb.load(get_fn('cholesterol.pdb')) >>> # associate basis vector with id 'cholesterol' to cholesterol Compound >>> basis_dictionary = {'cholesterol' : cholesterol_unit} >>> expanded_cell = cholesterol_lattice.populate(x=3, y=3, z=3, ... compound_dict=basis_dictionary) The unit cell of cholesterol was associated with a Compound that contains the connectivity data and spatial arrangements of a cholesterol molecule. The unit cell was then expanded out in x,y,z directions and cholesterol Compounds were populated. Generating BCC CsCl crystal structure >>> import mbuild as mb >>> chlorine = mb.Compound(name='Cl') >>> # angles not needed, when not provided, defaults to 90,90,90 >>> cesium = mb.Compound(name='Cs') >>> spacing = [.4123, .4123, .4123] >>> basis = {'Cl' : [[0., 0., 0.]], 'Cs' : [[.5, .5, .5]]} >>> cscl_lattice = mb.Lattice(spacing, lattice_points=basis) >>> >>> # Now associate id with Compounds for lattice points and replicate 3x >>> >>> cscl_dict = {'Cl' : chlorine, 'Cs' : cesium} >>> cscl_compound = cscl_lattice.populate(x=3, y=3, z=3, ... compound_dict=cscl_dict) A multi-Compound basis was created and replicated. For each unique basis atom position, a separate entry must be completed for the basis_atom input. Generating FCC Copper cell with lattice_vectors instead of angles >>> import mbuild as mb >>> copper = mb.Compound(name='Cu') >>> lattice_vector = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] >>> spacing = [.36149, .36149, .36149] >>> copper_locations = [[0., 0., 0.], [.5, .5, 0.], ... [.5, 0., .5], [0., .5, .5]] >>> basis = {'Cu' : copper_locations} >>> copper_lattice = mb.Lattice(lattice_spacing = spacing, ... lattice_vectors=lattice_vector, ... lattice_points=basis) >>> copper_dict = {'Cu' : copper} >>> copper_pillar = copper_lattice.populate(x=3, y=3, z=20, ... compound_dict=copper_dict) Generating the 2d Structure Graphene carbon backbone >>> import mbuild as mb >>> carbon = mb.Compound(name='C') >>> angles = [90, 90, 120] >>> carbon_locations = [[0, 0, 0], [2/3, 1/3, 0]] >>> basis = {'C' : carbon_locations} >>> graphene = mb.Lattice(lattice_spacing=[.2456, .2456, 0], ... angles=angles, lattice_points=basis) >>> carbon_dict = {'C' : carbon} >>> graphene_cell = graphene.populate(compound_dict=carbon_dict, ... x=3, y=3, z=1) """ def __init__( self, lattice_spacing=None, lattice_vectors=None, lattice_points=None, angles=None, ): super(Lattice, self).__init__() self.dimension = 3 self.lattice_spacing = None self.lattice_vectors = None self.lattice_points = dict() self.angles = None self._sanitize_inputs( lattice_spacing=lattice_spacing, lattice_vectors=lattice_vectors, lattice_points=lattice_points, angles=angles, ) def _sanitize_inputs( self, lattice_spacing, lattice_vectors, lattice_points, angles ): """Check for proper inputs and set instance attributes. Takes the data passed to the constructor by the user and ensures that the data is correctly formatted and then sets its instance attributes. This method checks that dimensionality is maintained, the unit cell is right handed, the area or volume of the unit cell is positive and non-zero for 2D and 3D respectively, lattice spacing are provided, basis vectors do not overlap when the unit cell is expanded. Raises ------ TypeError incorrect typing of the input parameters ValueError values are not within restrictions """ if angles is not None and lattice_vectors is not None: raise ValueError( "Overdefined system: angles and lattice_vectors " "provided. Only one of these should be passed." ) self._validate_lattice_spacing(lattice_spacing) if angles is not None: self._validate_angles(angles) self.lattice_vectors = self._from_lattice_parameters(self.angles) else: self._validate_lattice_vectors(lattice_vectors) self.angles = self._from_lattice_vectors() self._validate_lattice_points(lattice_points) def _validate_lattice_spacing(self, lattice_spacing): """Ensure that lattice spacing is provided and correct. Ensures that the lattice spacing provided are acceptable values. Additional NumPy errors can also occur due to the conversion to a numpy array. Raises ------ ValueError Incorrect lattice_spacing input """ dataType = np.float64 if lattice_spacing is not None: lattice_spacing = np.asarray(lattice_spacing, dtype=dataType) lattice_spacing = lattice_spacing.reshape((3,)) if np.shape(lattice_spacing) != (self.dimension,): raise ValueError( "Lattice spacing should be a vector of size:({},). Please " "include lattice spacing of size >= 0 depending on desired " "dimensionality.".format(self.dimension) ) else: raise ValueError( "No lattice_spacing provided. Please provide lattice spacing's " "that are >= 0. with size ({},)".format((self.dimension)) ) if np.any(np.isnan(lattice_spacing)): raise ValueError( "None type or NaN type values present in lattice_spacing: " "{}.".format(lattice_spacing) ) elif np.any(lattice_spacing < 0.0): raise ValueError( "Negative lattice spacing value. One of the spacing: {} is " "negative.".format(lattice_spacing) ) self.lattice_spacing = lattice_spacing def _validate_angles(self, angles): """Ensure that the angles between the lattice_vectors are correct. Ensures that the angles input has an appropriate array size and each components is in an acceptatble range. Additional NumPy errors can also occur due to the conversion to a numpy array. Raises ------ ValueError Incorrect angles input """ dataType = np.float64 tempAngles = np.asarray(angles, dtype=dataType) tempAngles = tempAngles.reshape((3,)) if np.shape(tempAngles) == (self.dimension,): if np.sum(tempAngles) < 360.0 or np.sum(tempAngles) > -360.0: if np.all(tempAngles != 180.0) and np.all(tempAngles != 0.0): pass else: raise ValueError("Angles cannot be 180.0 or 0.0") else: raise ValueError( "Angles sum: {} is either greater than 360.0 or less than " "-360.0".format(np.sum(tempAngles)) ) for subset in it.permutations(tempAngles, r=self.dimension): if not subset[0] < np.sum(tempAngles) - subset[0]: raise ValueError( "Each angle provided must be less than the sum of the " "other angles. {} is greater.".format(subset[0]) ) else: raise ValueError( "Incorrect array size. When converted to a Numpy array, the " "shape is: {}, expected {}.".format(np.shape(tempAngles), (3,)) ) self.angles = tempAngles def _validate_lattice_vectors(self, lattice_vectors): """Ensure that the lattice_vectors are reasonable inputs. Makes sure that the provided lattice_vectors input has the correct array size and their determinants have appropriate values. Additional NumPy errors can also occur due to the conversion to a numpy array. Raises ------ ValueError Incorrect lattice_vectors input """ dataType = np.float64 if lattice_vectors is None: lattice_vectors = np.identity(self.dimension, dtype=dataType) else: lattice_vectors = np.asarray(lattice_vectors, dtype=dataType) if (self.dimension, self.dimension) != np.shape(lattice_vectors): raise ValueError( "Dimensionality of lattice_vectors is of shape {} not " "{}.".format( np.shape(lattice_vectors), (self.dimension, self.dimension), ) ) det = np.linalg.det(lattice_vectors) if abs(det) == 0.0: raise ValueError( "Co-linear vectors: {} have a determinant of 0.0. Does not " "define a unit cell.".format(lattice_vectors) ) if det <= 0.0: raise ValueError( "Negative Determinant: the determinant of {} is negative, " "indicating a left-handed system.".format(det) ) self.lattice_vectors = lattice_vectors def _validate_lattice_points(self, lattice_points): """Ensure that lattice_points are reasonable inputs. Makes sure that the provided lattice_points are appropriate, specifically, making sure that the positions are consistent with the dimension and have appropriate input types/values. Raises ------ ValueError Incorrect lattice_poins input """ if lattice_points is None: lattice_points = {} lattice_points = {"id": [[0.0 for _ in range(self.dimension)]]} elif isinstance(lattice_points, dict): pass else: raise TypeError( "Incorrect type, lattice_points is of type {}, Expected " "dict.".format(type(lattice_points)) ) for name, positions in lattice_points.items(): for pos in positions: if len(pos) != self.dimension: raise ValueError( "Incorrect lattice point position size. lattice point " "{} has location {}, which is inconsistent with the " "dimension {}.".format(name, pos, self.dimension) ) if pos is None: raise ValueError( "NoneType passed, expected float. None was passed in " "as position for {}.".format(name) ) for coord in pos: if (coord is None) or (0 > coord) or (coord >= 1): raise ValueError( "Incorrect lattice point fractional coordinates. " "Coordinates cannot be None, greater than or equal " "to one, or negative. You passed {}.".format(coord) ) self.lattice_points = self._check_for_overlap(lattice_points) def _check_for_overlap(self, lattice_points): """Check for overlapping lattice. Makes sure the lattice_points do not overlap when the unit cell get expanded to certain extent. Raises ------ ValueError Incorrect lattice_points input """ overlap_dict = defaultdict(list) num_iter = 3 dim = self.dimension for name, positions in lattice_points.items(): for pos in positions: for offsets in it.product(range(num_iter), repeat=dim): offset_vector = tuple( (v + offset for v, offset in zip(pos, offsets)) ) overlap_dict[offset_vector].append((pos)) for key, val in overlap_dict.items(): if len(val) > 1: raise ValueError( "Overlapping lattice points: Lattice points overlap when " "the unit cell is expanded to {}. This is an incorrect " "perfect lattice. The offending points are: {}".format( key, val ) ) return lattice_points def _from_lattice_parameters(self, angles): """Convert Bravais lattice parameters to lattice vectors. Generate the lattice vectors based on the parameters necessary to build a Bravais Lattice. The lattice vectors are in the lower diagonal matrix form. This was adapted from the ASE lattice parameter code. S. R. Bahn and K. W. Jacobsen An object-oriented scripting interface to a legacy electronic structure code Comput. Sci. Eng., Vol. 4, 56-66, 2002 Parameters ---------- angles : list-like, required Angles of bravais lattice. """ dataType = np.float64 (alpha, beta, gamma) = angles cosa = np.cos(np.deg2rad(alpha)) cosb = np.cos(np.deg2rad(beta)) sinb = np.sin(np.deg2rad(beta)) cosg = np.cos(np.deg2rad(gamma)) sing = np.sin(np.deg2rad(gamma)) matCoef_y = (cosa - cosb * cosg) / sing matCoef_z = np.power(sinb, 2, dtype=dataType) - np.power( matCoef_y, 2, dtype=dataType ) if matCoef_z > 0.0: matCoef_z = np.sqrt(matCoef_z) else: raise ValueError( "Incorrect lattice vector coefficients. Lattice parameters " "chosen return a non-positive z vector." ) lattice_vec = [[1, 0, 0], [cosg, sing, 0], [cosb, matCoef_y, matCoef_z]] return np.asarray(lattice_vec, dtype=np.float64) def _from_lattice_vectors(self): """Calculate the angles between the vectors that define the lattice. Calculates the angles alpha, beta, and gamma from the Lattice object attribute lattice_vectors. """ vector_magnitudes = np.linalg.norm(self.lattice_vectors, axis=1) a_dot_b =[0], self.lattice_vectors[1]) b_dot_c =[1], self.lattice_vectors[2]) a_dot_c =[0], self.lattice_vectors[2]) alpha_raw = b_dot_c / (vector_magnitudes[1] * vector_magnitudes[2]) beta_raw = a_dot_c / (vector_magnitudes[0] * vector_magnitudes[2]) gamma_raw = a_dot_b / (vector_magnitudes[0] * vector_magnitudes[1]) alpha = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.clip(alpha_raw, -1.0, 1.0))) beta = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.clip(beta_raw, -1.0, 1.0))) gamma = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.clip(gamma_raw, -1.0, 1.0))) return np.asarray([alpha, beta, gamma], dtype=np.float64) def _sanitize_populate_args(self, x, y, z): error_dict = {0: "X", 1: "Y", 2: "Z"} # Make sure neither x, y, z input is None if None in [x, y, z]: raise ValueError( "Attempt to replicate None times. None is not an acceptable " "replication amount, 1 is the default." ) # Try to convert x, y, and z to int, raise a ValueError if fail try: x = int(x) y = int(y) z = int(z) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError( "Cannot convert replication amounts into integers. x= {}, " "y= {}, z= {} needs to be an int.".format(x, y, z) ) for replication_amount, index in zip([x, y, z], range(3)): if replication_amount < 1: raise ValueError( "Incorrect populate value: {} : {} is < 1. ".format( error_dict[index], replication_amount ) ) return x, y, z
[docs] def populate(self, compound_dict=None, x=1, y=1, z=1): """Expand lattice and create compound from lattice. Expands lattice based on user input. The user must also pass in a dictionary that contains the keys that exist in the basis_dict. The corresponding Compound will be the full lattice returned to the user. If no dictionary is passed to the user, Dummy Compounds will be used. Parameters ---------- x : int, optional, default=1 How many iterations in the x direction. y : int, optional, default=1 How many iterations in the y direction. z : int, optional, default=1 How many iterations in the z direction. compound_dict : dictionary, optional, default=None Link between basis_dict and Compounds. Raises ------ ValueError incorrect x,y, or z values. TypeError incorrect type for basis vector Notes ----- Called after constructor by user. """ x, y, z = self._sanitize_populate_args(x=x, y=y, z=z) if (isinstance(compound_dict, dict)) or (compound_dict is None): pass else: raise TypeError( "Compound dictionary is not a dict. {} was passed.".format( type(compound_dict) ) ) cell = defaultdict(list) [a, b, c] = self.lattice_spacing transform_mat = self.lattice_vectors # Unit vectors transform_mat = np.asarray(transform_mat, dtype=np.float64) transform_mat = np.reshape(transform_mat, newshape=(3, 3)) norms = np.linalg.norm(transform_mat, axis=1) # Normalized vectors for change of basis unit_vecs = np.divide(transform_mat.transpose(), norms) # Generate new coordinates for key, locations in self.lattice_points.items(): for coords in locations: for replication in it.product(range(x), range(y), range(z)): new_coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=np.float64) new_coords = np.reshape(new_coords, (1, 3), order="C") new_coords[0][0] = new_coords[0][0] + replication[0] new_coords[0][1] = new_coords[0][1] + replication[1] new_coords[0][2] = new_coords[0][2] + replication[2] # Change of basis to cartesian new_coords =, new_coords.transpose()) new_coords[0] = new_coords[0] * a new_coords[1] = new_coords[1] * b new_coords[2] = new_coords[2] * c new_coords = np.reshape(new_coords, (1, 3), order="C") tuple_of_coords = tuple(new_coords.flatten()) cell[key].append(tuple_of_coords) ret_lattice = mb.Compound() # Create (clone) a mb.Compound for the newly generate positions elementsSet = set() if compound_dict is None: for key_id, all_pos in cell.items(): for idElement in [element_from_symbol, element_from_name]: try: # populate element info if it's there element = idElement(key_id) elementsSet.add(element) break except ElementError: element = None particle = mb.Compound( name=key_id, pos=[0, 0, 0], element=element ) for pos in all_pos: particle_to_add = mb.clone(particle) particle_to_add.translate_to(list(pos)) ret_lattice.add(particle_to_add) else: for key_id, all_pos in cell.items(): if isinstance(compound_dict[key_id], mb.Compound): compound_to_move = compound_dict[key_id] for pos in all_pos: tmp_comp = mb.clone(compound_to_move) tmp_comp.translate_to(list(pos)) ret_lattice.add(tmp_comp) else: err_type = type(compound_dict.get(key_id)) raise TypeError( "Invalid type in provided Compound dictionary. For key " "{}, type: {} was provided, not Compound.".format( key_id, err_type ) ) # Raise warnings about assumed elements for element in elementsSet: warnings.warn( f"Element assumed from cif file to be {element}.", UserWarning ) # Create = mb.Box( lengths=[a * x, b * y, c * z], angles=self.angles ) # if coordinates are below a certain threshold, set to 0 tolerance = 1e-12 ret_lattice.xyz_with_ports[ret_lattice.xyz_with_ports <= tolerance] = ( 0.0 ) return ret_lattice